
Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday June 9, 2015-

A1. Bench Cluster; 2.2.2x5; rest 20s/2m
A2. Pendlay Row; 6x5; rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 Strict Press @ 65% 1RM
10 Strict C2B Pullups
Rest 2m b/w sets 

*Record time/set. Take note of rep partitioning scheme 
3-4 Sets:
100m UB Farmer Carry (AHAP)
Rest 60s b/w sets 


Every 5 min completen 1 round for 30 min 
Row 500m 
12 Pull up 
9 Hand release push up 

HPA - Power 
Complete 1 set every 3 minutes x 10 sets
5 burpees onto 24" /20"
5 kbs - 32kg/24kg
5 goblet squat - 32kg/24kg
100m row
20 du's
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time.


  1. HPA blue
    2:28,2:10, 2:24,2:08, 2:26, 2:13. I ran instead of rowed on sets 2,4,6.

    1. Welcome to the Blue team! Glad to have you on board!

  2. Power:

    10/10. Fastest time was 1:20. Slowest was 1:31. Come round 6 or so this was awful. Worst mix and match was anything finishing on burpees and the goblets were just burning at any point.

  3. Power:

    9/10. 20" box and 55# kettle bell. Fastest time was 1:33, slowest time was 2:04. I skipped the 6th round after my slowest time. This was pretty rough.

  4. Hey Evan, can you indicate the standards for the females for the Power workouts? For ex: Monday's wod had 10" deficit HSPU, so should I assume this 10" would also apply to females? And today's WOD kettlebell swings and goblet squats at 32kg, so would the females be 24kg? Thanks!

  5. Blue

    *wasnt at my normal gym rower wasn't available today, so subbed AirDyne. Did 40 cals for first three rounds, then bumped down to 30 for last three...40 just felt like a lot more work than a 500m row.

    Didnt record exact times, but first round was 2:40. Slipped to about 3:20 by end. Practiced butterflying the pull ups. Went as many unbroken as I could (normally 6-8) then Kipped the rest. Kipped round 2 unbroken with no issues.

  6. Blue

    *wasnt at my normal gym rower wasn't available today, so subbed AirDyne. Did 40 cals for first three rounds, then bumped down to 30 for last three...40 just felt like a lot more work than a 500m row.

    Didnt record exact times, but first round was 2:40. Slipped to about 3:20 by end. Practiced butterflying the pull ups. Went as many unbroken as I could (normally 6-8) then Kipped the rest. Kipped round 2 unbroken with no issues.

  7. Power

    5 sets on 3 minute interval (Times between 1:25-1:45)
    5 burpee box jumps
    5 KBS - 70
    5 goblet squat - 70
    5 cals airdyne
    10-20 double unders (these REALLY sucked today, not one set unbroken)

    Skipped round 6, hit round 7 in about 1:45, shut it down

    Legs felt like led from the start. Just absolutely could not recover, burpee box jumps were terrible unless they were at very beginning, goblet squats sucked, and couldn't hit more than about 5 double unders without breaking. After round 5 I just could not recover, maybe still not recovered from comp this weekend. This is the kind of work I need right now but I just absolutely could not recovery today.

    1. Had a kill cliff and put the baby down for a nap and was cursing myself for wussing out conditioning so went down to finish up but took out the double unders.

      8 sets on 3 minute interval (times between 1:25-1:40)
      5 burpee box jumps
      5 KBS - 70
      5 goblet squat - 70
      5 cals airdyne
      40 single unders

      So did a total of 14 sets today. Obviously single unders are easier conditioning wise than double unders but I think a big part of the first 6 sets I did was mental. I kept getting pissed I couldn't work the double unders and I think that affected how I thought I was recovering. Don't get me wrong these 8 sets sucked and I probably couldn't have went ahead and finished the last two sets but I figured 14 intervals was enough for today.

  8. Power:

    The fastest time was 1:47, slowest was 2:58 after which I had to skip the 5th round.
