A. Power Snatch; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2m
B1. Back Squat @30X0; 4-6 reps x5 sets; rest 2m
B2. Chest to Bar Chin-ups; AMRAP x 5 sets; rest 2m
C1. RDL @3111 ; 8-10 x 4 sets; rest 30 sec
C2. Bench Press; 4x4; rest 90s (heavy loading)
D. Powell Raise @2020; 8-10 reps x3 sets; rest 60s b/w arms
(Notation will always be written as “Reps x Sets”)
D. Powell Raise @2020; 8-10 reps x3 sets; rest 60s b/w arms
(Notation will always be written as “Reps x Sets”)
In this workout you will complete part “A” for the Rx’ed number of reps, and rest the designated amount of time after each set. Both the number of reps as well as the allotted recovery time will dictate the loading on this portion (unless otherwise specified).
Next you will alternate between parts B1/B2 for the allotted number of sets; resting the specified amount after each exercise. On exercise B1 you will perform 4-6 reps at the specified tempo; then rest 2 minutes. Then you will perform an AMRAP of C2B Chin Ups, rest 2 minutes and repeat this sequence for a total of five sets.
Once you complete the B1/B2 sequence you will move on to C1/C2, and then complete part D last.
This notation can take on many variations such as A1/A2/A3/A4/B/C or A1/A2/B/C/D1/D2 etc; But, the guidlines will alway be the same. Perform the Rx’ed exercises in the correct sequence while abiding by the Rx’ed tempo (if applicable), reps, sets, and rest.
Common Abbreviations:
BS, FS, DL, BP- Back Squat, Front Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press
PP, PJ, SJ- Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk
AD - Airdyne
PP, PJ, SJ- Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk
AD - Airdyne
FLR - Holding the top position of a pushup (ie- a plank with the arms fully extended)
COVP - Chin Over Vertical Plane - chin must travel over the bar to break the plane created by the pullup bar that is perpendicular to the floor
C2B or CTB - Chest To Bar - chest makes contact with the bar at or below the clavicle on every rep
EMOM - Every Minute On the Minute - perform the work, and rest until the top of the next minute
TnG - Touch and Go - no pause between or during reps
OHS - Overhead Squat
UB - unbroken - completed in a single set. depending on the movement, there may be pause between reps in an appropriate resting position, for example, front rack position or hanging from the bar.
BW - bodyweight
GHD - Glute-Ham Developer machine
KB - kettlebell
DB - dumbbell
AMRAP - as many reps/rounds as possible during the specified timeframe or set. this may be written as AMRAP AFAP - As Fast As Possible
HSPU - Handstand Pushup, performed with feet against a wall
MU - Muscle-up on rings
DU - Double Under - jump rope passes under the feet twice with each jump
PC - Power Clean
PS - Power Snatch
BTN- Behind the Neck
Deficit - add additional range of motion to the movement
Chin Up or Chin Up ?
What’s the difference between a pullup and a chinup? Trick question.
At HPA we refer to both hand placements as chinups (blame OPT). In order to differentiate between the two though we call them “pronated Chinups” & “supinated chinups”. Which are defined as follows....
Pronated Chinup- palms facing away from you (commonly referred to as a pullup)
Supinated Chinup- palms facing towards you (commonly called a chinup)
If we do not specify whether the grip is pronated or supinated and simply write “chinup” the assumption is that it will be pronated.
What does 50X0 mean?
It signifies a certain tempo. There are many examples like this – 21X0, 1010, 5010/etc. You simply have to take the exercise and correlate the timing (i.e. the numbers – 30X0) to it.
For example, if a bench press or back squat is rx’d at 30X0, it means that from the top of the movement, you should take 3 seconds (1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, etc.) to reach the end point of the exercise (bar to chest in the bench press or full depth for the squat). So, the first number signifies the lowering portion of ANY exercise.
The second number signifies if there is any PAUSE in the bottom position. Because this example says 0, it means that it is simply 3 seconds down, 0 pause, and then back up. If the tempo was 31X0, then you would have to pause for 1 second at the bottom of the movement. If it was 32X0, then you would have to pause for 2 seconds, and so on.
The third number signifies the time in which to raise the load. When it says “X” as the third number, it means to accelerate the load as fast as possible – regardless of how fast the weight is actually moving; intention to accelerate is most important. If the number is 2020, as sometimes rx’d for GHD sit-ups or back extensions, then you have to take 2 seconds to lower fully, 0 pause in the full stretch position, then take 2 seconds to come back to the top (you are capable of going faster, but that is not what is being asked, so follow the numbers), with 0 sec rest before going into the next rep.
There is also a case when you could be asked to do a 3010 tempo - on the bench press for example (because it is simple). When it says 3010, the third number is critical, because it means that for whatever the rep range is, you MUST take the rx’d time to raise the load, which would be 1 second in this example. This type of tempo does not allow for maximal efforts within sets, as you HAVE TO MAINTAIN a certain cadence for the reps.
The last number, as you may have guessed, signifies any pause at the top of the movement. If it says 30X1 for a weighted chin-up (or pull-up, same thing), then you have to hold your chin over the bar for one second before lowering for 3 seconds to full arm extension.
Also, you have to LEARN to read the number, then apply it to the given exercise. Chin-ups, for example, are a special case - there are other examples as well (i.e. deadlift). Chin-ups begin with the raising portion first, not like a back squat or bench press. So, if the tempo is 30X0, the first thing you look for is NOT the 3 second prescription, but the X, meaning that you begin with the third number for this exercise, not the first one.
Why do we Rx tempos?
We do it dependent on what the Coach wants the training response to be from the workout. It is done to control intensity, overload certain areas of a movement/body part, improve technique on movements, ease the load on the joints, variability, transfer to sport (i.e. back squat - 1,1,1,1,1 is MUCH different than high bar back squat @ 40X1 - 2-3 reps x 5 sets...and side note, endurance on the squat at that tempo is one thing that WILL take an athlete to another level as it carries over to so many things).
Repetitions - What weight do I start at for each exercise of the workout?
A1. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
A2. Chest to Bar Chin-ups, AMRAP x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
B1. KBS – 2 pd, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Dips, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
A2. Chest to Bar Chin-ups, AMRAP x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
B1. KBS – 2 pd, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Dips, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
Well, for this example, there is only one exercise you need to choose a weight for – the back squat. So, we will use the example of someone who can back squat 300 lbs for 1 rep (1RM). The loading percentages will depend on many things for a given exercise – training age, training status, gender, muscle group, exercise, etc. For our purposes, this person would warm-up to a weight they either knew would be challenging for 6 reps, or a weight they thought would be challenging for 6 reps (depending on their experience). This persons’ numbers for 5 sets should look something like this – 230(6), 240(6), 245(6), 250 (5), 250 (4). For this workout, the goal is to train the squat at a given tempo, not to go for PB’s.
*Notice that once the top of the rep range was achieved, the load MUST INCREASE. When the top of the rep range is not achieved, then the load MUST STAY THE SAME for the next set. When the bottom of the rep range is not achieved, the load MUST STAY THE SAME for the next set (unless you are in warm-up, and you know you cannot do this weight for the rx’d reps once you have tried it for one or two reps). You MUST understand these principles, as progression is dependent upon this for this style of workout.
Maintaining the correct rx’d tempo, and following the rules with the reps (see above), is imperative to getting the appropriate response from the workout. Progression from set to set, usually determined by load, is priority. However, when there is numerous sets prescribed within a workout for a given exercise, if you are using the correct methodology, then those muscle groups will be screaming for vengeance by the last set. And, depending on how you have been eating, sleep, relaxing, training, etc., can affect your performance on the latter sets. If you are to perform a Push Jerk workout like the one above:
Maintaining the correct rx’d tempo, and following the rules with the reps (see above), is imperative to getting the appropriate response from the workout. Progression from set to set, usually determined by load, is priority. However, when there is numerous sets prescribed within a workout for a given exercise, if you are using the correct methodology, then those muscle groups will be screaming for vengeance by the last set. And, depending on how you have been eating, sleep, relaxing, training, etc., can affect your performance on the latter sets. If you are to perform a Push Jerk workout like the one above:
Push Jerk, 5-5-5-5-5
If your best 5 RM is 160 for the Push Jerk, then the optimal loading would be 145/150/155/160(4)/160. If the follow happens to your loading, 145/150(failed at 3)/150(failed at 2)/XXXXX. Then shut’er down there. You are not being productive. This is the point of Critical Drop-off.
If your best 5 RM is 160 for the Push Jerk, then the optimal loading would be 145/150/155/160(4)/160. If the follow happens to your loading, 145/150(failed at 3)/150(failed at 2)/XXXXX. Then shut’er down there. You are not being productive. This is the point of Critical Drop-off.
If you are to perform the Press within an A1/A2/B1/B2 style workout, for 5 sets of 4-6 reps each set, and your best 6 RM Press is 130, then the following loading should occur – 120/125/127.5/130/132.5(4). If the following happens – 120/125(5)/125(3)/125(2)/XXXX. Then you are done after set 4, shut’er down. You DO NOT DO SET number 5. Arguably, you should stop after set 3.
Reading Rest Times
Rest Time is straightforward but in some cases such as a Cluster the first number represents the rest time between each rep or each set of reps.
Example: PS 2.2.2 Rest 10/2 mins x4 Sets
The “10” means complete a connected set of 2 reps then rest 10 seconds then another set of 2, rest another 10 sec, complete 2 more reps then rest 2 mins before going onto the next set.
What is Z1, and what are all the %’s ?
50% work is Z1 (very easy, so much so that it doesnt feel like work at all)
60-75% (getting a sweat going, but still moving at a conversational pace)
10 Minute AMRAP @80%
-This is the equivalent of your 20 minute tester pace. So it should be sustainable work. Ie- we can do 10 Min AMRAP @80% x3 sets w/ 10 min rest and you should be able to hold the same output each time.
10 Minute AMRAP @85%
-15 minute tester pace. This is sustainable when repeating sets, but feels like fairly tough work.
10 Minute AMRAP @90-95%-12 Minute tester pace. This isnt all out, and is just barely sustainable (ie- starting to toe the line, but not crossing it)
Then you can extrapolate these to different time domains. so say...
:30 Row @80%
:30 Row @50%
x10 Sets
-on the sets @80% pick a pace that would be tough for a 60s effort, then @50% take is VERY slow. This way your accumulating a lot of Sub-maximal volume
ie) if we were doing 10 min x3 @85% we'd be accumulating 30 min of work at you're 15 Minute tester pace, but doing it in a way that is sustainable.
Also note that these specific Rx's only apply to AEROBIC work as the %'s are relative to the output and time domain. Specific measures will be taken to ensure correct output on the days anaerobic work is posted.
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