
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Saturday May 13th 2017

Regionals 2017 Event 1:
For time, wearing a weight vest:
1,200-m run
Then, 12 rounds of:
  4 strict handstand push-ups
  8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  12 squats
Men wear a 20-lb. vest
Women wear a 14-lb. vest
Time cap: 25 minutes

If you are not capable of performing 4 unbroken hspu with weight vest @ the given weight then scale to no weight vest.


  1. We see , still great result , hopefully i dont stuck in HSPU

  2. If I don't have vest?! What alternative for me?

  3. 18:45 -
    POMA if you have no weight vest then you may have to get creative... If anything get the workout in without a vest to get through the volume.

  4. 10 rounds + 4
    No weight vest and 2 ab mats

  5. So i knew hspu Will be a problem, in middle start one by one so change to kipping and finish with 10rds

    Did on sunday
