
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Friday October 13th 2017

A. Above knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to tough single within 6-7 sets
B. Squat Clean . Front Squat . Split Jerk, 1.1.2 -- work to tough set within 6-7 sets
C. 4 min AMRAP:
5 Bar Muscle ups
5 Front Squats (205lb/135lb)
rest 2 min
4 min AMRAP
125 Double Unders
10 shoulder to overhead (205lb/135lb)
AMRAP Toes to bar remaining time

Scale Option if you have less than 3 unbroken bar muscle ups and or need front squat weight needs scaling:
4 min AMRAP:
3 rounds
10 CTB
5 Front Squat (155lb/105lb)
directly into AMRAP Remaining time
5 Bar Muscle ups
5 Front Squat (155lb/105lb)
rest 2 min
4 min AMRAP:
125 double unders
10 shoulder to overhead (155lb/105lb)
AMRAP Toes to bar remaining time


  1. Not able to training today maybe tomorrow!

  2. A. 95
    B. 195, 205
    C. Need better ctb and du, no amrap, 155

  3. B. 165 *SPlit jerks were a little janky towards the end
    C. 2 rounds + 4 FS
    D. misread and did not see the T2B piece. 1 round + 51 DUs
