
Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday November 10, 2015-

8 Minute AMRAP @80-85%
1k Row
15 KBS @24kg
10 Box jump over @24"
(rest 5m)
8 Minute AMRAP @80-85%
2 Mile Assault Bike
20 T2B
(rest 5m)
1 Mile Run @80-85%

HPA - Power 
A1. Push press @ 10X0, 3 tough reps x 5 sets rest :20
A2. Deficit Kipping HSPU, 8-10 reps x 5 sets rest 2 min b/t sets

B1. WTD Strict Pullups @ 20X0, 3 tough reps x 5 sets rest :20

B2.  CTB Pullups, 8-12 unbroken x 5 sets rest 2 min b/t sets
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st min - 12-15 double arm bent over dbell row
2nd min -8-12 kipping Ring Dips
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st min - 5 Push-ups @ 3030
2nd min - 5 Ring Rows @3030


  1. Results
    -1rd+650m rowed
    -1rd+.2m on AD
    *Still working through this cold and now I think I have a slight ear infection...ugh! (When it rains it pours).
    *The majority of the time for these workouts were spent on the tower and AD. The movements felt ok. Hit 20 UB t2b which was surprising, because I'm not great with that movement. Legs got pretty heavy during the run and was a grind.

  2. Power
    A1 (60/65/70/75/80kg )
    A2 8's
    B1 20kg for all 5 sets
    C1 8 reps

  3. Power
    A1. 175#, 195#, 195#,195#,195#
    A2. 6.5" def 8 reps, 8 reps, 7 reps, 3.25" def 8 reps, 8 reps
    B1. 30#x3x5
    B2. 5sets of 8
    Rows 35#Dmbs all sets for 15 reps
    RDips 12, 12, 12,10, 10


  4. Power
    A1. 175#, 195#, 195#,195#,195#
    A2. 6.5" def 8 reps, 8 reps, 7 reps, 3.25" def 8 reps, 8 reps
    B1. 30#x3x5
    B2. 5sets of 8
    Rows 35#Dmbs all sets for 15 reps
    RDips 12, 12, 12,10, 10


  5. Power
    A1 (60/65/70/75/80kg )
    A2 8's
    B1 20kg for all 5 sets
    C1 8 reps

  6. Power:
    A1. 185
    A2. 8 @ 8"
    B1. 35#
    B2. 12
    Completed 15@45# and 12 dips

  7. Power:

    A1 @ 70- 70- 75kg
    A2. 6- 6- 6 reps
    had to stop early with the first part, my wrists were hurting, normally no problem with them. Probably because of lack of sleep.

    B1. +10- +15- +15- +15- +15
    B2. 8- 8- 8- 8- 8

    1st emom rows done with 20kg dumbbells each hand and 8 dips.
    2nd mom done RX

  8. Power:

    A1. 125-125#-127
    A2. 5 in def with 8 reps
    B1. 10#
    B2. 10-8-8-8-8
    C. 35# dumbbell
    D. completed

  9. Gold

    1 round + 0.9 miles (subbed 1 mile airdyne for rower)
    1 round + 0.2 miles (TTB unbroken but not the prettiest)
    7:23 sucked but was sustainable time
