
Monday, July 18, 2016

Tuesday July 19th 2016

A. Split Jerk; build to a tough single 
B. Sumo Deadlift; 3 reps w/ full pause on ground x 5; rest 2-3m (no grinder out reps)
5 Sets:
AMRAP (-1) 8-12 unbroken Strict HSPU (deficit if needed)
rest :20
2:00 Assault Bike @ 75% (moderate effort)
rest :20
AMRAP (-1) Kipping HSPU
Rest 2 min rest b/t sets 
5 min AMRAP:
Burpee Box Jump @30"/24"


  1. A. 215 (triceps injury held off a little bit)
    B. 225-275-315-315-315
    C. Supplemented with db press and bike work
    D. 55

  2. A. 245
    B. 275-285-295-305-315 PR
    C. 12/24 8/15 7/13 6/14 3/13 scaled to AMRAP(-1) for strict hspu
    D. 54

  3. I Fucked up today ; yesterday did some strict HSPU (total of 22reps) and KB press (total 48reps).

    Some changes because the knee , feel pain in kipping Hspu

    A - bench press 176 4reps/4reps/4rep/6reps
    B =- Did 12reps with 264
    C - 8/14 - 6/13 - 5/12 - 4/11 - 4/12
    D - Only Burpees without box jump - 62reps

  4. A. 295
    B. 365 for all sets
    C. 8(strict)/ 8(kipping), 8/8, 7/7, 5/5, 5/6. Did total of 125 Cals on assault bike.
    D. A ridiculous 36. I'm not the cardio type obviously.

  5. A. 245
    B. 275-295-305-315-335-Leg began to bother me. Same as monday.
    C. Strict HSPU@ 3" def. 12/32, 8/24, 8/20, 7/18

  6. A. 175 (5 lbs under PR)
    B. 185-215-255-275-255
    C. strict HSPU (no deficit)- 12/31, 8/25, 8/20, 8/19, 8/17
    D. 50 reps... first minute did 14 reps. by 2:40 I completed 32 reps. Died down quickly towards last 2 mins...

  7. A. 250
    B. 263-286-308-335-335
    C. 8/8 8/10 8/10 6/8 4/6
    D. 61 reps

  8. A. 225
    B. 245-295-305-315-315
    C. 12/2 12/2 12/5 12/5 12/4 (had to much shoulder fatigue)
    D. 44 Reps
