
Friday, January 9, 2015

Saturday January 10, 2015-

For Time:
50 Kipping HSPU
Rest 10 Minutes. 
For Time:
6.2 Mile Airdyne 
*No AD/AB --> sub for 5k Row 

Open WOD 11.5
20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Power Clean (145/100lbs)
10 Toes To Bar
15 Wall Balls (20/14lb)

HPA - Power 
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 2 Push press + 2 Push jerk -- heavy
2nd - 2 Legless rope climbs
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
3 CGBP (moderate)
6-9 Unbroken Strict Ring dips
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 12-15 CTB Pullups
2nd - 12-15 GHD situps


  1. Blue

    9rds+2pc (Total Reps: 272)
    *I felt pretty good throughout, but T2B was the most challenging part. I really struggle with these it slowed me down.

  2. Blue

    8+5 PCs.

    Had to workout alone. Don't think I pushed hard enough.

  3. Blue

    10 rounds even (300 reps). Broke everything up from the beginning and paced 2 min rounds.

    Looked back, did the original 11.5 on 4/22/11. 6 mos into Crossfit. Got 6 rounds + 20 reps.

  4. Power
    Emom 1: 80kg

    Emom 2: 80kg and 6 ring dips

    Emom 3: 8x CTB Pull ups and 10x GHD sit ups :-(
