
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Monday July 3rd 2017

A. Squat Snatch; 1 rep @ 90%RM x 5-6 successful sets rest :90-2 min b/t sets
B. Back Squat; 1 reps @ 91% or more x 6 sets, rest 2-3m 
C1. Single Leg Box step up holding dbells, 8 reps left (followed by 8 reps right) x 3 sets rest :45
C2. Dbell RDLs, 15 reps @ 3010 x 3 sets rest :45
C3. GH raises, 9-12 reps x 3 sets rest :45
C4. Accumulate :60 of Hanging Tuck hold or Hanging L-sit hold x 3 sets rest :45 (whichever you compensate less with your shoulders and feel more in your abdomen) 


  1. A.305
    B.185 did the 7sets than start missing
    C. Done

  2. А. 100/100/100/fail/95/ next 10 rep all fail
    B. 155 (must 163)
    At this point I decided to end workout

  3. A.) 100 lb for 6 successful reps - had 2 fails
    B.) 175 lb
    C.) 25 lb db for step ups and RDL
    12 reps for GH raises

  4. A. 185*4-190
    B. 325-325-335-335-335-345
    C. 35# for step up onto 24" box
    50# for RDL
