
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Wednesday July 19th 2017

A1. Deadlift @ 30X1, 5 reps x 5 sets rest :60
A2. Standing Strict Press, 5 reps x 5 sets rest :60
B. 5 sets:
8 t&g Power Clean @ moderate weight
rest :45
5 Strict Hspu
right into..
5-10 Unbroken Kipping hspu
rest 2 min b/t sets
**Weight for power clean reps are meant to work on perfect movement pattern but enough weight to get challenging toward the end; do not go too heavy where form falls apart or too light where there is no real stimulus**
C. 3 sets:
Single Leg Rdl w/ dbell/hand, 10 reps/leg
rest :45
Laying tricep ext w/ dbells, 12 reps
rest :45


  1. A1. 335,345,355,365,375 -- purpose was to stay at the same weight with consistent % but this is the 1st time I did heavy deadlifts since my back has been irritated. Worked with caution
    A2. 155
    B. 185
    5 +10 all sets

  2. A1.) 170 lb
    A2.) 75 lb
    B1.) 95 lb
    5 strict with one abmat
    8-7-7-6-6 Kipping with no abmat

  3. A1- 305 @RPE 7
    A2. 115 @8
    B 175
    go for 3/2 in stricts and 5 in hspu - but in third set was a problem, strict became harder
    all setes between 1:00 and 1;25

  4. A1. 201-215-215-215-215-225
    A2. subbed for bench press 105-105-110-110-110
    B. 145-135-140-145-145, 5 + 10 all UB.
    C. 2 sets. 25# for RDL and 15# for tricep ext

  5. A1. 315-315-315-325-335
    A2. 135
    B. 155
    5+5 every round

  6. A1. 265 up to 295. Back still bothering me on any heavy pulling/not very confident.
    A2. Subbed for bench press. 185#
    B. 155-165-155-165-165, 5 + 10 all UB
