
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Friday June 3rd 2016

A. Clean . Clean &  Jerk; 1. 1&1 every 90s x 6-8 sets (start @70% and build) -- Drop first Clean From shoulders and rest :10 before clean and jerk --- don't build max out
B. Back Squat; build to a 1RM
rest no more than 3 minutes after max attempt
C. Back Squat, max reps @ 85% of part B+
4 rounds for quality: 
100m Farmer Carry- 32kg/arm / 24kg/arm
15 GHD sit ups 
20 Minute Run/bike/row @70% 


  1. Cj, 160/180/190/190/205/205
    Bs, 285 / 240-6reps still not confident with my knee after accident, Hurt a little bit

    4rds - 15:55 did ghd controlled tempo

  2. A. 225
    B. 305
    C. 8 @ 260
    D. So much quality
