
Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday September 1st, 2015-

Every 5 Min for 30 Minutes:
1 Mile Assault Bike @80-85%
*Rest remainder of 5m interval
*aim for consistency b/w sets
15-20 Minute Run @65-70%
*focus on breathing/ mechanics
*walk as needed to keep intensity down

HPA - Power
:90 sec Max Muscle ups 

10 min 

50 Handstand push ups for time (kipping is acceptable. Whichever is fastest for you) 

10 min rest 

:90 Max Alternating Pistols 
*Do not move onto next leg until each rep is complete* 

rest 10 min 

1 set: Max Unbroken CTB Pullups

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday August 31, 2015-

A. Muscle Snatch. PS. Sn; 1.1.1x4 sets, rest 20s/ 2m (increase load b/w ea movement in cluster)
B. Box Squat @21x1; 2-3x5, rest 2-3m
10 Rounds For TIme:
2 PC @80%
4 Bar Facig Burpee
6 Sets:
6-8 BS @3030 tempo (30% 1RM)
Rest 30s b/w sets
*rest 5m after 3rd set

HPA - Power 
A) Front Squat @ 22X1, work to moderately challenging single
B) Touch and Go Power Clean, build to tough 3 rep
For time:
10 power clean @ 155lbs/115lb
10 lateral barbell burpees
10 power clean @ 135lbs/95lb
10 lateral barbell burpees
10 power clean @ 115lbs/75lb
10 lateral barbell burpees
*Set-up 3 different bars
*Best Times sub 2 min*

Friday, August 28, 2015

Saturday August 29, 2015-

12 Minute Clock:
2,000m Row- 80%
AMRAP Burpee BJ @30" in remaing time
(rest 5m)
12 Minute Clock:
2 Mile AB- 80%
AMRAP C2B Pullups in UB sets of 5 in remainging time
(rest 5m)
2 Mile Run @80%
*preferably on grass, or soft surface

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 @ 75%RM x 7 sets rest 2 min
2 sets @ effort
:80 Max Muscle ups
Run 200m
rest 2 min b/t sets
2 sets @ 90% effort
250m row @ 70% effort
:80 Max kipping HSPU
rest 2 min rest b/t sets
50 Toes to bar for time
*Every time you break perform 3 Burpees* 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Friday August 28, 2015-

A. High Hang PC. Hang PC; 2.2x3, rest 2m (no drop)
B. Front Squat; 5x5, rest 2-3m (note % of 1RM used here)
:07 Assault Bike @100%
:53 AB- slow spin
x16 sets
*rest 3m after set 8.
C1. Wtd. Back Extension; 10-12x3, rest 1 min
C2. Lateral Lunge; 5/5x3, rest 1 min (wtd w/ KB in front rack if easy)

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Clean, work to max
B. Back Squat, work to tough single
C. Back Squat, 1 reps @ 94% of part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
D. Split jerk, 1 rep every :30 @ 70-75%RM x 10 minutes
@ low %
1000m row
800m jog
3 min Assault  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wednesday August 26, 2015-

A1. Strict Press; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/90s
A2. WPU; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/90s
3 Rounds:
8-10 DB BP @3030 tempo (30% CGBP max)
8-10 Chest Supported BB Row @3030 tempo (same wt. as BP)
(Rest 3-5m)
3 Rounds:
8-10 DB BP @3030 tempo (30% CGBP max)
8-10 Chest Supported BB Row @3030 tempo (same wt. as BP)

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 90%RM x 6 sets rest 2min
B. Squat Clean, 1 rep  @ 90%RM x 5 sets rest 2 min
24 minute EMOM:
1st min: 3 High Hang Power snatch @ 135lb/95lb
2nd min: 3 Fast Burpee Bar Muscle ups
3rd min: 3 Below Knee Hang Power Clean @ 185lb/125lb
4th min: 9 Fast Box jump over @ 24"/20" 


Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday August 25, 2015-

6 Minute Running Clock:
1k Row @2-3s faster than 30m TT pace
AMRAP in remainign time of...
10 T2B
50m Sprint
(4m AB @low effort as rest)
x3 sets
20m AB @low effort 

HPA - power 
A. Split jerk, build to 1rm
B. Standing strict press, build to 1rm
15 sets @ 85% effort
Row 10 cals
Unbroken Handstand walk 10-20ft
4-6 Unbroken strict handstand push ups
rest :60 b/t sets 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Monday August 24, 2015-

A. PS. Hang Snatch; 1.1 x5; rest 2m (no drop)
B. Back Squat; 5x5, rest 2-3m (note % of 1RM used here)
20 Rounds For Time:
1 Power Clean @80%
2 Bar Facing Burpee
4 Sets:
8-10 BS @3030 tempo (30% 1RM)
Rest 30s b/w sets

-limit ROM on BS. Stop right below parallel, and do not lock knees out all the way at top. quad is to maintain tension throughout. 

HPA - Power 
A. Power Snatch, take about 7 sets to get to 1RM
B. Front Squat, work to max
C. Front Squat, max reps @ 85% from highest of part B
D. Front Squat, max reps @ 66% from highest of part B
(Take about 5 minutes between B,C&D)
For time:
5 Unbroken CTB x 20 sets
*if best set of UB CTB is less than 10 reps then scale 3 UB CTB x 20* 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Saturday August 22, 2015-

A. Clean & Jerk; build to a max
14 Minute AMRAP:
60 cal Row
50 T2B
40 Wall Balls
30 Power Clean @135
20 Muscle Ups
20 Minutes of free style movement @low effort 

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 @ 70%RM x 8 sets rest 1m30
4 sets @ effort
5 Box jumps @ 24"/20"
5-10 UB Ring Muscle ups
rest 2 min b/t sets
4 sets @ 90% effort
250m row @ 70% effort
15-25 UB kipping HSPU
rest 2 min rest b/t sets
4 sets @ high effort
250m row @ 70% effort
1 rope climb to 15ft
5 clappping push ups
5 HR push ups
5 Push ups
rest 2 min b/t sets
4 sets @ 90% effort
100m run
5 Box jumps 24"/20+
10-20 Unbroken Toes to bar

*Large margins in rep ranges are being used today. I want everyone to hit the volume that they are capable of. In no way are these sets supposed to be to failure however feel free to test your repeatable limits and work toward slightly uncomfortable rep ranges*  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Friday August 21, 2015-

Programmed Rest:
-We'll be hitting a sport specific tester tomorrow- plan accordingly. 
-I recommend using today for restoration based work. This can include easy cyclical work, freestyle movement work, skills, or time spent improving tissue or movement quality- let me know if you need suggestions.
-We will resume regular scheduling next week. 
-see monday's post for additional details 

HPA - Power 
A. T&G Squat Clean, work to tough double
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 2 reps
C. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 93% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
D. Btn Split jerk. Split jerk work to tough 1.1- drop btn from overhead onto blocks
E. Btn Split Jerk . Split jerk, 1.1 @ 80% of part D x 5 sets rest 1m30 b/t sets
2 sets @ low %
100ft bear crawl
200m jog
400m row  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday August 19, 2015-

From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep 85%RM x 7 sets rest 1m30-2min
B. Above knee Hang Squat Clean . Squat Clean, drop first rep from shoulders -- work to tough set within 6-7 sets
20 minute EMOM:
1st min: Power snatch . Hang Power snatch, 1.2 @ 135lb/95lb
2nd min: 4 Fast Burpee Box jumps @ 30/24
3rd min: Power clean . Hang Power clean, 1.2 @ 185lb/125lb
4th min: 2 rope climbs to 15ft -- use legs  

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday August 18, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 10-12 singles @75-80%, rest 75s b/w
B1. Deadlift; 2-3 reps x5, rest 90s (no grinders. all reps Tng/ moderate effort)
B2. CGBP; 2.2x5, rest 30s/90s
1 Mile Run- Time Trial
*post 400m splits if possible
*record peak and avg HR is possible 

HPA - Power 
A. Split jerk Cluster 1.1.1 -- drop reps from overhead onto blocks --work to tough set w/ :10 rest b/t clusters
B. Standing strict press, work to tough set of 3 reps
5 sets @ 85-90%:
10 cal Rowing
3 unbroken ring muscle ups + 3 strict ring dips
1m20 b/t sets
5 sets @ 85-90%:
10 cals on assault
6-8 strict hspu 

1m20 rest b/t sets
5 sets @ 85% effort
10 cals on rower
5 kipping hspu 

5 Clapping Push ups 
5 Push ups
rest 1m20 b/t sets

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Monday August 17th, 2015-

A. Front Squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 3m
B. Power Snatch; 1 rep OTM for 15 Minutes @70%
C. Snatch Pull; 2 reps every 90s x5 sets @100-105% sn max (drop b/w reps)
EMOM for 20 Minutes
1st: 2 tough WPU
2nd: 7 second AB sprint @100% (record highest wattage achieved)
3rd: 30 sec AMRAP Burpee BJ @30"
4th: Rest

-We'll be hitting testers on TuesdayWednesdaySaturday this week (wed/sat will be sport specific)- Plan accordingly. 

-In addition to Thursdays programmed rest well also be taking Friday off this week. I recommend using this day for restoration based work. This can include easy cyclical work, freestyle movement work, skills, or time spent working of movement/ tissue quality- let me know if you need suggestions. 

HPA - Power 
A. Power Snatch cluster, 2.2 (rest :10 b/t clusters)
B. Front Squat Cluster @ 50X1, work to double
C. "Paused" Strict COVP Pullup @ 10X2, work to tough double
For time:
1-6 Unbroken strict COVP Pullups
7-12 Unbroken CTB Pullups
*Scale is:
1-6 Unbroken strict pullups
7-12 Unbroken Pullups 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Saturday August 15, 2015-

For Time:
7/7 Light KB Snatch
7 Situps
25m Shuttle Run x4 (there/back =1)
750m Row
60m Bear Crawl
15 Alt Step Ups (24")
Rest = work x3 Sets
*set 2 in reverse order
OTM for 21 Minutes
1st: 10 Burpee
2nd: 30 second AB
3rd: 30-40 UB DU's 

-Intensity for ALL work today should match that of Tuesday. 

HPA - Power 
A. Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps @ 65-70%RM x 8 sets rest 1m20
4 sets:
Ring Muscle ups, max unbroken reps
200m run @ 90% effort
rest 2 min b/t sets
4 sets:

Strict Handstand push ups, max unbroken reps
200m row @ 90% effort
rest 2 min rest b/t sets
4 sets @ high effort
5 Toes to bar
1 Rope Climb to 15ft
5 Clapping Push ups
6 HR Push ups
100m run
rest 2 min b/t sets
Every :30 x 4 mintues
Perform :15 of continuous tuck ups (core exercise) 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Friday August 14, 2015-

A. Clean 5-6 doubles, rest 90-120s (mod/ tough across- note % of 1RM used)
B. Back Squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest 2-3m
C. BB Reverse Lunge; 10-12/leg, rest 60s b/w legs
D. GHR; 4-6 x3-5 sets, rest 90s
Every 90s x5 sets:
AMSAP Hanging L-Sit 

HPA - Power 
A. Above knee Hang Squat Clean . Squat Clean, build to tough set within 8 sets (hang clean From shoulders and reset)
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 3 reps
C. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 92% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
D. Split jerk cluster, work to tough 1.1-- work to tough set w/ :10 b/t clusters
E. Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 70-75% of Highest from D every :30 x 5 minutes
@ low %
5 min Jog
5 min Assault
5 min row

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wednesday August 12, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; build to a max, then drop down and hit 7-9 singles @80%
B1. CGBP Cluster; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/90s
B2. BB Seal Row; 4-6x5, rest 90s
10 Sets:
Max Strict HSPU x2 sets (rest 30s b/w sets)
Max Strict C2B x2 sets (rest 30s b/w sets)
Rest 75-90s
3-5 Sets:
10-12 Supinated BB Curl
Rest 30-60s
10-12 Neutral Grip DB Skull Crusher
Rest 30-60s
*full contraction at top. Keep these strict 

-let me know how manageable these density sessions have been in terms of volume. Ie- how taxed are you, how do you feel the next day, do you feel you can tolerate more volume, do you need less volume ....etc. The more detail the better. I'd also like to know how you've been feeling in Wednesdays training as a result of Tuesdays aerobic volume. The reason being is that the adaptations i'm trying to achieve on both of these days are volume dependent, and have the potential to interfere with other elements if not progressed properly. 

HPA - Power 
A. Above knee hang squat snatch . below knee hang squat snatch . OH squat -- work to tough 1.1.1 within 7-8 sets
B. Below knee Hang Squat Clean cluster 1.1 - work to tough set -- drop first rep from shoulders
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 5 T&G Power clean 185lb/125lb
2nd min: 10 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 11ft / 14lb to 10 ft
10 minutes:
1st min: :30 Front Rack Carry @ 32kg/24kg - per hand
2nd min: :30-:40 FLR on rings

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday August 11, 2015-

5:00 Assault Bike @90% Avg HR from 30m TT
5:00 Row @90% Avg HR from 30m TT
x4 sets
*No programmed rest. Keep transitions under 45 sec
20:00 Z1- cyclical modailities, locomotion (ie- bear crawl, duck walk etc), and targeted DROM

-if you dont have HR data from the 30 Min TT aim for......2-4 RPMs under avg for AB and 2-3s over avg pace for row.
-there is no programmed rest here. As such the only breaks should be transitions between AB/Row.
-report cals/ meters for each interval as well as totals. Also note how sustainable this pace felt. 

HPA - Power 
A. Btn Split jerk . Split jerk 1.1 -- drop first rep to blocks --work to tough set w/ :10 rest b/t
B. Seated btn strict press, work to tough set of 5 reps
5 sets @ 85-90%:
15 cal Rowing
20ft HS Walk
3-5 UB Ring Muscle-ups
2 min b/t sets
5 sets @ 85-90%:
15 cal Rowing
AMRAP unbroken Strict HSPU - no deficit
3-5 Ub Bar Muscle-ups
2 min b/t sets

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Monday August 10, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1 rep OTM under failure- start @60-65% max, add 5-10lb set
B. Front Squat; 2-2-2-2-2; rest 2-3m (start mod/tough and build)

Deadlift; 50 reps For Time @225, (see notes)
:15 AB or prowler sprint @hard effort (not all out)
Rest 2m x3-5 sets

50 DL FT
-if 1RM is under 400 you have the option of scaling to 185
-eccentric must be controlled on all reps (no dropping from top)
-if form breaks/ you start to grind cut then rest. I want perfect reps here. 

-preferably belles so you can focus on bracing/ proper breathing mechanics 

HPA - Power
A. T&G Power Snatch, find 5rm
B. Front Squat Cluster @ 30X1, 2.2 rest :20 b/t clusters
C. Wtd Strict CTB, find 1rm
D. Strict Pronated CTB, max unbroken reps (1 set)
*If less than 5 reps: perform 1 set max unbroken Strict COVP
Clock 0-2: Perform 20 Strict Pullups for time (15 female)
Clock: 2-4: Perform 25 CTB Pullups for time
Clock 4-6: perform 30 Pullups for time
*If time elapses then move forward to next movement and record total reps per segment of time*

Friday, August 7, 2015

Saturday August 8, 2015-

EMOM for 30 Minutes (5 times through seq.):
1st: 30-50 UB DU's
2nd: 12 wall balls
2nd: 10 cal assault bike
3rd: 10-15 UB Pullups
4th: 20m Bear Crawl
5th: 20m reverse bear crawl
6th: 7/7 KB Snatch @20-24kg
15:00 Run @moderate aerobic pace (focus on mechanics/ breathing)

HPA - Power 
A. Above knee hang squat snatch. Snatch Balance 1.1 @ 68-70%RM x 8 sets rest 1m20
3 sets @ effort
:60 Max Ring Muscle ups
200m run @ 90% effort
rest :90
3 sets @ 90% effort
:60 Max Kipping Handstand push ups
200m row @ 90% effort
rest :90
5 sets @ high effort
5 Burpee Over Box @ 30/24
5 UB Bar Muscle ups
5 Cals on Assault
rest :90
5 min EMOM
Hold FLR on rings for :30  

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Friday August 7, 2015-

A. Clean; 10 singles @85% finishing wt from last weeks OTM work
B. Back Squat Cluster; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/2-3m
21-15-9 @85-90%
Power Clean @115
Bar Facing Burpee
3-5 Sets:
6-8 GHR
5/5 latral lunge w/ kb
rest as needed b/w movements 

HPA - Power
A. Power clean . Squat Clean, build to tough set within 8 sets (drop Power clean From shoulders and reset)
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 5 reps
C. Back Squat, 5 reps @ 91% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
D. Push Press . Push Jerk . Split jerk, work to tough 1.1.1
EVery :60 @ 70% of part D - perform 1 Power clean . Push press . Push jerk . Split jerk x 6 sets
20 min Z1 row --- if youd like to switch it up you may

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wednesday August 5, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2m (drop b/w reps on 3's and 2's)
B1. CGBP Cluster; 3.3x5, rest 20s/90s
B2. BB Seal Row; 6-8x5, rest 90s
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes:
1 legless RC from seated Pos
AMRAP UB Strict HSPU x2 sets (rest 20s b/w sets)
5:00 AMRAP:
5 Strict C2B Pullup
5 Strict Ring Dip

HPA - Power 
A. High hang squat snatch . Above knee hang squat snatch . below knee hang squat snatch -- work to tough 1.1.1 within 7-8 sets
B. Below knee Hang Squat Clean . Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to tough set -- drop hang squat clean from shoulders and reset for squat clean
EMOM @ high effort x 8 mins:
50ft sprint (3/4 speed)
3-5 touch n go power snatch @ 135lbs/95lbs
EMOM @ high effort x 5 mins:
25 HS Walk (scale to lower distance <no less than 12 ft> or 1 wall walk if needed)
3-5 hang power clean @ 185lbs/125lb
EMOM @ high effort x 8 mins:
1st min - 4 Toes to Bar + 3 Pull-ups + 2 Chest to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-up
2nd min - 4-6 Strict HSPU @ 40X0 - go to deficit if possible, follow tempo 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tue Aug 4th 2015

5:00 Assault Bike @90% Avg HR from 30m TT
5:00 Row @90% Avg HR from 30m TT
x3 sets
20:00 Z1- cyclical modailities, locomotion (ie- bear crawl, duck walk etc), and targeted DROM

-if you dont have HR data from the 30 Min TT aim for......2-4 RPMs under avg for AB and 2-3s over avg pace for row.
-there is no programmed rest here. As such the only breaks should be transitions between AB/Row.
-report cals/ meters for each interval as well as totals. Also note how sustainable this pace felt. 

HPA - Power 
A. Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1 - work to tough set, use blocks and drop each rep from overhead
B. Wtd Strict Dip on Stationary Bar @ 30X1, work to tough set of 3 reps
8 sets @ 85-90%:
:40 Row for cals
5-7 UB Strict Dips
5 Burpees
1m30 b/t sets
8 sets @ 85-90%:
:40 Assault bike
3-6 Strict HSPU
5 Shoulder to overhead @ 135lb/95lb
1m30 b/t sets

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mon Aug 3rd 2015

A. Front Squat Cluster; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/ 2-3m
5 Sets:
10 tng Power Snatch @95#
1 Min AMRAP DU's
Rest 2 minutes b/s sets
*Scale weight down as needed
3 Sets:
10 Double KB FS @6030 tempo (nothing too heavy. focus on creating intra abdominal pressure and keepign torso upright)
Rest 1m
8-10 Back Extension (add #)
Rest 1m 

HPA - Power 
A. T&G Power Snatch, build to tough tdouble within 7 sets
B. Front Squat @ 50X1, build to tough single
C. Front Squat @ 50X1, 1 reps @ 93% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
EMOM for every :45 x 10 sets
1 TOUGH Wtd Strict CTB pullup
For time:
Unbroken CTB Ladder