
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Friday September 23rd 2016

On-site Ind. Program Design Client - Joseph Clarke

A. Squat Clean; build to a tough single, then drop down and hit 5 singles @ 80-85%
B. Back Squat; 2 reps x 8 sets, rest 3m (tough but no grinding reps- note % 1RM used)
EMOM for 5-7 Minutes:
3-5 UB Muscle Ups

+Strict CTB Pullups for time:
40 reps for male / 30 reps for female

1 comment:

  1. А. PC, 75 kg! 5 singles with #60
    B. 85-90-95-100-105-110-115-120(96%)!
    40 strict pull-ups for time, 4:52.
