
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Monday August 8th 2016

A. Snatch; 1 rep every :60 until failure- start @60-65% max, add 5-10lb set
B. Front Squat; 2 solid reps x 5 sets rest 2-3 min -- nothing where it seems like it would fail

Deadlift; 50 "perfect reps For Time @225,

5 sets:
:15 Airbike or prowler sprint @ Near all out effort (leave a tiny bit in the tank)
Rest 2min

Notes for deadlifts:
-if 1RM is under 400 you have the option of scaling to 185
-eccentric must be controlled on all reps (no dropping from top


  1. A. 175 too much time w/o snatch i can do 185/195
    B. X
    C. 4´10`

  2. A. Started @ 125
    Failed @ 205
    Hit 200 for pr
    B. 225*5
    C. 2:46
    D. 10-9-10-10-1@ (Cals)

  3. B. subbed with safety bar squat - 155-155-160-160-160
    C. 3:40 @ 185 (20-10-7, doubles, triples singles)

  4. A. 175
    B. 245x5
    C. 3:21 (185lbs) played lacrosse all weekend back was extra tight
    D. Airdyne

  5. A. start 125. failed @ 205
    B. 215, 225, 235, 245, 245
    C. 3:02 @ 225

  6. A. Started at 115 failed at 185 PR 180
    B. 265 x 5 sets
    C. 2:20
    D. Couldn't do
