
Friday, September 30, 2016

Saturday October 1st 2016

Option A:
30 Minute Row for Max Distance
*record HR if max & avg HR if possible 

Option B if doing Wodapalooza or just would like to spice things up:
Week 2 WOD 5:
17 min AMRAP:
20 Alt Pistols
20 Pullups
20 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 10ft / 14lb to 9ft

Friday September 30th 2016

A. Front Squat, work to tough double
B. Above Knee Hang Power Clean; work to moderate double taking 1 set every :90 x 5-7 sets 
C. Pause Split Jerk (full :02 pause in dip ), 1 moderate rep every :60  x 8 sets  (use about 60-70%RM)
3 rounds @ mod effort: 

500m row 
50 ft L-arm OH KB Carry 
50 ft R-arm OH KB Carry 
:60 Front Bridge 

On a 19 minute running clock, perform the following two workouts:
WOD 3, Part A- BEFORE AMRAP: Minute 0:00 to 5:00 – Find your 1RM Snatch
WOD 4 – Minute 5:00 to 14:00 - 9min ascending AMRAP ladder of:
·       3 Power Snatches
·       3 Box Jumps

·       6 Power Snatches
·       6 Box Jumps

·       9 Power Snatches
·       9 Box Jumps

·       etc… Increasing each round by 3 reps on each movement
WOD 3, Part B – AFTER AMRAP: Minute 14:00 to 19:00 – Find your 1RM Snatch

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wednesday September 28th 2016

Skill Day/low%
A. High Hang Squat Snatch . Below knee hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 every :60 @ 50-60%RM x 8 sets
B. Tall Squat Clean, 3 reps every :60 @ 50%RM Sq. Cl x 8 sets
C. EMOM x 18 minutes:
1st min: 3-6 Bar Muscle Ups
2nd min: 4-6 Candlesticks or Deck Squats -- if possible stand up with pistol
3rd min: 6-12 kipping hspu (comfortable fast/crispy set)
15 minutes of either light breathing or targeted mobility

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tuesday September 27th 2016

I know there may be a few of you doing Wodapalooza so I wanted to keep you updated on what this week will look like:
Wednesday: Gymnastic skill/light aerobic work
Thurs: recovery day
Friday / Saturday will depend on Wodapalooza but as of right now it looks like this...
Friday: clean/fsquat/ mixed modal test
Saturday: Long Cyclical test

A. Push Press. Push Jerk . Split Jerk, (no drop), 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. @ 80-90% of A -- repeat complex every :90 x 5 sets
C. For Time:
200 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 10ft / 14lb to 9ft

20 Minute Assault Bike @low effort 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Monday September 26th 2016

High Performance Athlete: Alex Ruggiere

1) Where do you currently train? Country/type of gym
Crossfit Boynton Beach
2) How long have you been training in this field of sport?
4 years
3) What is your background in training/ sports you played growing up?
4) Do you currently have any aspirations to compete in the open or regionals? Have you been doing so?
I've been to regionals twice on a team. I'd love to either make it to the games on a team or to regionals as an individual
5) What is your favorite lift/movement?
6)What movement do you need to work on?
Overall strength
7) What are your long term goals in training? (more than 2 years)

A. Squat Snatch; build to a tough single
B. Back Squat @30X1; 3 TOUGH reps x 3 sets, 3min
For Time:
Unbroken C2B Pullups
*terminate workout if you fail a set

5 min Cool down row  damper 1

Friday, September 23, 2016

Saturday September 23rd 2016

5 sets:
5 moderately tough Deadlift
Max unbroken Strict HSPU
:30 Assault Bike @ 90%

15 Burpees AFAP
rest 3 min rest b/t sets
Run 1 Mile @ 80-85% effort 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Friday September 23rd 2016

On-site Ind. Program Design Client - Joseph Clarke

A. Squat Clean; build to a tough single, then drop down and hit 5 singles @ 80-85%
B. Back Squat; 2 reps x 8 sets, rest 3m (tough but no grinding reps- note % 1RM used)
EMOM for 5-7 Minutes:
3-5 UB Muscle Ups

+Strict CTB Pullups for time:
40 reps for male / 30 reps for female

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wednesday September 21st 2016

8 Sets:
500m Row @ 85%
6-10 UB Pushups @4040 tempo
Rest 2m
*rest 3-5m after set #4
20 Minutes @low effort
2 mile assault bike
50ft forward and reverse bear crawl

10 L-Leg Lateral Lunges
10 R-Leg Lateral Lunges

Monday, September 19, 2016

Tuesday September 20th 2016

Coach Kyle Tiringer

Id like to slowly introduce our followers to one another. Each week I would like to spotlight one of our athletes to help grow the camaraderie on the blog. It will also give me a little background knowledge what interests you have in training. Please email me at answering the following questions and a pic of you in action.

1) Where do you currently train? Country/type of gym
2) How long have you been training in this field of sport?
3) What is your background in training/ sports you played growing up?
4) Do you currently have any aspirations to compete in the open or regionals? Have you been doing so?
5) What is your favorite lift/movement?
6)What movement do you need to work on?
7) What are your long term goals in training? (more than 2 years)

A. Thruster, build to moderate triple from the ground
EMOM for 20 Min:
1st: 10 UB Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb -- scale weight up or down if needed
2nd: 30-50 UB DU's

3rd: 8-12 UB Ctb
4th: 12 step down box jump @ 24"/20"
20 Minutes low effort Assault Bike or 15 minute low effort run 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Monday September 19th 2016

A. Power Snatch; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @65%, add 5-10;b/ set
B. Back Squats, 2 reps x 12 sets, rest 1 min (60%ish 1RM)
C1. Seated Neutral grip strict press w/ DB; 8-10 x 5 sets, rest 60s
C2. Lean Away Pullups; 6-8 x 5, rest 60s
D1. Bent Over reverse Dbell flys, 15 reps x 3 sets rest :60 
D2. Laying Tricep Ext, 12 reps x 3 sets rest :60 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday September 17th 2016

20 Sets:
:05 Assault Bike @ 100%
:55 Slow Spin
2 rounds For Time:

400m Run
75Air Squats
500m row

10 Minute Aerobic Colldown 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Friday September 16th 2016

A. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.3, build to a tough complex
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps x 7 sets @80% 1RM, rest 3m
9 Rounds:
6 CGBP @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
6 Feet elevated Ring rows @ 3030 tempo (scale height if needed)
*rest 3 min rest after 5th round*

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tuesday September 13th 2016

A1. Seated DB Strict Press; 8 reps x 5 sets, rest 60s
A2. Chest Supported DB Row on low incline @ 30X0, 6-8 x 5 sets, rest 60s
4 min AMRAP:
10 Weighted Pronated Pullup @ 16kg/8kg
50ft handstand walk
Max DU's in remaining time
rest 4 min b/t sets
x 4 sets
20 Alt TGU @16kg/8kg- not for time 

*keep perfect position*

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Monday September 12th 2016

A. Power Snatch . Hang Power Snatch; 1.1 every minutes for 10 min @ 70-75% (PS max)
B. Pause Back Squat (2s); 3 reps x 8 sets, rest 1m (55% BS max)
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @ 3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @ 70-75%
---rest 3 min
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @ 3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @ 70-75%

---rest 3 min
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @ 3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @ 70-75%

Friday, September 9, 2016

Saturday September 10th 2016

3 Sets @ 85% effort
1k Row
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Front Rack Walking Lunge @ 75lb/55lb
Rest 2min b/w sets
10 minutes rest
3 Sets:
1k Row @ 85% effort
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Wall Balls @20lb/14lb
Rest 2min b/w sets 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Friday September 9th 2016

A1. Front Squat @ 30x1; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest :60
A2. Weight Pronated Pullup @ 3oXo 3 reps x6, rest :60 (same wt. across)
B. Barbell Hip Thrust;  12 reps x 3 sets, rest 2m
EMOM for 12 Min:
1st: 10 C2B Pullup
2nd: 10 UB Strict Press (you choose weight)
3rd: 10 C2B Pullup
4th: 100ft BB OHC same barbell as 2nd min

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wednesday September 7th 2016

A. Clean Pull . Above Knee Hang Clean . Split jerk; 1.1.1 x5, rest 2m
B. Seated BTN Press @21x1; 6 reps x 5 sets, rest 2m  (full pause on traps)
6 Sets:
200m Run @80%
8 tng Power Clean @ 135/95lb

AMRAP UB Pushup @ 4040 tempo
Rest 1 Min b/w sets
*5m rest after set #3

Monday, September 5, 2016

Tuesday September 6th 2016

5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AirBike Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remaining time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85% effort
(no rest)
5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AB Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remainign time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85% effort
(rest as needed)
20 Minute AMRAP @75%
40 cal Row
50ft hs walk 

10 T2B

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Monday September 5th 2016

A. Muscle Snatch . Power Snatch, 1.1 every :90 x 8 sets-- T&G reps- start @50% PS max, add 5-10lb/set
B. Back Squat @20X1; 2 reps x 6 sets, rest 3m
3 Sets:
8-10 BS @3030 tempo (35% 1RM)
Rest 30 b/w sets, then move onto rows immediately after set #3

3 Sets:
8-10 Chest Supported DB Row on Low incline @3030 tempo (35% CGBP Max)
Rest 30s b/w sets, then move onto BS immediately after set #3

3 Sets:
8-10 BS @3030 tempo (35% 1RM)
Rest 30 b/w sets, t
hen move onto rows immediately after set #3
3 Sets:
8-10 Chest Supported DB Row on low incline @3030 tempo (35% CGBP Max)
Rest 30s b/w sets

Friday, September 2, 2016

Saturday September 3rd 2016

10 Minute AMRAP @ 80%
300m run
15 DB Push Press @ 35 per hand/25lb per hand
10 Box jumps @ 24"/20"
100m farmers carry @ same weight as push press

rest 5 min
10 Minute AMRAP @ 80%
20 Front Racking Walking Lunge @ 95lb/65lb
15 T2B
.5 Mile AB

rest 5 min
10 Minute AMRAP @ 80%
750m Row
50 DU's

25 Burpees

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Friday September 2nd 2016

A. Power Clean; 1 rep every minute @ 70%ish x 20 reps
B. Front Squat @ 20X1; 4-3-2-4-3-2; rest 3m
20 sets:
:05 AB @ ALL OUT effort
:55 Slow Spin
C. Good Morning @ 3010; 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 75s (light/mod)
D. EMOM x 10 minutes:

1st min: :30 AMRAP Alt pistols (video for analysis)
2nd min: :20 unbroken L-sit hold or Tuck hold