
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Wednesday December 6th 2017

Snatch Pull. Squat Snatch, 1.1 @ 62.5-65%RM per min x 10 mins - pause for 1 sec in full squat each rep
12 to1 unbroken Kipping HSPU ladder for time
*As long as you can do 12-15 unbroken kipping hspu then go for this. Give yourself a 10 minute CAP and see how far you can get if this is not your strong suit*
rest 10 min 
5 min AMRAP
1 rope climb to 15ft
10 KB thrusters @ 16kg/12kg
15 minute Row @ 75% effort


  1. A. 140
    B. 6:11
    C. Didn’t have a rope so I did 6 Kipping pull-ups instead. —10 rounds

    3,770 meters—1:59.3/500m

  2. A. 70kg
    B. Hspu. From 12 to 8 classic hspu, from 7 to 5 with 10sm deficit, other with 15sm dificit.
    C. 5 rounds, i'm working like in EMOM )
    I'm done row only 10min - 2300m

  3. B. 4:16 reps 12-11-10 were continuous.

  4. A. 145lbs
    B. 6:01

    Did a class workout afterwards.

  5. A. 135
    B. 5:40
    C. 5 min EMOM
    1 rope climb
    8 pendlay rows @95#
