
Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday January 2nd 2017

A. Power Snatch; 2 T&G reps x5, rest 2m
B. Power Clean . Above Knee Hang PC. SJ; 1 complex every 2:00 x 4  sets
C. Front Squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 2:30
For Time:
21 Strict Press (95/65)
60 cal AB
18 Strict Press (95/65)
60 cal AB
15 Strict Press (95/65)


  1. A. 200,205,210,215,215 - 215 deff challenging
    B. 245,245,255,255 - mod, wrist a little funky lately
    C. 265,285,305,275,290,310
    D. 10:40 - broke up strict press. Held RPM around 67ish

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hint - For Part C I worked w/ 1st wave mod % - 2nd wave about 4-5% higher based on 1rm fsqaut

  4. A. 95-100-105-105-105
    B. 145-150-155-155
    C. 165-175-185-175-f-185. *failed rep 2 of second wave. Counted as my 1 rep, time constraint
    D. 14:28 *50 cal AB due to time constraint. Broke up strict press on 18 (16-2) and 15 (8-4-3) ; AB 5:37 and 6:47

  5. Jon Singh:
    Power Snatch TnG - 3 sets @180lbs, 2 sets @185lbs.
    PC,HPC,SJ - 2 sets @230lbs, 2 sets @ 240lbs
    Front Squats - Glute work - no squatting for me today
    Strict press, airbike - 11:31 (21 unbroken) for 18 and 15 i broke then up into two sets.

  6. A. 155-165x2x4
    B. 205-205-225-225
    C. 205-225-235-245-255-265
    12:19 ....failed last rep - broke up strict press, hovered around 60-63 rpms

  7. 170, 175, 175, 180, 185
    220, 225, 235, 240
    3x255, 2x265, 1x275, 3x260, 2x270, 1x280

  8. A. 165 x 5 sets
    B. 225-235-240-240
    C. 245-260-275-255-275-290
    9:14-broke up strict press

  9. A. 155-165-175-180-180
    B. 215-225-230-230
    C. No squats my knees were cranky
    D. 9:35
