A. Clean Pull. Hang Clean; 1.1 x 5 successful sets; rest 2m (start mod and build)
B. Front Squat; 2-3 reps x 6 succesful sets, rest 2-3m
C. 5 Minute AMRAP:
3 UB Hang Power Snatch @ 70%RM of 1rm power snatch
For Time:
30 deficit HSPU @ 8" deficit
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Wednesday June 29th 2016
15 Minute AMRAP:
1 Mile Run
Assault Bike for cals in remaining time
Rest 7m
x3 Sets @ 85% effort
*Wear HR monitor/ record data if possible.
1 Mile Run
Assault Bike for cals in remaining time
Rest 7m
x3 Sets @ 85% effort
*Wear HR monitor/ record data if possible.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Tuesday June 28th 2016
A. Push Press @ 21X2; 2-3 reps x 5 sets, rest 2m
B1. Bench Press; 20 reps, rest 20s
B2. Bent Over Double Arm KB Row, 10-12, rest 20s
B3. AMRAP UB Strict Pullups, rest 2:30 x4 sets
3 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Ring Dip + 15s Ring Support w/ external rotation
:60 Rest
15-20 Incline Reverse flys w/ dbells
:60 Rest
20 Minutes of targeted mobility, Z1, etc.
B1. Bench Press; 20 reps, rest 20s
B2. Bent Over Double Arm KB Row, 10-12, rest 20s
B3. AMRAP UB Strict Pullups, rest 2:30 x4 sets
3 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Ring Dip + 15s Ring Support w/ external rotation
:60 Rest
15-20 Incline Reverse flys w/ dbells
:60 Rest
20 Minutes of targeted mobility, Z1, etc.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Monday June 27th 2016
A. Power Snatch; 1 OTM until failure- start @60%, add 10lb/set
B. Back Squat, AMRAP(-1) @75% x 5 sets rest 3 min b/t sets
C.RDL; 8-12 x 5 sets rest 2 min
10 sets:
:10 Assault Bike @100%
:50 Rest
3 Sets:
AMRAP (-1) Strict hanging Leg raises (heels must come above waist)
AMRAP (-1) Strict Hanging Knee raises
Rest :90 bt sets
B. Back Squat, AMRAP(-1) @75% x 5 sets rest 3 min b/t sets
C.RDL; 8-12 x 5 sets rest 2 min
10 sets:
:10 Assault Bike @100%
:50 Rest
3 Sets:
AMRAP (-1) Strict hanging Leg raises (heels must come above waist)
AMRAP (-1) Strict Hanging Knee raises
Rest :90 bt sets
Friday, June 24, 2016
Saturday June 25th 2016
30 sets @ 85% effort
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Slow spin
-- Stay true on effort and "slow." Try to keep significantly different wattage b/t 85% and slow spin
10 min:
:20 L-bridge
:20 R-Bridge
:20 Front Bridge
:60 Slow Farmers Carry @ heavy weight
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Slow spin
-- Stay true on effort and "slow." Try to keep significantly different wattage b/t 85% and slow spin
10 min:
:20 L-bridge
:20 R-Bridge
:20 Front Bridge
:60 Slow Farmers Carry @ heavy weight
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Friday June 24th 2016
A. Front Squat; 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 2-3m
B. Clean Pull. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.2.3; bulild to a tough set -- T&G 2 rep power clean
4 sets:
40m Grinding Sled Push (heavy)
Rest 1 Min
For Time:
UB C2B Pullups - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
25 UB DU's b/w each set (complete doubles after set of 10 as well)
B. Clean Pull. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.2.3; bulild to a tough set -- T&G 2 rep power clean
4 sets:
40m Grinding Sled Push (heavy)
Rest 1 Min
For Time:
UB C2B Pullups - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
25 UB DU's b/w each set (complete doubles after set of 10 as well)
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Wednesday June 22nd 2016
3 sets @ 85% effort
1 Mile Run @ 85%
Rest = 1/2 Work
2 rounds @ 65% effort
2k row
100 Cals on assault bike
3 sets @ 85% effort
1 Mile Run @ 85%
Rest = 1/2 Work
2 rounds @ 65% effort
2k row
100 Cals on assault bike
Monday, June 20, 2016
Tuesday June 21st 2016
A. Push Jerk. Split Jerk; 2.1 x 5 successful sets, 2min -- 2nd jerk from overhead & rest :15 before split - use blocks
B1. Cluster CGBP; 2.2 x 6, rest 20s/60s
B2. Weighted Strict C2B; x 6, rest 15s/60s
4 sets @ 90% effort -- maybe be hard to repeat, but don't fall too far off pace
15 Strict HSPU
400m Run
2 Legless Rope Climb
Rest 2min b/t sets
B1. Cluster CGBP; 2.2 x 6, rest 20s/60s
B2. Weighted Strict C2B; x 6, rest 15s/60s
4 sets @ 90% effort -- maybe be hard to repeat, but don't fall too far off pace
15 Strict HSPU
400m Run
2 Legless Rope Climb
Rest 2min b/t sets
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Monday June 20th 2016
A. Snatch; 1 rep @ 85%RM x 6-9 succesful sets rest :90 b/t sets
B. Back Squat; 4 successful reps x 5 sets, resg 2-3m (best 75-80% of 1RM)
C. 10 sets:
:07 Assault Bike @100%
:53 Slow Spin
D. 4-5 sets:
12-15 unbroken Strict Hanging Leg Raises
rest :60 b/t sets
**if you have to break sets then, terminate and increase sets. In whichever rep ranges it is fulfilled, there should be 50-60 reps complete**
B. Back Squat; 4 successful reps x 5 sets, resg 2-3m (best 75-80% of 1RM)
C. 10 sets:
:07 Assault Bike @100%
:53 Slow Spin
D. 4-5 sets:
12-15 unbroken Strict Hanging Leg Raises
rest :60 b/t sets
**if you have to break sets then, terminate and increase sets. In whichever rep ranges it is fulfilled, there should be 50-60 reps complete**
Friday, June 17, 2016
Saturday June 18th 2016
5k Run For Time
5 min Upper body mobility
6-7 sets of skill:
Btn Split Jerk . Split Jerk, 1.1 @ about 55-65%RM rest :60 b/t sets
5 min lower body mobility
6-7 min EMOM:
2-3 pistol squats/leg or pistol specific movement
*Number 1 priority is foot remaining flat. Do not sacrifice form. Scale/modify movement in anyway possible**
5-10 min of mobility/skill/"pump sesh" of fielders choice
5 min Upper body mobility
6-7 sets of skill:
Btn Split Jerk . Split Jerk, 1.1 @ about 55-65%RM rest :60 b/t sets
5 min lower body mobility
6-7 min EMOM:
2-3 pistol squats/leg or pistol specific movement
*Number 1 priority is foot remaining flat. Do not sacrifice form. Scale/modify movement in anyway possible**
5-10 min of mobility/skill/"pump sesh" of fielders choice
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Friday June 17th 2016
A. Squat Clean; build to a tough single
B. Front Squat @ 21X1; 4-5 reps x 5, rest 2-3m
3 sets:
10 T&G "challenging yet fast" Deadlifts
rest :20
Seated Box Jump Cluster;
rest 2:30
For Time:
30 Ring Muscle Ups (AMRAP UB to start)
*Post two scores: max UB and total time
B. Front Squat @ 21X1; 4-5 reps x 5, rest 2-3m
3 sets:
10 T&G "challenging yet fast" Deadlifts
rest :20
Seated Box Jump Cluster;
rest 2:30
For Time:
30 Ring Muscle Ups (AMRAP UB to start)
*Post two scores: max UB and total time
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday June 15th 2016
3 sets @ 85% effort
1k Row
2 Mile Assault bike
400m Run
30m Bear Crawl
20m reverse bear crawl
Rest 7min
1k Row
2 Mile Assault bike
400m Run
30m Bear Crawl
20m reverse bear crawl
Rest 7min
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday June 14th 2016
A. Push Press. Push Jerk, 1.3 x 4 rest 2 min successful yet challenging sets
B1. CGBP; 4 reps x 6 sets, rest 60s
B2. Pendlay Row; 6 reps x 6 sets rest 60
4 Sets:
:60 Rest
15 Strict C2B Pullup For TIme
:60 Rest
20 Minute Z1 Airyne- get up every 5 min and complete a 20m Single Arm KB Overhead Carry each arm
B1. CGBP; 4 reps x 6 sets, rest 60s
B2. Pendlay Row; 6 reps x 6 sets rest 60
4 Sets:
:60 Rest
15 Strict C2B Pullup For TIme
:60 Rest
20 Minute Z1 Airyne- get up every 5 min and complete a 20m Single Arm KB Overhead Carry each arm
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Monday June 13th 2016
A. Slow Pull Squat Snatch; 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2m (3s to mid thigh)
B. Back Squat; 2.2.2 x 5 sets, rest 20s/2min
C. Wtd. Back Extension; 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2min
5 sets:
:08 second Assault Bike @100%
:52 slow spin
*Record max wattage/ set
5 sets:
:20 Prowler Sprint @ 95% (moderate load)
1:40 Rest
15-20 Minute Z1 Row, Bike, Run
B. Back Squat; 2.2.2 x 5 sets, rest 20s/2min
C. Wtd. Back Extension; 8-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2min
5 sets:
:08 second Assault Bike @100%
:52 slow spin
*Record max wattage/ set
5 sets:
:20 Prowler Sprint @ 95% (moderate load)
1:40 Rest
15-20 Minute Z1 Row, Bike, Run
Friday, June 10, 2016
Saturday June 11th 2016
5 Minute AMRAP @ 85-90% effort
400m Run
15 KBS @24kg/16kg
20 Burpee
15 Box jump overs @24kg/16kg
rest 5 min
5 sets @ 85-90% effort:
:60 Assault bike
:60 rest
rest 5 min
+5 Minute AMRAP @ 85-90% effort
500m Row
15 Box Jump Step Down @24"/20"
20 Situps
15 Wall Ball Slams @20#/14lb
+Rest 5 min
5 Sets:
:60 Assault bike @ 85-90% effort
:60 Rest
400m Run
15 KBS @24kg/16kg
20 Burpee
15 Box jump overs @24kg/16kg
rest 5 min
5 sets @ 85-90% effort:
:60 Assault bike
:60 rest
rest 5 min
+5 Minute AMRAP @ 85-90% effort
500m Row
15 Box Jump Step Down @24"/20"
20 Situps
15 Wall Ball Slams @20#/14lb
+Rest 5 min
5 Sets:
:60 Assault bike @ 85-90% effort
:60 Rest
Friday June 10th 2016
A. Squat Clean. Above knee Hang Squat Clean 1.1 x 5; rest 2-3m (no drop)
B. Front Squat @ 21x1; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 3m
C. Slow Pull Snatch Pull; 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 90s (3s to mid thigh, then extend)
5 Sets:
5 UB Power Snatch @95lb/65lb
10 C2B Pullups
30 DU's
5 Kipping Defecit HSPU @6"
rest 2m b/w sets
*Record time for each set
*Complete sets 2/4 in reverse order
B. Front Squat @ 21x1; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 3m
C. Slow Pull Snatch Pull; 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 90s (3s to mid thigh, then extend)
5 Sets:
5 UB Power Snatch @95lb/65lb
10 C2B Pullups
30 DU's
5 Kipping Defecit HSPU @6"
rest 2m b/w sets
*Record time for each set
*Complete sets 2/4 in reverse order
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Wednesday June 8th 2106
60 Minute Running Clock:
For Time @85%
1 mile run
30m Bear Crawl
30m Reverse Bear Crawl
15 Alt Step Ups @ 30"/24"
15 Situps
Rest until 20:00
2,500m Row @85%
Rest until 40:00
10 Min AD @85%
For Time @85%
1 mile run
30m Bear Crawl
30m Reverse Bear Crawl
15 Alt Step Ups @ 30"/24"
15 Situps
Rest until 20:00
2,500m Row @85%
Rest until 40:00
10 Min AD @85%
Monday, June 6, 2016
Tuesday June 7th 2016
A1. Bench Cluster; 2.2.2 x 5; sets rest 20s/2m
A2. Pendlay Row; 6 reps x 5 sets rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 Strict Press @ 65% 1RM
rest :60
10 Strict C2B Pullups
rest :60
*Record time/set. Note how sets are broken up*
4 Sets unbroke:
100m UB Farmer Carry (as heavy as possible. ) preferred 32kg/24kg
FLR on RIngs, :45-:60
(rest as needed but make sure everything is unbroken)
A2. Pendlay Row; 6 reps x 5 sets rest 2m
5 Sets:
10 Strict Press @ 65% 1RM
rest :60
10 Strict C2B Pullups
rest :60
*Record time/set. Note how sets are broken up*
4 Sets unbroke:
100m UB Farmer Carry (as heavy as possible. ) preferred 32kg/24kg
FLR on RIngs, :45-:60
(rest as needed but make sure everything is unbroken)
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Monday June 6th 2016
A. Squat Snatch, build to a max --- no more than 2 fails at a given weight -- Would prefer to end on a successful lift
B. Cluster Clean, every 2 minutes x 6 sets -- no grinding reps
C. Back Squat @20X1; 6 reps @ 70-75% x 3 sets rest 2-3 minutes--- No maxes -- should be heard but NOT grinding
D. BB Alt lunges; 20 reps every 2 minutes x 4 sets nothing crazy heavy
1k Row @ Z1- low damper setting
800m run @ low effort
4 minutes on airbike @ low effort
B. Cluster Clean, every 2 minutes x 6 sets -- no grinding reps
C. Back Squat @20X1; 6 reps @ 70-75% x 3 sets rest 2-3 minutes--- No maxes -- should be heard but NOT grinding
D. BB Alt lunges; 20 reps every 2 minutes x 4 sets nothing crazy heavy
1k Row @ Z1- low damper setting
800m run @ low effort
4 minutes on airbike @ low effort
Friday, June 3, 2016
Saturday June 4th 2016
A1. Wtd. Dip 3-5 x 5 sets, rest 60
A2. Pendlay Row; 6-8 x 5 sets, rest 60
For Time:
50 Strict HSPU (max 30" width)
6 Sets:
500m Row @ 85%
rest 2 min b.t sets
A2. Pendlay Row; 6-8 x 5 sets, rest 60
For Time:
50 Strict HSPU (max 30" width)
6 Sets:
500m Row @ 85%
rest 2 min b.t sets
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Friday June 3rd 2016
A. Clean . Clean & Jerk; 1. 1&1 every 90s x 6-8 sets (start @70% and build) -- Drop first Clean From shoulders and rest :10 before clean and jerk --- don't build max out
B. Back Squat; build to a 1RM
rest no more than 3 minutes after max attempt
C. Back Squat, max reps @ 85% of part B+
4 rounds for quality:
100m Farmer Carry- 32kg/arm / 24kg/arm
15 GHD sit ups
20 Minute Run/bike/row @70%
B. Back Squat; build to a 1RM
rest no more than 3 minutes after max attempt
C. Back Squat, max reps @ 85% of part B+
4 rounds for quality:
100m Farmer Carry- 32kg/arm / 24kg/arm
15 GHD sit ups
20 Minute Run/bike/row @70%
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