
Friday, March 10, 2017

Saturday March 11th 2017

A. Push Press . Push Jerk . split jerk, 1.1.1 every :90 x 8 sets -- start light end moderately challenging -- 
B1. Back Squat, 3 moderately challenging reps x 5 sets rest :20 
B2. Kipping HSPU, AMRAP (-2) x 5 sets rest :90 b/t sets 
C. 4 sets @ high effort:
25/20 cal Rowing
20 Wall Balls @ 20lb/14lb
15 Burpees 
10 Hang Power Clean and Overhead @ 115lb/75lb
5 Ring Muscle up
5 min b/t sets


  1. kept weights light to moderate for part a and B
    HSPU stayed @ 20,20,20,15,15
    4 sets: 4:35, 4:37, 4:40, 4:30 -- used 30 lb wall ball

  2. A. Worked up to 205
    B. Only went up to 285 with 10 HSPU

    couldn't do the circuit

  3. A. 165
    B1. 4 sets only 185#
    B2. 29-22-20-15
