
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Monday October 3rd 2016

Todays athlete spotlight is going to be a combined one. Both Jessica Song and Benjamin Little have been training together for quite sometime. Here is a a little bit about their background.

Ben & Jess in Co-ed team competition 

Jessica Song in Gold 
Benjamin Little in red

1) Where do you currently train? 
CrossFit SouthEnd in Charlotte, NC. Well rounded gym (performance & Fundamental CF classes, oly class, mobility, Competition training)
I train at Crossfit Southend in Charlotte NC.  

2) How long have you been training in this field of sport? 
4.5 years How long have you been following our blog?Since March 2015. Ben Little and I are pretty much training partners since we started HPA. It's been good to have a consistent training partner to hold some accountability. 
I have been doing "CrossFit" since 2012.  Also a brief time in 2010.

3) What is your background in training/ sports you played growing up? 
I did track in high school my junior year and was your typical globo gym rat since 2003 up until 2012... then became a CF gym rat. 

2012-2013- Participated in regular group CF classes; 2013 started incorporating strength classes and comp training. I was fortunate to have had personal programming done by my coach here at CFSE from August 2014-March 2015, experienced the high volume, high intensity 2 adays training. March 2015 to current- HPA. I enjoy the overall volume and right amount of intensity that makes the training manageable without wreaking havoc in sore muscles the next day (for the most part!)
I did all sorts of sports through High School.  The focus being around Cross Country, Track, and Baseball.  Also did some time in Swimming, Wrestling, Basketball, and Indoor soccer.  Was supposed to run XC and track for University of New Hampshire before a preseason injury.  Wrestled for UNH for 1 year.  Done.  

4) Do you currently have any aspirations to compete in the open or regionals? 
Yes and no. I do plan on participating in the 2017 open, but without the goal of seeing if I have improved next year. 
I could me motivated to make a run for a regionals team.  If convinced to do it.  Thats about it.

5) What is your favorite lift/movement? 
Power cleans, Deadlifts, Snatch (love and hate). HSPU. DT is my favorite hero wod. 
Favorite lift is Snatch.  

6) What movement do you need to work on? 
Snatch and all squatting. running...

7) What are your long term goals in training? (more than 2 years) I will always continue to train regardless, however, the priority is shifting from competing in the "Sport of Fitness" to a recreational sport (in a good way). I will continue working on strengthening my lifts, it's what I enjoy most. 1 of my weaknesses is the aerobic conditioning and it is not a top priority to improve it, just more so damage control and seeing if I can still hold my own when I get the itch to jump in with the comp athletes here on their metcons. 
To this day, I've done 19 total comps (individual and team CrossFit comps, weightlifting). Of those, 11 were individual comps and rest were team. I've come to a point where I am ready to transition as a recreational athlete and will probably participate in team comps going forward.
Long Term goals....300 # Clean.  225 Snatch.  Continue to be alive.    

A. Back Squat @ 20X1; 5 reps x 5 sets, rest 2-3m
B. Squat Clean; 1.1 every 90s x 6 sets (use moderately heavy weight, no failing)
Every 2min for 10 Minutes:
4 Wtd. Strict COVP Pronated Pullup
4 Rounds for Time:
25 UB Wall balls @ 20b/14lb
15 Strict Pullups 

5 Power Clean & OH @135/195lb


  1. Hi Kyle , i will comeback today , the programming still alm,ost the same?(somehting like this_
    montady: LB Push/Maps
    tuesday : aer work
    wed: UB push/pull
    friday: Oly + LB push
    sat: map low

  2. Hey Diego, some small changes. Nothing too crazy

  3. A. 225,245,255,265,275 for 1(stopped because of cramping)

    4 rounds completed 14:56

  4. A. 155-165-165-165-165 (knee was bothersome)
    C. 18:33. 1st round took 2:56, 2nd round took 4:20, 3rd 6:03 😬

  5. A. 275-285-295-305-305
    B. 205-215-225-225-225-225
    C. 20 lbs

  6. A. 100 kg
    B. BP, 70-75-80-85-90-95(1)
    10 kg
    4 rounds
    - 25 push-ups
    - 15 strict pull-ups
    - 5 power clean + push jerks, 50 kg (70%)
