
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Wednesday November 23rd 2016

A. Push Press. Split Jerk; 2.1, rest 2m (drop & rest 15s after 2nd Push Press)
B1. CGBP; max UB @ wt used for 6 rep from last wk,  x  5 sets rest 60s
B2. SA DB Row; 6-8/arm x 5, rest 60s
5 Sets:
10 UB OHS @ 95-115/65lb-75lb (from floor)
Rest 20s
:30 AMRAP DU's
Rest 20s
:30 AMRAP C2B (No more than 2 attempts within the given window of time)

rest 2min b/t sets


  1. A. 176/187/193 X 2sets /198
    B1. 143 lbs (15/10/10/8/8)
    B2. 70lbs

    95lbs/29 DU / 13 (885)
    95lbs /28DU /13CTB (8/5)
    115lbs/ 33DU /15CTB ( 10/5)
    115lbs/39DU/14CTB ( 10/4)
    115 lbs/ 26DU/15CTB ( 8/7)

  2. A. BS, tempo 21x1, 7x3, rest 2 min, 110 kg
    B. PP. SJ, 2.1. reps, 15 sec. pause before split jerk, 5 sets, 50-55-60-65-72,5 (PR for this bunch!) kg
    12-10-8-8-6 reps strict pull-ups. OHS with #20 bar.
    3 sets:
    - Back extensions on GHD; @3030; 8-10 reps
    - GHD sit-ups with DB, 8 reps, 7,5-10-12,5 kg

  3. A. 155, failed the 2nd push press at 160 new PR Push press
    B.1 @ 100- 7-7-6-7-6
    B2. @ 35#

    C. 75#
    DUs- 57, 46 (broke once), 51, 55, 47 (broke once)
    C2B- 13, 9, 8, 9, 11 *think I took a 30 sec rest

  4. A. 185
    B1. @135 #
    B2. @50#
    C. OHS@95
    DU: 58-40-60-55-53
    C2B: 8-10-7-5-6 ( did 1 UB set each time my hands are still recovering)
