
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Friday January 16, 2015-

A. PC & PJ; 1.1.1 x5; rest 10s/2m
B. Sumo Deadlift; 3x3; rest 2-3m (tough, but no grinders).
For Time:
10 OHS (125/95#)
30 Bar Facing Burpee
20 Front Squat (115/85)
20 Bar Facing Burpee
30 Back Squat (105/75#)
10 Bar Facing Burpee

A. Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, work to a toughs set
B. Back squat 2.2.2 x 5 sets, rest15s/rest2-3 min ( same or more weight than last week)
10 min AMRAP
50 Row cals
40 wall ball 20/14 to 10/9ft
30 Power Clean 135/95
Max Muscle ups in remaining time (no MU>C2B pull up)

HPA - Power  
Snatch - Fsquat - Clean battery
A. Power Snatch, 3-3-3-2-2-2 rest 2 min
B. Front Squat, work to tough set of 5 reps
C. Power Clean & Push Jerk, build up to moderate single
5 sets:
5 Power Clean @ jerk @ 155lb (all singles)
50 Double Unders
rest 2 min


  1. Blue


    A) 245#, failed at 260# clean x2
    *just not there today
    B) 295#x1 set
    *backed off the loading, everything felt heavy and was a struggle this morning.
    10 min AMRAP
    3 Mu's with 2 failures as well.
    *I don't have much confidence in my Mu's right now it's definitely become a mental challenge for me.
    *Not a great training morning. My son woke up 11:30 last night puking so didn't get a good night sleep. Frustrating to say the least.

  2. It's a cluster. Each set of squats consists of....
    2 reps, R15s, 2 reps, R15, 2 reps.
    Then rest 2-3m and complete 5 sets.
    This is explained in the FAQ tab above

  3. Blue

    A) 245#. C&J PR for me (nevermind the extra front squat in the middle). I think I have some more if I can get my SC more efficient
    B) 275, 295, 305, 305, 315. 315 almost crushed me on last 2. Legs were dead
    9 muscle ups. missed 10th with time expiring. Very tough after going all out on A&B

  4. GOLD
    PC + PJ - 155-175-185-185-195
    SDL - 275

    WOD - 8:34

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Blue

    A) I stopped at 205, I'm stronger but I get mind fucked right at 225 for whatever reason

    B) 275, 315,315, 335, 345- that felt great but nasty at same time

    Finished the cleans at 7:34 got stuck at MU but completed 12 chest to bar

  7. Blue
    Was pushed for time so did 3x5 back squat 125kg, 2-3 min rest
    Row and Wall Balls (18, 12, 10) done in 4.30. PC took the longest, around 4 minutes. had 1.20 left to do MU.
    6 MU. (I hope I could've done more but I was getting told off because I was in the way of the box's wod.)

  8. Blue

    A. 205
    B. 225, 230x3, 235
    8 chest to bar

    Didn't sleep well the night before and everything felt heavy.

  9. A. 245
    B. 275, 295, 305, stopped at 4th set with 305 again. my quad was still having some issues and I started feeling too much stress in other places because of over-compensation. taking my return to heavy squatting slowly.
    Completed 2 MUs of 4 attempts
