
Monday, September 14, 2015

Tuesday September 15, 2015-

A1. SA DB Strict Press; 8-10x5, rest 60s (full protraction & ext rot at top)
A2. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8x5, rest 60s
3:30 AMRAP:
10 WPU @16kg
50ft Forward & Reverse Bear crawl
Max DU's in remaining time
(Rest 3:30)
x3-4 Sets
20 Alt TGU @16kg- not for time 

HPA - Power 
30 minute LOW effort rowing *Perform the following every 2 minutes, beginning @ minute 2: 15-20ft UB HS Walk 2 Bar Muscle-ups + 10 min EMOM: :15-:20 total holding time Alt from Holding hanging knee raise to Holding hanging L-sit hold (:01 pauses in each hold)


  1. Power

    Did last weeks programming as I dont have a great space for his walks at moment and also can't do bar muscle ups at my house.

    30 minute airdyne - 6 miles not sure on cals
    Hspu x 10 x 6 sets - unbroken some in tank
    Muscle ups x 6 x 6 sets unbroken some in tank
    HR max 178 (sky rocketed during mu)
    HR avg 165
    HR recovery in 2 mins 175-129

    10 min emom
    Uh so let's just say this didn't go well and exposed a weakness. Started with 5 second hanging L-sit+6 TTB and was down to a 3 second hanging knee raise + 3 TTB by the end. Fatigue just set in so quickly and form deteriorated big time.

    10 mins zone 1

  2. Power:
    A. Subbed HS walk with 3 attempts and 4 chest to bars. My Bar MU are mainly dome with the chicken wing form.
    B. Completed
