
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Monday Aug 1st 2016

A. Front Squat Cluster; work to tough double 
B. Front Squat, 2 reps @ 93% fof best from part A x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
5 Sets:
10 tng Power Snatch @ 95lb/65lb
1 Min AMRAP DU's
Rest 2 minutes b/s sets
*Scale weight down as needed, must be unbroken*
EMOM x 15 minutes:
1st min:  Double arm KB Front Rack Carry @ challenging weight, :30

2nd min: Hold Sorenson, :30 -- initiate hold by squeezing glutes into pad while keeping torso straight and abs tight
3rd min:  Walking Lunges, 10/10 reps


  1. A. 255
    B. 235
    C. 94-108-93-73-74 @ 95
    D. Done with 2 pood Kb's

  2. A. 190
    B. only 1 set at 176.50- fighting some tendonitis in my right wrist
    C. 73-85-71-66-63

  3. A. 255
    B. 237
    C. Done @ 95. DU were off today! 60-75 each round
    D. Done with 1.5 pood

  4. A. 255
    B. 235
    C.30-21-26-23-24 @95 (really gotta get DU down.)
    D. Done (did ghd sit ups, back was tight)

  5. A. Some change because the knee
    did paused FS with 225 for 2 reps x 5 sets
    B. My DU sucks
    1'36" - 24DU
    1'33" - 38DU
    1'37 "- 5DU
    1'33 " - 18DU
    1'35" - 35DU
    D. DONe

  6. A. 275
    B. 255
    C. 74-72-60-63-69
    D. 53# (should have gone heavier pretty easy)
