1st 5 min: 3 Double Over Hand Deadlift (reset b/t reps)
last 10 min: 1 High Box jump from seated position (13"ish) + Power Clean cluster, 1.1
**hip crease above parallel for seated position**
rest 5-10 min
EMOM x 25 min:
1st min: 3 burpee bar muscle up
2nd min: 3 T&G Squat Clean 205lb/155lb or similar weight to last weeks front squat
3rd min: 9-12 UB Toes to bar
4th min: 15 Box jumps @ 24"/20"
5th min: 12-15 Wall Balls
140 kg
ReplyDelete110 sm\110 kg
15 reps 11 kg