
Monday, September 26, 2016

Tuesday September 27th 2016

I know there may be a few of you doing Wodapalooza so I wanted to keep you updated on what this week will look like:
Wednesday: Gymnastic skill/light aerobic work
Thurs: recovery day
Friday / Saturday will depend on Wodapalooza but as of right now it looks like this...
Friday: clean/fsquat/ mixed modal test
Saturday: Long Cyclical test

A. Push Press. Push Jerk . Split Jerk, (no drop), 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. @ 80-90% of A -- repeat complex every :90 x 5 sets
C. For Time:
200 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 10ft / 14lb to 9ft

20 Minute Assault Bike @low effort 


  1. A. 195 (didn't push weight due to wrist, weight was moderately tough)
    B. 155-175
    C. 12:41 (my limiter was quad fatigue, breathing felt good)

  2. A. 225
    B. 185-190
    C. 8:25. Broke my record for Karen at 6:15.

  3. А. 68 kg
    B. 55 kg (80%)
    50 thrusters #20 for time, 3:18.
