A. Squat Snatch; 1 tough single every 90s x10 sets
B. Front Squat; 3-3-3-3, rest 2:30
10 Minute AMRAP:
6 PC @80% (1RM)
6 Ring Muscle Up
C. Hanging L-Sit; 20-30s x4, rest 2m(scale to bent knee if you cant hit 20s)
D. Supine Windshield Wiper; 8-12 x3, rest 2m
A. 185# x10
ReplyDeleteB. 225-235-245-245
4 rnds + 10 @190
Z sit x:30 x 4
A. 95-110 (a couple fails but got the successful rep within 90 secs
ReplyDeleteB. 155-165-175-175
C. 3 rounds +10 reps at 136#
A. 210x 10
ReplyDeleteB. 245-255-265-275
4+3 cleans (235)
A. 175
ReplyDeleteB. 265-265-275-275
Clean 205, replaced MU with ring pull-ups. (Shoulders were sore)
A. 175-180
ReplyDeleteB. 245-255-265-275
AMRAP: 4+1
Pc @ 195
C. L-sit
ReplyDelete3rds + 1 - @195 in third set start missed some Mu