
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday October 9th 217

A. Back Squat, work to tough set of 6 within 6 sets
B. Power Clean . Above knee Hang Squat Clean, 1.3, work to tough set within 6 sets
C. 5 T&G Power Snatch every 2 minutes x 6 sets -- start @ 65% of 1rm Power snatch @ figure from there where to stay
D. Accumulate 5 minutes of hollow body or dead bug hold


  1. A. 100/110/120/130/140/150 kg
    B. 80/90/100/105/110/115 kg
    C. 65/70/75/80/80/85 kg (perhaps not understood this part)
    D. 5x60 sec over 30 sec

  2. A. 280
    B. 185
    C. 125 bad form, scales back to 115
    D. Slogged throgh

  3. A. 385 -- felt great; deff had more in me
    B. 305 -- gotta be some type of PR --- 3rd squat clean went up the fastest of all 3. super happy with this
    C. Stayed 175 -- challenging yet form stayed on point
    D. did deadbug within about 5or6 sets -- no more than :30 b/t sets

  4. A.) 160 lb
    B.) 125 lb
    C.) 70 lb
    D.) :20 on and :20 off....dead bug hold

  5. A. 297 probably can do more
    B.try 253 (1+1). 235(1+2) 230 get it - sucks my tech hips Hurt from saturday from hitting
    C. 155 wrist still bad, pull sucks in final and grip in last two sets

    Kyle! Fuck man i want this numbers! Whats your BW!?

  6. Hey Diego, staying the same weight. Don't really change much from 185lb. I feel like everything has gotten better for me. Not just consistency of training. But sleep quality, consistent eating/hydration and supplemental support.

  7. A. 345--smooth
    B. 255
    C. 115-135-135-135-145-155
    D. Did :30 hollow body hold with :30 off

  8. A. 275 didn't push it
    B. 200
    C. 95-115-135-135-135-135
    D. Hollow body and dead bug
