
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wednesday July 1, 2015-

15 Minute AMRAP:
1 Mile Run
Assault Bike for cals in remaining time
Rest 7m
x3 Sets @Base Pace
*Wear HR monitor/ record data if possible. 

HPA - Power 
Snatch mod + Jerk intense + EMOM MAP High %'s
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 85% RM x 7 sets, 1:40 min
B. Split Jerk cluster, build to 1.1 with :10 rest b/t singles
C. EMOM for 10 mins:
1st min - 15 Thrusters @ 100lb/70lb
2nd min - 18 Pullups  

Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday June 30, 2015-

A. Push Press @31x2; 2-3x5, rest 2m
B1. Bench Press; 20 reps, rest 20s
B2. Bent Over Double Arm KB Row, 10-12, rest 20s
B3. AMRAP UB Strict Pullups, rest 2:30 x4 sets
3 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Ring Dip + 15s Ring Support w/ external rotation
:60 Rest
15-20 Incline Rear Delt Flyes
:60 Rest
20 Minutes of targeted mobility, Z1, etc. 

HPA - Power 
Mixed MAP sets (short int/large volume)
10 sets @ high effort:
3-4 UB ring muscle-ups
6 box jumps - 24"/20"
8 kbs - 32kg/24kg
6 cals Assault
90 sec b/t sets
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday June 29, 2015-

A. Power Snatch; 1 OTM until failure- start @60%, add 10lb/set
B. BS; AMRAP(-1) @70%, rest 3m x5 sets
C. Stiff Legged DL; 8-12x5, rest 2m
:10 Assault Bike @100%
:50 Rest
x7 Sets
3 Sets:
AMRAP (-1) Strict hanging Leg raises
AMRAP (-1) Strict Hanging Knee raises
Rest as needed 

HPA - Power 
Snatch intense + FSq int + Press + Upper CP Battery
A. OHS, max
B. Front Squat, 1 rep @ 89-92% RM per min for 3 mins
C. Push Press @ 22X2, 2-2-2, 4 min - start @ weight heavy enough that you would be unable to strict press but light enough that you can control downward
D. 20 rounds for time:
2 MU's

Friday, June 26, 2015

Saturday June 27, 2015-

:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Slow spin
x30 sets 

HPA - Power 
For time:
250m Row
15 KBS - 32kg/24kg
25 Burpees
15 KBS - 32kg/24kg
Row 250m
*Goal for Male competitive athletes is sub 4 minutes*
rest 10 min
For time:
Strict Pullups
Strict Ring Dips
*If unable to do more than 10 unbroken strict Pullups than scale to ring rows
*If unable to do more than 10 unbroken strict ring dips than scale to push ups 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Friday June 26, 2015-

A. Front Squat; 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 2-3m
B. Clean Pull. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.2.3; bulild to a tough set
40m Grinding Sled Push (heavy)
Rest 1 Min
x3-5 Sets
For Time:
UB C2B Pullups
25 UB DU's b/w each rung 

HPA - Power
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set w/ :10 b/t singles
B. Power Clean . Squat Clean Thruster . Split jerk, work to tough set (T&G Squat Clean from power clean)
C. Above knee hang power Clean . Push Jerk, 3.3 every 2 minute x 6 sets (205lb/145lb)
**If you have to scale weight, the weight that you chose should be no more than 80% of part B)
7 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 175m
rest 3min
10 min recovery row  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Wednesday June 24, 2015-

1 Mile Run @85%
Rest = 1/2 Work
x3 sets

10k Row @65% 

A. Clean grip Deadlift, work to a tough set of 5
B. Drop to 85-90% of A for 5 reps x 3 sets, rest 2-3 min 
C. Push Press 3.3.3 x 3 sets, rest:20 rest 3 min 
10 Rounds for time:
30 double unders

5 strict HSPU ( no dificit)  

HPA - Power 
Snatch mod + Jerk intense + EMOM MAP High %'s
A. "Slow Pull" Squat Snatch (:03 pull), 1 rep @ 80% RM x 9 sets, 1:20 min
B. BTN Split Jerk, build to a tough-ish single
C. EMOM for 12 mins:
1st min - 10-12 OHS @ 125lb/85lb (2 sets or less)
2nd min - 12-15 C2B Pullups (2 sets or less) 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Tuesday June 23, 2015-

A. Push Jerk. Split Jerk; 2.1x5, rest 15s/2m
B1. CGBP; 2.2x6, rest 20s/90s
B2. Weight Strict C2B; 2.2.2x6, rest 20s/90s
For Time:
15 Strict HSPU
400m Run
2 Legless Rope Climb
Rest 2m
x4 sets

5 sets @ high effort:
Row 200m 
15 wall ball 20# to 10 ft 
12 pull up 
9 push up 
12 KBS 32kg 
15 box jump over 24"
Row 200m 
rest 3 min in between  ea set 

HPA - Power 
10 sets @ high effort:
50ft shuttle run x 2
7 chest to bar
10 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
3 burpees to 6" OH
60 sec b/t sets
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Monday June 22, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @115, add 10lb / minute
B. BS; 4x6, resg 2-3m
C. Snatch Grip RDL; 4-6x4, rest 2m
:07 Assault Bike @100%
:53 Slow Spin
x10 Sets
30-50 Strict Hanging Leg Raises (Not for time)

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, work to a single
B. Front Squat, work to a single
C. Standing Strict Press, AMRAP 75% RM x 3 sets, 4-5 min
D. 6,5,4,3,2,1 unbroken for time:
Ring Muscle-ups
Bar Muscle-ups
(Perform all unbroken sets of ring MU before moving onto Bar MUs. Sub for Bar MU is CTB x2)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Saturday June 20, 2015-

5k Run For Time
20-30 Minutes of targeted mobility & skill work 

HPA - Power
8 rounds for time:
2 Ring Muscle ups
8 KB swings (32kg/24kg)
rest 10 min
30 minute @ moderate effort:
1K Row
5-10 UB Strict Pullups
400m Run
10-15 UB Strict Push ups

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Friday June 19, 2015-

A. Clean; build to a tough single
B. Front Squat @21x1; 4-5x5, rest 2-3m
C1. 15 Heavy Russian Swings; rest 20s
C2. Seated Box Jump Cluster; 1.1.1x3, rest 2:30 x3 sets
For Time:
30 Muscle Ups (AMRAP UB to start)
*Post two scores: max UB and total time

A. Back squat, work to a tough set of 3
B. Drop to 90% of A for 3 reps x 3 sets, rest 3 min 
C. Power clean, work to a max
D. 10 min AMRAP:
5 burpee muscle ups
40 double under

HPA - Power  
A. Above knne hang Squat snatch . Below knee Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 - work to tough set without dropping bar
B. Squat Clean . Front Squat . Split jerk, work to tough set
C. Squat Clean . Front Squat . Split jerk, @ about 70% of part B every :60 x 6 sets
8 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 150m
rest 2m30
10 min recovery row 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wednesday June 17, 2015-

For TIme @80-85% Effort
1k Row
2 Mile Airyne
400m Run
60m Bear Crawl
Rest 5-7m
x3 Sets 

HPA - Power 
A. Halting Snatch DL . "Slow Pull" Squat Snatch. 1.1 x 8 sets rest 1m20 (use about 65-70%RM-)
B. Split Jerk, build to a max
C. EMOM for 15 mins:
1st - 5 touch n go Clean and Jerk @ 135lb/95lb
2nd - 10 Burpees to 6" OH
3rd - 10-15 C2B Pullups

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tuesday June 16, 2015-

A. Push Press. Push Jerk; build to a tough set of 1.3
B1. CGBP; 4x6, rest 20s/90s
B2. Pendlay Row; 6x6, rest 90s
4 Sets:
:60 Rest
15 Strict C2B Pullup For TIme
:60 Rest
20 Minute Z1 Airyne- get up every 5 min and complete a 20m DB OHC/ arm

10 sets @ high effort:
1 rope climb to 15'
10 box jump over 24" 
1 rope climb to 15'
10 cal airbike 
rest 75 seconds  b/t sets 

HPA - Power 
10 sets @ high effort:
9 kbs - 32kg/24kg
5 burpees to 6" oh
9 air squats
5 toes to bar
45 sec b/t sets
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Monday June 15, 2015-

A. Slow Pull Squat Snatch; 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2m (3s to mid thigh)
B. BS; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/2m
C. Wtd. Back Extension; 8-12x3, rest 2m
:08 second Assault Bike @100%
:52 slow spin
x5 Sets *Record max wattage/ set
:20 Prowler Sprint @95% (moderate load)
1:40 Rest
x5 Sets
15-20 Minute Z1 Row, Bike, Run

HPA - Power
A. Touch n go Squat Snatch, build to a 2 RM
B. Front Squat @ 50X1, build to a tough single
C. Standing Strict Press @ 20X0, 2-2-1-1, 2-3 min
D. For time:
15 Standing Strict Press @ 125lb/85lb
10 Bar Muscle-ups
12 Standing Strict Press @ 125lb/85lb
10 Bar Muscle-ups
9 Standing Strict Press @ 125lb/85lb 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Saturday June 13, 2015-

5 Minute AMRAP @base pace
400m Run
15 KBS @1.5kg
20 Burpee
15 KBS @1.5kg
Rest 5m x2
5 Minute AMRAP @base pace
500m Row
15 BJ Step Down @24"
20 Situps
15 Wall Ball Slams @20#
Rest 5m x2 Sets
10 Sets:
:60 AIrdyne @base pace
:60 Rest

5 min AMRAP @ 90%
10 cal airbike 
10 KBS 32/24kg 
10 burpee box jump 24/20"
rest 5 min 

10 min AMRAP @ 85%
21 cal row 
15 box jump over 24/20"
9 ring dip
rest 10 min 

15 min @ moderate pace 
400m run 
4x25 unbroken reps double under 
20 cal airbike 
4 x 25 unbroken reps double under

HPA - Power 
1000m row
50 Thrusters @ 45lb
30 Pullups
rest 10 min
30 minute @ moderate effort:
500m Row
100ft bear crawl
10 Push ups
10 burpees
25 Anchored strict sit-ups 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Friday June 12, 2015-

A. Clean. Hang Clean. FS; 1.1.1x5; rest 2-3m (no drop)
B. FS @21x1; 5x5; rest 3m
C. Slow Pull Snatch Pull; 2x5, rest 90s (4s to mid thigh, then extend)
5 Sets:
5 UB PS @95#
10 C2B Pullups
30 DU's
5 Kip Defecit HSPU @6"
Walk/rest 2m b/w sets

*Record time for each set 
*Complete sets 2/4 in reverse order 


A. Back Squat , work to a tough set of 5
B. Drop to 90% of A for 5 reps x 3 sets
C. Above knee hang clean. Clean, work to a challenging set 
D. 400m farmers carry for  quality 32/24kg in each hand 

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch . Above knne hang Squat snatch . High Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1.1 - work to tough set withou dropping bar
B. Power Clean . Above knee Hang Power Clean . Above knee Hang Squat Clean . Front Squat . Split Jerk, -- work to tough set
C. Power Clean . Above knee Hang Power clean . above knee hang squat clean . front squat . split jerk, 1 set every :90 x 5 sets (use about 70-75% of part B)
9 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 125m
rest 2 min
10 min recovery row

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wednesday June 10, 2015-

60 Minute Running Clock:
For Time @85%
1600m Run
60m Bear Crawl
15 Alt Step Ups @30"
15 Situps
Rest until 20:00
2,500m Row @85%
Rest until 40:00
10 Min AD @85%

A. Push Press. Push Jerk, work to a tough set
B. Deadlift, Build to a tough single 
C. Drop to 92-95% of B for 2 reps x 3 sets,r est 2 min 
D. 30 burpee muscle ups for time 

HPA - Power 
A. Halting Snatch DL . Snatch Pull . ABove knne hang Snatch high pull, 1.1.1 x 8 sets rest 1m20 (use about 65-70%RM)
B. BTN Split Jerk, build to a max
C. Complete 1 round per min @ high effort for 7 mins:
3 MU's
6 Box Jumps - 30"/24" - no rebounding
7 min rest
Complete 1 round per min @ high effort for 7 mins:
5 Thrusters @ 125lb/85lb
8-10 unbroken Pullups

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday June 9, 2015-

A1. Bench Cluster; 2.2.2x5; rest 20s/2m
A2. Pendlay Row; 6x5; rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 Strict Press @ 65% 1RM
10 Strict C2B Pullups
Rest 2m b/w sets 

*Record time/set. Take note of rep partitioning scheme 
3-4 Sets:
100m UB Farmer Carry (AHAP)
Rest 60s b/w sets 


Every 5 min completen 1 round for 30 min 
Row 500m 
12 Pull up 
9 Hand release push up 

HPA - Power 
Complete 1 set every 3 minutes x 10 sets
5 burpees onto 24" /20"
5 kbs - 32kg/24kg
5 goblet squat - 32kg/24kg
100m row
20 du's
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday June 8, 2015-

A. Snatch; build to a max
B. Reactive Clean; 8 moderate singles; rest 90s (recieve the bar right below parallel, then shoot right up)
C. BS @21x1; 3.3x5; rest 20s/3m
D. BB Walking lunge; 16-20 steps x3; rest 2m
4k Row @Z1- low damper setting

HPA- Power 
Snatch intense + FSq int + Press + Upper CP Battery
A. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, 2-3 min - drop bar & rest :10 b/t cluster
B. Front Squat @ 22X1, build to tough 2 rep
C. Standing Btn Strict Press @ 21X1, 3-3-2-2, 3 min (go up in weight each set)
D. 3 rds for time:
10 Kipping HSPU to 10" Depth
3 Rope Climbs to 15ft
**No Rope, sub with 15 CTB Pullups**

Friday, June 5, 2015

Saturday June 6, 2015-

A1. Wtd. Dip; 3-5x5, rest 90s
A2. Pendlay Row; 6-10x5, rest 90s
For Time:
50 Strict HSPU (max 30" width)
6 Sets Sets:
500m Row @85%
Walk/ rest 2m

3 min AMRAP:
Strict HSPU
rest 5 min 
5 min AMRAP:
Burpee Ring Muscle ups

Rest 5 min 
Run 100m @ 90% 

rest :30 x 8 sets
Run 200m @ 90% 

rest 1 min x 4  sets 
Run 400m @ 90%
rest 1:30 x 2 sets

HPA - Power 
short tester + upper body endurance
A. Thruster (take from floor), work to moderately heavy triple
B. "Fran"
For time:
thrusters @ 95lb/65lb
rest 10 min
5 sets:
30 sec AMRAP Push-ups
30 sec rest
12-15 tough Ring Rows
30 sec rest
10 GHD sit ups
30 sec rest 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Friday June 5, 2015-

A. Clean & Jerk; 1.2 every 90s x6-8 sets (start @70% and build(
B. Back Squat; build to a 1RM, then max reps x1 set @85%
For Quality:
400m Farmer Carry- 32kg/arm
*Focus on retracting shoulders/ belly breathing.
20-30 Minute Run @70% 

A. Back Squat, work to a tough single 
B. Hang clean 2,2,2,1,1,1 rest 2 min 
100m single arm KB carry x 10 sets ( 5/ arm) rest 1 min between 32kg 
10 min moderate row 

HPA - Power
A. Paused Squat Snatch ( Full :02 pause below knee), work to challenging single
B. Power Clean . Squat Clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 (drop power clean from shoulders), work to challenging single
C. Power Clean . above knee hang squat clean . push jerk . split jerk, -- perform 1 set every 2 minutes @ 75% of part B x 5 sets
10 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 100m
rest 1m30
10 min recovery row

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wednesday June 3, 2015-

10 Minute Assault Bike- max cals
Rest 7 Min (exact rest)
10 Minute Assault Bike- max cals

-Record scores on both pieces/ combined scores.
-Note if your using AD or AB
-Note limitng factors 


A. Power Clean. Push Press, work to a tough single 
B. Clean Grip Deadlift 2,2,2,1,1,1 rest 2 min 
C. 10 Burpee ring muscle ups for time,rest 3 min x 3 sets 
D. 10-15 tough ring row , rest 90 seconds x 3 sets 

HPA - Power 
Snatch Pull - Jerk Int - EMOM
A. Halting Snatch DL . Snatch Pull, 1.1 x 10 sets rest 1m20 (use 85%RM) -- reset b/t sets .. refer to catalyst athletics for Halting Snatch DL form
B. Push press. Push Jerk, 2.2 -- work to max without dropping bar
C. Complete 1 round per min @ high effort for 7 mins:
5 Thrusters @ 95lbs/65lb
5 C2B Pullups
7 min rest
Complete 1 round per min @ high effort for 7 mins:
4 power clean @ 155lb/115lb
4 lateral barbell burpees 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tuesday June 2, 2015-

A. Strict Press; build to a 1RM
5 Sets:
Max UB S2OH @85% "A"
:90 Rest
2 Tough WPU
:90 Rest
For Time:
50 Strict C2B Pullups 

Every 10 min start a round for 3 sets:
30 unbroken Wall ball 20/14 to 10/9 

500m row 

HPA  - Power 
Mixed MAP sets (short int/large volume)
10 sets on a 2 minute interval:
4 alternating db power snatch @ 75lbs/45lb
5 burpees to 6" OH
5 wall balls - 20# to 12 ft (14lb to 10ft)
6 box jumps - 24"/20"
*Mix and Match sets at least 5 different ways*
*All times do not need to be put in notes, however notes should be explained for which order of movements may have been more difficult than others* i.e -- "When I did Burpees before my DB power snatches, i found it harder to get through the snatches because my breathing was elevated"