
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Wednesday October 4th 2017

A. Overhead Squat @ 20X1, 3-2-1 rest 2 min (all sets have be best weight from last 5 weeks)
B. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 80-90% of max every :90 x 7 sets
C. 3 sets:
Row :60 @ 70% effort
8-12 UB Overhead Squat @ 115lb/75lb
Row :60 @ 70% effort
rest :90
rest additional 5 min
3 sets:
Airbike :60 @ 70% effort
3-6 CTB
3-6 Pullup
3-6 Toes to bar
Airbike :60
rest :90
(unbroken complex)


  1. A. 100-3/110-2/120-1
    B. 85/90/93/95/98/100/103 fail
    C. -

  2. A.) 115 lb- 125 lb (failed second rep)-130 lb
    B.) 90 lb for 5 sets and 95 lb for last 2
    C.) 460 m
    10 OHS

    15 cal
    5 of each movement

  3. A. 198/220/242
    My wrist os fuckup this last two weeks
    B. 187
    C.done. row avg 1:56-58/ rpm 63 bike

  4. A. 200-215-240-255--could've went higher but was satisfied
    B. 175x3, 180x1,185x3
    C. 12 OH squats
    6 reps all unbroken
