
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Friday October 7th 2016

A. Sq. Snatch Cluster; 1.1.1 x 3 sets, rest 15s/2m  -- work to tough weight  and use same weight for all 3 sets
B. Front Squat @20X1; 5 reps x 5, rest 2m
10 Sets:

2 Tng PC & Push Jerk @ 65% (CJ max)
5 sec Assault Bike @100%
Rest 60s
5 min AMRAP:
15 Unbroken OHS @75#/55lb
20 C2B Pullups
25 UB DU x 3 sets (this is a total of 75 DU before you go back to the OHS)

Option B: 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15minutes of 10-8-6-4-2: 

  • Hang Power Cleans 
  • Lateral Over-the-bar Burpees 
  • Toes-to-bar 
* After finishing the round of 2 reps, increase the weight of your barbell and start again on the round of 10.
This workout will be scored as the total repetitions completed within the 15 minute window.
The tie-breaker is the time it takes to complete the first full round of 10-8-6-4-2.



  1. Elite/Rx, International Cup, Master’s 35-39, Master’s 40-44
    Men: 135/165/185/205/225/245lbs
    Women: 95/115/125/135/145/155lbs

  2. Doing everthing easy This week my legs almost cramp

  3. A. Deadlift, 5-4-3-2-1, rest 2 minutes, 100-105-110-115-120 kg.
    B. Push jerk, 3 tough reps, rest 2:30, 70 kg.
    6 sets, rest 2 min, after #3 set rest 5 minutes:
    - 500 m row, 2K pace
    2:03, 1:59, 2:00, 2:02, 2x2:03.

  4. A. Deadlift, 5-4-3-2-1, rest 2 minutes, 100-105-110-115-120 kg.
    B. Push jerk, 3 tough reps, rest 2:30, 70 kg.
    6 sets, rest 2 min, after #3 set rest 5 minutes:
    - 500 m row, 2K pace
    2:03, 1:59, 2:00, 2:02, 2x2:03.
