
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wednesday August 23rd 2017

A. Every :60 x 12-15 sets
1 Power Clean -- start light and work to challenging single - if you are feeling it then go for max
B. EMOM x 18 min -- start light and work to solid single or 1rm
Even min: Deadlift
Odd min: Strict Press
C. 30 reps for time @ 10"/5" Deficit kipping hspu
D. 3 sets:
15 L-Leg D-bell RDL
15 R-Leg
rest :60
25 Push ups
rest :60


  1. A. 135-265
    B. Deadlift 185-405
    Strict press 95-165
    C. 5:25
    D. Done

  2. A. 275
    B 395 lack of trunk but can do more
    B2 135 try 145 and missões
    C. 25cm is a lot(for now) - did 15reps in 6min
    D. Done

  3. A.175
    B. 335 new PR
    B2. 125
    C. 3:19
    D. Done

  4. A. 322lb - PR
    B.DL - 535 no PR
    Strict Press - 215 no PR
    C. 2:08

  5. A) 145 lb
    B.) DL - 240 lb PR
    Strict Press - 95 lb
    C.) 5:58
    D.) Done

  6. A. 135->260
    B1. 225->430
    B2. 95->175
    C. 5:19

  7. A. 255 PR
    B. Deadlift: 225 built up to 380
    SP: 95-175 PR
    C. 3:56
    D. Done
