
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Monday August 21st 2017

A. Squat Snatch, work to solid single - not a max
B. Front Squat, work to max
C. Bulgarian Split Squat w/ bells/hand, work to 6 reps/leg - rest :60 b/t legs
D. Death By Strict Pullups (does not have to be unbroken) 
1st min - 1 pullup 
2nd min - 2 pullup 
3rd min - 3 pullup 
.. so on and so forth until you can not complete the given amount of reps within the minute 


  1. A.) 100 lb
    B.) 170 lb - previous PR
    C.) 35 lb
    D.) 8 on the round of 9

  2. A. 175
    B. 295
    C. 60lbs each hand 6th set
    D. 11 rounds. Had to get to GBB

  3. Back...
    B.275 i have legs for more but w/o trunk
    C 32kg kb each hand
    D. 13+ 8 all pronated

  4. A. 190
    B. 335
    C. 60 lbs short on time
    D. 10 pull-ups-could've done more but I was short on time

  5. A & B -- truly terrible- not even recording
    C. 70lb/hand
    D. Completed round of 14
