
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Monday October 16th 2017

A. Back Squat, work to tough set of 4 within 6 sets
B. Power Clean . T&G Squat Clean . Above knee Hang Squat Clean, 1.1.2, work to tough set within 6 sets
C. 2 T&G Power Snatch + 2 Above Knee Hang Power Snatch + 2 Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch every 2 minutes x 6 sets -- start @ 60-65% of 1rm Power snatch @ figure from there where to stay
D. 5 sets:
3 Strict Toes to bar
3 Strict Knees To arms
9 Toes to bar
rest 1m30


  1. A. 110/120/130/140/150/160 kg
    B. 80/90/100/110/115/120 kg
    C. 75 kg
    D. +

  2. A. 285
    B. 175
    C. 65 :( consistent challenge with squat snatch lower back, right knee, tight awkward
    D. 3rd set begin failing set of 9 unbroken

  3. A. 300
    B. 215
    C. 95-135X3
    D. Done (last 2 sets of T2B broke it into 6 and 3)

  4. A.) 170 lb
    B.) 125 lb
    C.) 65 lb
    D.) Did the T2B in 2 sets

  5. A. 405lb
    B. 295 (315lb - fail on last hang clean)
    C. 165lb - smooth and snappy
    D. All Unbroken sets - good burn

  6. A. 350
    B. 250
    C. 105x1 115x1 135x2 145x2
    D. 3 unbroken—hip flexors were on fire
