
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Monday September 1, 2014:

A. Snatch; 1.1.1x5; rest 10s/2m
B. FS @31x1' 3-5x6; rest 2-3m
4 Sets:
20m OH Walking Lunge (95/65#)
15 C2B Pullups
10 Burpee Over the Bar
Walk/ Rest 2:30 b/w sets

Every 4 Min for 20 Min (5 total sets)
100ft Prowler Sprint
100ft Shuttle Sprint (100ft out, and back)
*Go all out on the sprint. We want a high turnover and poweroutput here.
*Same weight as last week on prowlers.

HPA- Blue
A. High Hang Clean(pockets). Above Knee Hang Clean 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 2 min ( dont drop the bar between)
B1.Back Squat @ 31X1,3-5 reps, rest 2 min
B2.Weighted Supinated chin ups @ 21X1, 3-5 reps , rest 2 min x 5 sets
C. Build to a heavy single TGU on each arm
D. Drop to 90% of C and complete 7/7 slow and steady 

HPA - Grid
snatch (int) - squat(mod) UB strength (vert)
A. T&G Squat Snatch, build to 3 rep
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 80%RM x 5 sets rest 2-3min
C1. Push Press, 2-2-1-1 rest 2 min
C2. Weighted Pronated Chin up @ 30X0, 3-4 reps rest 2 min
D. Trap 3 raises @ 3010, 8-10 reps x 3 sets rest :45 bw arms  

Friday, August 29, 2014

Saturday August 30, 2014:

10 Minute AMRAP @80-85%
50 cal Airdyne
25m x4 Shuttle Run (there and back =1)
13 Burpee
Rest 10m
8 Minute AMRAP @80-85%
40 cal Airdyne
20m Walking Lunge
10 T2B
Rest 8m
6 Minute AMRAP @80-85%
30 cal Airdyne
15 KBS (1.5/1)
7 Hand Release Pushups

500m row @ 2k PR pace
rest 2 min x 8 sets
rest 8-10 min btwn sets 4 & 5 

HPA Grid 
Sat - Snatch tech - gymn EMOM - :30/:30 x5
Squat Snatch . Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 @ 55-60%RM x 8 sets rest 1 min
EMOM for 10 min:
1st min: 3-4 Unbroken Bar Muscle ups
2nd minute: 25 ft Unbroken Handstand Walk
**This should be moderate effort, scale reps or distance if it is too much effort**
5 sets @ 90%:
:30 Box Jump overs @ 24/20"
:30 rest
:30 Power snatces @ 75lb/45lb
:30 rest
:30 Burpee over barbell
:30 rest

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Friday August 29, 2014:

A. Clean; 1.1.1x5; rest 10s/2m
B. BS; [3.3]x5; rest 20s/2m
C. Seated DB Press; 8-10x3; rest 60s
For Time:
10 S2OH @75% max Jerk
15 Alt DB Snatch @70/50
20 Burpee Box Jump (30/24")
25 C2B Pullups
30 DU's

HPA- Blue
A. Snatch 1.1 x 5 sets, rest :10/ 2 min
B1. RDL @ 3111 4-6 reps, rest 90 seconds
B2.Bench Press @ 21X1,4-6 reps, rest 90s seconds x 5 sets
4 sets @ moderate Pace:
100m Single arm Farmers Carry (R arm for 50m then switch to L arm)
3 perfect Wall walks
3/3 TGU @ 53/35*
* use moderate load , shouldnt be a grinder 

C&J (int) - Fsquat (mod) - UB stength (hor)
A. T & G Power Clean to Overhead, find tough 3 rep (no pause or re-dip between power clean and jerk)
B. Front Squat @ 20X1, find tough set of 4 reps
C1. Pendlay Row @ 22X0,4 reps x 4 sets rest 1m30
C2. CGBP @ 20X1, 4 reps x 4 sets rest 1m30

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wednesday August 27, 2014:

A1. Bench Press Cluster; @21x1; [2.2.2]x5; rest 10s/2m
A2. Pendlay Row @21x1; 6-8x5; rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 UB Strict Press- moderate load
10 UB Strict Pullups
Rest 2m
*Post load on press/ # of pullups complete to comments.

HPA- Blue
5 Min AMRAP @ 80%
400m run (buy in) 
10 KBS (53/35)
10 Burpee ( No jump at the top)
rest 5 min x 2 sets
5 min AMRAP @ 80%
400m run (buy in)
10 Wall Ball
20 double unders
rest 5 min x 2 sets
* keep the efforts consistent and at 80%

HPA - Grid 
Snatch pull - Jerk skill - Short gymn tester
A. Halting Snatch DL . Snatch Pull, 1.1 @ 95%RM x 5 sets rest 2-3min
B. Split Jerk, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1 min (2's @ 55-60%RM, 1s @ 60-65%RM)
For time:
18 Muscle ups
36 Handstand push ups
10 min Z1 row 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Tuesday August 26, 2014:

6 Minute Running Clock:
1,000m Row
AMRAP in remaining time of....
15 KBS (1.5/1)
15 Burpee
Rest 6m x2 Sets
10 Minute Intermission
6 Minute Running Clock:
800m Run
AMRAP in remaining time of....
15 Wall Ball Slams (20/14#)
15 Box Jump step down (24"/20")
Rest 6m x2 Sets

HPA Blue
A. Split Jerk. BTN Split Jerk, OTM for 10 min @ 65%-70% 1RM B. Barbell strict Press 6,6,4,4,2 rest 2 min + 4 sets ALL OUT: :30 burpee to 6” touch :30 row rest 3-4 min x 4 sets 
HPA - Grid Mixed Modal Conditioning - high %
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
50 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls @ 20lb / 14lb
--3 min rest
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Chin ups
10 Box Jump Over @ 24" / 20"
--3 min rest
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
5 Power snatch @ 115lb / 80lb (scale to touch and go weight if needed)
Run 100m
rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP @ 90%
50 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls @ 20lb / 14lb
--3 min rest
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Chin ups
10 Box Jump Over @ 24"
--3 min rest
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
5 Power snatch @ 115lb / 80lb
Run 100m

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monday August 25, 2014:

A. 1 Snatch OTM until failure- start @115/80, add 10# per minute
B. FS @31x1; 4-6x5; rest 2-3m
C1. BB Walking Lunge; 6/6x4; rest 2m
C2. WPU @21x1; AMRAP UB @25/10#; rest 2m x4 sets (if you hit less than 4 reps on set 1 scale the weight down)

100ft Prowler Sprint
Rest 2m x5 sets
*Pick a weight that allows for high turnover. Warm up well for this 

A. Hang Clean. Front Squat 2.1 x 5 sets, rest :10/2 min
B1. Back Squat @ 31X1, 4-6 reps, rest 90 seconds
B2. Pendlay Row @ 21X2, 4-6 reps, rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
C. Incline Trap 3 raise @ 2020, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 60 seconds

HPA - Grid 
Snatch (int) - squat (mod) - UB strength (vert)
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, build to max set ( rest :10 bw reps)
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 reps @ 75%RM x 5 sets rest 3 min
C1. Push press, 3-3-2-2 rest 2 min
C2. Weighted Pronated Chin-up @ 30X0,4-6 reps x 4 sets rest 2 min
D. Dumbbell Ext Rotations @ 3010, 8-10 reps x 3 sets rest :45 bw arms  

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sunday August 24, 2014: Case Study (Pt. 1)

Today we are delving into the case study/ design logistics for HPA-Gold (next week we will discuss Blue). 

Based on the initial testing phase we have compiled the following data...

Structural Balance:
BS:FS- Slight Front Squat Priority 
BS:PC- Power Clean Priority 
BS:Sn- Snatch Priority 
FS:Clean- Balanced 
Press:WPU- Balanced
*Indication- Group is stronger than fast and UB Push/Pull absolute strength is poor relative to squatting ability/ bodyweight. 

CP-Battery/ Neuromuscular Efficiency
NME Test- 5 reps 
*Indication- moderate NME score. This is neither good nor bad; it is simply an reference point/indicator for what type of strength protocols will work best for the group as a whole.

8 Minute AMAP: PC @90%- 20 reps (range = 14-26)
*Indication- As a whole the group has a poor CP-Battery. 

5 RFT BJ/PCJ- 7:29 
*Indication- CP-Battery in a mixed setting is comparatively better than in a single modality setting, but still needs overall improvement/ further development. 

Gymnastic Density/ Muscular Endurance 
UB C2B Pullups- 19 reps
UB Kip HSPU- 22
UB  Strict HSPU- 15 reps 
*Indications- Muscular endurance (gymnastic specific) needs development. 

50 BS For Time- 3:23 average (2:42-4:10 range)
*Indication- Muscular endurance (specific to Low-load squatting) will not be a priority in this first cycle. 

50 Kipping HSPU FT- 4:34 average (3:58-5:07 range)
*Indication- as previously stated, gymnastic specific muscular endurance will be a priority. Not only do we need to get the UB stronger/ increase the # of reps that can be performed UB; we also need to create sustainability within these characteristics. 

30 Muscle Ups: 8:06 avg (6:13-10:05 range)
Indication- Based on comments from the group it seems there may be some technical deficiencies. We will implement video review here to correct that, but for now this is not a major priority. 

Regional Rope Climb WOD- 10:01 average (9:53-10:12 range)
*Indication- Time cap for regionals was 7:00 here. Since the focus for this group is in fact regionals we ideally need this score to be a bit faster. However, it gives us a good comparison being that we already established this testing characteristic as a weakness/priority (ie- we can see where we are as a group relative to where we need to be). 

5 Min C2B/Burpee- 3 rounds+14 reps/ avg (3+7 to 4rd range)
*Indication- this is solely for test/retest purposes. Ie- it is a relative test rather than one used to get an absolute score.

5 Min DU's: 256 average (251-265 range)
*Indication- group is proficient with DU's. No issues here. 

Energy System Testing
Repeat #1- 5:19 average (4:22-6:29 range)
Repeat #2- 5:44 average (4:22-7:54 range)
*Indication- absolute power potential is low for the group (even for those on the low range). This will be a priority moving forward, as will aerobic base development (which will help create sustainability between efforts even with incomplete recovery). 

Power Clean/Burpee Repeatability Test:
Repeat #1- 3:51 avg (3:08-4:53 range)
Repeat #2- 4:18 avg (3:12-5:54 range)
*Indication- Same as the above test. 

2,000m Row- 7:15.5/avg (6:57-7:34 range)
1,600m Run- 6:22/avg (5:53-6:51 range)
*Indication- as a group aerobic power is more developed than anaerobic, though it still needs further development. Ideally we want the average for the 2k sub 7:00, and the Run sub 6:00 (atleast). 

10 Rounds For Time: 500m Row/15 Burpee
29:02 (only one data point)
*Indication- We only have one data point here (one athlete responded), which will create a big skew. If we were to go by this one point alone I would saw the group as a whole is VERY well developed aerobically. However, this athlete had the fastest times on other tests so they are not indicative of the group. I have correlative data for the other test results and this, so I would put the average for this group at around 32:00-35:00 minutes for this test. That being said, developing an aerobic base via sub maximal work will be a priority. 

-In terms of structural balance points the priority for the group will be getting olympic liftings maxes as well as UB push/Pull absolute strength up (note- this isn't to say we will not continue trying to get squat maxes up. It is simply an indication of where the priority lies). 
-The avatar for the group is "Stronger than Fast" (this is determined by the relationship between BS/FS/Clean/Snatch Maxes, absolute power potential, and CP-Battery). As such, absolute speed/ speed strength work will be strategically used to reach a balance point. 
-As a group muscular endurance (UB/ Gymnastic specific) needs development. Increasing absolute strength on these movements will be a foundational element of this (as it will serve as a base), but specific Rx's also need to be put into place (in a non-fatigued format). 
-NME is moderate, which will dictate Rx's used within CP (strength) work. 
-CP-Battery is poor. Specific Rx's will be used accordingly for improvement (as well as will speed-strength development). 
-As a group absolute power potential is low.
-Group is more enduring than powerful on an absolute scale. However, on a relative scale for aerobic development they are more powerful than enduring. 

-UB Push/Pull Absolute Strength & Olympic Lifting Maxes
-Muscular Endurance & CP-Battery
-A-Lactic Power (10-20s time domain)
-Aerobic Base Development 

Initial Training Split (4-6 week cycle):
Snatch Intense/ Battery
Front Squat Moderate 
UB Gymnastic Pulling Strength/ Single Leg CP

Short End Power (Cyclical Modalities)

Aerobic Power (Cyclical Modalities + low tension movements)

UB Push/ Pull Absolute Strength
UB Push/Pull Muscular Endurance 

Clean Intense/ Battery
BS Moderate/ Intense
UB Gymnastic Pushing Strength
CP-Battery/ Grinders

Mixed Aerobic Work 

***Post all questions, comments, or concerns to the comments section below***

Friday, August 22, 2014

Saturday August 23, 2014:

10 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 Box Jump Step Down (24/20)
10 T2B
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Minute Rest
10 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
60m Bear Crawl
7/7 Alt DB Snatch (50/35#)

500m Row @2k PR pace
rest 2m x7 sets

HPA - Grid 
Snatch tech - gymn EMOM - :30/:30 x5
Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 @ 55-60%RM x 8 sets rest 1 min (rest :10bw clusters)
EMOM for 10 min:
1st min: 3-4 Unbroken Muscle ups
2nd minute: 3-4 Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push ups @ 8" Deficit
5 sets @ 90%:
:30 Double Unders
:30 rest
:30 OH squats @ 95lb/65lb
:30 rest
:30 KB swings @ 32Kg/24Kg
:30 rest

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Friday August 22, 2014:

A. Power Clean. Hang Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m (drop between reps)
B. Deadlift Cluster; [2.2.2]x4; rest 20s/2m
OTM for 10 Minutes:
E: 3 Push Jerks (start moderate, then build)
O: 1-4 Muscle Ups *

*If 30 MU for time score is...
10m(+) so 1-2 reps
8-10m do 2-3 reps
6-8m do 4 reps 
sub 6m so 4-6 reps 

A. Snatch; 1.1.1x5; rest 10s/2m
B1. TnG DL; 6-8x4; rest 90s (moderate effort, no grinding reps)
B2. Bench Press @31x1; 8-10x4; rest 90s
C. Turkish Getup; 20 perfect reps (10/arm)- not for time

HPA - Grid 
C&J (int) - Fsquat (mod) - UB stength (hor) A. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough single  NOT A MAX
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk, @ 75-80%RM of C&J- perform 1 rep per min for 5 mins
(This should be moderately challenging however there should be no chance of failing reps)
C. Front Squat @ 20X1, build to tough 5 rep with in 4-5 sets
D1. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 1m30
D2. CGBP @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 1m30 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wednesday August 20, 2014:

A1. Bench Press Cluster; [3.3.3]x4; rest 10s/90s
A2. AMRAP UB Strict Pullup; rest 90s x4 sets
B1. Pendlay Row; 8-10x4; rest 90s
B2. AMRAP UB Ring Pushups; rest 90s x4 sets
C. Powell Raise @2020; 8-10x4; rest 60s b/w arms

For Time @80-85%
400m Run
7/7 DB Snatch (40/25#)
15 BJ Step Down (24/20")
15 Situps
60m Bear Crawl
Rest = work x4 sets
*Do sets 2&4 in reverse order

Snatch Pull-jerk skill- short gymnastic tester 
A) Halting Snatch DL . Snatch Pull, 1.1 @ 90%RM x 6 sets rest 1m30-2min
B) Split Jerk, 3-3-2-2-1-1 rest 1m30-2min
(3's @ 50%RM, 2's @ 55%RM, 1's @ 60%RM)
For time:
Kipping Handstand push ups
CTB Pullups  

Monday, August 18, 2014

Tuesday August 19, 2014:

500m Row @2k PR pace 
Rest 2m x4 sets
5 Minute Intermission
4 Sets:
15 Burpees
400m Run
15 Situps
Rest = work
*Do sets 2/4 in reverse order. This should be sustainable work. Aim for consistency from round to round.

A. Split Jerk; 1 OTM until failure- start @135/95 and add 10lb per minute
B. Strict Press; 8-8-6-6-4; rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 Burpee Over the Rower AFAP
:20 Row Sprint
Rest/walk 2-3m b/w sets

HPA - Grid 
Mixed modal conditioning - High% (3/3)
3 min @ 90%:
5 C2B Chin-ups
10 OH squats @ 65lb/45lb
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%
5 Burpees over bar
50 DU's
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%
5 Toes to bar
10 Dbell thrusters @ 30lb/20lb

rest 10 min 

3 min @ 90%:
5 C2B Chin-ups
10 OH squats @ 65lb/45lb
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%
5 Burpees over bar
50 DU's
--3 min rest
3 min @ 90%
5 Toes to bar
10 Dbell thrusters @ 30lb/20lb

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Monday August 18, 2014:

A. Power Snatch; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2m (drop/ reset between reps)
B1. BS @31x1; 6-8x4; rest 90s
B2. WPU @21x1; 4-6x4; rest 90s
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes (5 sets total)
5 TnG Power Cleans @115/85#
100m Sprint- All out

A. Power Clean. Hang Clean. Clean; 1.1.1x5; rest 10s b/w reps/ 2m between sets 
B1. BS @31x1; 6-8x4; rest 90s 
B2. SA DB Row @21x1; 10-12x4; rest 90s
C. Powell Raise @2020; 8-10x3; rest 60s b/w arms 

HPA - Grid 
Mon - Snatch (int) - squat (mod) - UB strength (vert)
A. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 2-2-1-1, 3 min (doubles are to be done with out dropping the bar)
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 70% RM x 5 sets, 3 min
C1. Push Press @ 11X1, 4-4-2-2, 2 min
C2. Weighted Pronated Chin-up @ 30X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
D. Trap 3 Raises @ 3010, 8-10 reps x 3 sets rest :45 bw arms  

**Along with weights used and feelings of energy on the day, please include limiting factors in all movements. i.e: Overhead Mob issue on Snatch, Hip mob issue on bsquat, Back Squat sets were brutally hard instead of moderate effort etc. **  

Quick Announcement- We have updated the FAQ section which should clear up any confusion regarding the notation on the workouts etc. If you have any questions that are not answered within the FAQ let us know (we will constantly be updating it in order to make it as inclusive as possible). Thanks- HPA

Sunday August 17, 2014: Weekly Recap

With the final day of testing behind us it is time to look forward to what will come. But, before we do so we'd like to thank everyone one last time for giving the program a shot.

Tomorrow marks the start of the first official training cycles for HPA Gold, Blue, and Grid
The priorities for each group will be reflective of the data collected in these past two weeks, as well as the goal for each group moving forward. That being said, we will still continue to review everyones results daily to ensure you all get the correct training response/ and progresses as needed needed moving forward. 

If you are wondering what the priorities for each group are/ what the direction each will take moving forward.... We are currently in the process of writing up the case studies for each group. These will all be posted next sunday. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime though feel free to ask in the comments section or shoot us an email. 

We look forward to working with you all!

High Performance Athlete 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Saturday August 16, 2014

HPA Gold
10 Rounds For Time:
1 Legless Rope Climb
100ft Shuttle run (50ft out/back)
*10 min time cap
5 Minute Rest
5 Minute AMRAP:
5 UB C2B Pullups
15 Burpee to 6" touch

HPA blue
For Time:
Deficit HSPU ( 9"/6")
Rope Climb
* perform the rope climbs between each set of HSPU , finishing the test on 3 HSPU
rest 10 min
10 min AMRAP box jumps (24"/20")( step down every rep, no rebounding)

HPA Grid
A) Strict Press, 1RM
B) Strict Pronated Pullups, 1 set Max unbroken
C) Strict Handstand push ups, 1 set Max unbroken
10 min Max Cals on Airdyne
rest 15 min
500 Double Unders for time

**Although this program will revolve around short ended work loads & proficiency of movement, similar to the Grid league. It is important to have an idea of the type of aerobic system of the individuals following this program. 10 min Max Cals, should shed some light on that. 500 doubles unders may be able to do that as well and if not, at the very least, it will show proficiency of Double Unders**

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday August 15, 2014

HPA- Gold
A. Jerk; build to a max (from blocks, or rack)
B. Clean; build to a max
5 Rounds For Time:
7 Box Jumps (30"/24")
5 Ground to Overhead @77% of "A"
*Take note of limiting factor here.

A. Front Squat-max
B. Squat Clean- max
Squat Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips

HPA Grid
A) Back Squat, 1RM
B) Back Squat @ 30X0, Max reps @ 85%RM
C) Power Clean, 1RM
8 min AMRAP:
Power clean, Max reps @ 90% of Part c

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wednesday August 13, 2014

HPA Gold:
2,000m Row For Time
10 Minute Rest
1,600m Run For Time

For Time:
Power Clean(115/80)
Rest 10 min
For Time:
Power Clean (115/80)
* Both sets should be all out, don't hold back here, this should suck

HPA Grid

A) Deadlift, build to tough 1 repB) Thruster, find 5RM (take from rack)+For time: 10 Box jump over @ 30"10 Bar Muscle ups10 Box jump over @ 30" 20 CTB Pullups 10 Box jump over @ 30"30 Pullups + rest 15 min+ 1 minute max cals on Airdyne

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tuesday August 12, 2014

15-12-9 @100%
Power Clean (115/80#)
Rest 10 minutes x2 sets

*scale PC to 105/70 if maxes are under 205/145 (for male/female respectively).
*See sundays post on warming up/ post warmup to comments (also note how you felt in terms of output this week vs last week).

HPA -Blue
Split Jerk- Build to a max
AMRAP C2B pull ups in 1 set
AMRAP strict HSPU in 1 set
30 muscle ups for time
:90 AMRAP R Leg pistols
:90 AMRAP L Leg Pistols
* rest as needed between tests

HPA - Grid 
A) Wtd Pistol, take 10 min build to Max
weight 2 reps/ leg
For time:
14 one arm OHS @ 32kg/24kg
14 Handstand Push ups
7 Ring Muscle ups
10 Power snatch @ 135lb/95lb
rest 5 min
For time:
14 one arm OHS @ 32kg/24kg
14 Handstand Push ups
7 Ring Muscle ups
10 Power snatch @ 135lb/95lb 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Monday August 11, 2014

HPA- Gold
A. Snatch; build to a max
B. Front Squat; build to a max
C. AMRAP  UB Kipping HSPU x1 set
30 Muscle Ups For Time

HPA- Blue
A. Snatch, build to a max
B. For Time:
10 Squat Snatch @ 65% of A 
10 Squat Snatch @ 70% of A
10 Squat Snatch @ 75% of A
10 Squat Snatch @ 80% of A
rest as needed
150 wall balls for time (20/14)
* 2 different scores for snatches and wall balls , not one workout 

HPA - Grid
A) Shoulder to Overhead, Build to tough 4 rep
B) Squat Snatch, Build to max
For time:
30 Squat Snatch @ 155lb / 105lb
10 min EZ pace row

Sunday August 10, 2014: Weekly Recap/ Review

Thanks again to everyone for giving the program a shot on this first week. We look forward to getting to know all of you; and helping you reach your full potential.

We have begun to analyze the results from testing week one, and are starting to get a picture of what each groups "avatar" will look like. However, we still need more data points. Which we will be collecting in this, final, week of testing.

Once the testing phase is done we will post case studies for each group. Which, will include the groups makeup (NME, CP-Battery, Energy System Dominance etc), and strengths/ weaknesses as a whole. We will also explain the training priorities for each group (based on the initial testing results), and the direction moving forward.

If anyone has any questions/ comments/ concerns regarding anything from week one post to the comments on this post.

High Performance Athlete

PS- Earlier this week we asked the athletes following HPA-Gold to post their warmups for the lactic repeat tester (tuesday). As a whole they were sub-par in regards to what is required for a workout that requires such a high output. While we will address proper warmups in detail, here, in upcoming blog posts, we want everyone to check out a previous post we've written and apply it to this weeks lactate tester. The post can be found HERE.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Saturday August 9, 2014:

10 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
15 Burpees

*Record total working time, and splits for all 10 rounds.
*Take note of limiting factors, and how you felt throughout.

10 min Airdyne for cals
rest 20 min
10 min max double unders

* set AD to count down from 10 min and BW 150lb, goal here is 300 cals, 250 is good, 225 or lower needs work
** 600 double unders is the goal for second part, record reps + limiting factor in your opinion
***If you don't have an airdyne perform a 10 Min Row for cals. The goals will be a bit different though. As a reference to what pace yields what # of cals....
2:10/500m = 144 cals 
2:00/500m = 165 cals
1:50/500m = 201 cals
1:40/500m = 250 cals

A) Wtd Pronated Pullup, 1RM
B) Wtd Dip, 1RM **stationary bar unless indicated to use "rings"**
1000m row TT
1 Mie EZ pace Jog

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Friday August 8, 2014:

A. Strict Press; build to a max
B. Power Clean; build to a max
8 Minute AMRAP:
Power Clean @90% (of B)

*Record total reps hit, as well as total reps failed/missed for the 8m AMRAP.

A. Power Clean, build to a max
B. Power Clean @ 90% of A, 8 min AMRAP*
10 rounds for time
4 burpees
6 KBS 32kg/
8 wall ball 20/

* record total reps + total attempts including failed reps
** record time to complete + limiting factor

A) Squat Clean & Jerk, build to Max (whichever variationof jerk is stronger for you however must be a full clean)
5 Rounds for time:
12 Power clean @ 165lb / 105lb
6 Shoulder to overhead @ 165lb / 105lb*Include limiting factor for results* Grip endurance, Low back, Overhead, Breathing etc*

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Wednesday August 6, 2014:

50 Back Squats for Time @50% (Mondays 1RM)
50 Kipping HSPU For Time
5 Minute AMRAP:
Double Unders
*Goal is 300+ reps.
20 Minute Z1 Row, or Airdyne (Low effort here)

10 rounds for time:
500m row
10 burpees over rower

A) Squat Clean, 1RM
For time:
30 Squat Clean @ 225lb/145lb
15 min EZ pace Row  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tuesday August 5, 2014:

2 Sets @100%
250m Row
15 KBS (2/1.25)
25 Burpee
15 KBS (2/1.25)
250m Row
Rest 12m b/w sets

*If you cannot swing the Rx'ed weight KB scale it down/ post what weight you use.
*Post Results, limiting factors, and warmup to comments.

A. Back squat, build to a max
B. Power snatch, build to a max
10 min AMRAP:
15 Power snatch 75#
30 double unders

:90 sec Max Muscle ups
rest 10 min
50 Handstand push ups for time
rest 10 min
:90 Max Alternating Pistols
*Do not move onto next leg until each rep is
rest 10 min
1 set: Max Unbroken CTB Pullups

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014: Testing Begins!

Before we get started, we would like to thank each and every one of you for choosing High Performance Athlete to take care of your programming needs. 
Today will start the beginning of a two week testing phase from which we will establish the training priorities for each individual group featured below. 
For those who are unsure of what group to follow check out the following link with details. 
Click Here. 

We look forward to working with you; and helping you reach your full potential !
High Performance Athlete 

A. Back Squat; build to a 1RM
B. Back Squat @30x0; AMRAP @85%(A) x1 set
C. Wtd. Chinup (Pronated); build to a 1RM
AMRAP UB Kipping C2B Pullups x1 set
AMRAP UB Strict HSPU x1 set


*Post Results, Height, & Morning Weight to comments.

HPA- Blue:
A. Strict Press, Build to a max
B. Weighted Supinated Chin up, Build to a max
For Time:
Chin up 
Thruster (65/45) 

-Post to comments: height, morning weight, and limiting factor in the for time portion ( ex. grip, muscle endurance, resp. etc..)

HPA- Grid:
    A) Front Squat, 1Rep Max
    B) Touch and Go Power Clean, build to tough 3 rep
    For time:
    10 power clean @ 155lbs/115lb
    10 lateral barbell burpees
    10 power clean @ 135lbs/95lb
    10 lateral barbell burpees
    10 power clean @ 115lbs/75lb
    10 lateral barbell burpees
    *Set-up 3 different bars
    *This should be done as fast as possible

    *Best recorded male times are sub 2 min*
    *Weight to left is Male/Weight to right is Female*