
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Monday December 21, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1 tough single every 90s x10 sets
B. Front Squat; 3-3-3-3, rest 2:30
10 Minute AMRAP:
6 PC @80% (1RM)
6 Ring Muscle Up
C. Hanging L-Sit; 20-30s x4, rest 2m(scale to bent knee if you cant hit 20s)
D. Supine Windshield Wiper; 6-12 x3, rest 2m

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, start @ about 50% and increase about 5% every :90 x 8-10 sets -- end on a successful lift.
B. Above knee Hang Squat Clean & Split jerk ,  work tot tough single
C. Front Squat, build to tough set of 3 in 7 sets 
D. 4 sets: 
L-Leg Bulg Split Squat w/ dbells/hand, 10 reps

rest :30 
R- Leg 
rest :30
Good mornings @ 3010, 15 reps
rest :30


  1. Power
    A. Missed set 8 (90%)
    B. 96KG
    C. 60-70-80-90-100-110-120KG(Missed)
    D. Heaviest sets were 2 x 16kg DB and 35kg Bar for Good Mornings
    E. Jumped in on the Regular class Aerobic Power WOD (Been missing too many Saturdays, trying to get more work in)

  2. Gold:

    A. 185, 185, 195, 195, 195, 195, miss, 185, 185, 195
    B. worked up to 245
    AMRAP. 4 +1 PC

  3. GOld:

    A. 95 with 2 misses
    B. 165

    2 rounds + 6 PC + 5 MU

    C & D completed

  4. Gold

    A. 185 for 8 sets, 195, 205
    B. 205x3, 225x3, 245x3
    4 rounds + 3 PC at 185
    2 sets L-sit at 20 seconds
    2 sets knee raise at 25 seconds
    4 sets of 4

    Back/oblique feeling better but still some stiffness/soreness. Weight moved well on snatch but had some stability issues on catch which I expected. Front squat still not there yet, low back felt weak. Technically power clean should have been heavier on CP work bit stayed at 185, result felt right in. Didn't go balls to the wall either just tried to keep a steady pace. Core is so weak, windshield wipers were tough just couldn't do more than 4 reps and still hold hollow position. Glad back is feeling better and I'm hoping I will be near 100% by end of this week.
