AM - Training
4 sets @ high effort/85-90%:
4 Toes to Bar + 3 Pull-up + 2 Chest to Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-up + 1 Strict Pronated Chest to Bar
2 min Step Down Box Jumps @ 24"
*Perform all reps without coming off bar
5 rounds for time:
2 Rope Climb to 15ft - use legs
50 DU's
PM -Training
4 sets @ high effort/85-90%:
6-9 Strict HSPU + 6-9 Kipping HSPU - no deficit
2 min Shuttle Running
3 min b/t sets
5 rounds for time:
10 Ring Dips
10 cal AirBike
*If unable to do 2 workout sessions then do:
2-3 sets of (AM + Metcon )
REST 10 min
2-3 Sets of (PM + Metcon)