
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday July 13, 2015-

*This will be the final week of testing for GOLD. Next week will be a transition week which will carry us over into the next cycle/ allow me to collect data on everyone following a week behind. If you've been following the program, and not posting results, please send me your data for both testing weeks at with the subject line "HPA Gold Testing" so I can factor you into the programs avatar. 

A. BS; AMRAP(-1) @70% 1RM, rest 3m x5 sets
B. Power Clean; 1 single every 90s x8-10 sets (moderate/ tough)
For Time:
150 Wall Balls
*Max UB reps to start
20 Minute Airdyne or Row @LOW effort

-Note % of max used for PC on part B
-report score for tester as "Total time/ max UB", as well as limiting factor

HPA - Power
A. Snatch Pull Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 110l%RM x 3 sets, 2-3min
B. Muscle Snatch, build to a max
C. Front Squat @ 22X1, build to a tough single
D. Press, 1-1-1-1, 2-3 min
E. 50 Kipping HSPU to 6" Depth (perform 3 L Pull-ups OTM)


  1. Power
    A) 225#
    B) 145#
    C) Skipped
    D) 155#,155#, 155#, 165#
    E) Did a different wod

  2. Power:

    A. 225#
    B. 125#
    D. 145,150,155,160
    E. 10:20. Should have been done under 10:00. Had 60 reps in my head for some reason. Had 49 at 10:00. Easily could have forced out 1 more rep under time if I was thinking straight.

  3. Gold

    What an evil workout. Heat wave continued here. Did this workout outside (wall balls in the blazing sun), temp was 98, heat index over 100.

    A. 12/10/7/5/4 @ 205#
    B. 175# (87.5% of power clean max)
    11:21. Started out with 41 unbroken (most I've ever done unbroken), but that and squats left my legs (and breathing) gassed. So basically felt like I was redlined for all 150 wall balls (exactly how I WOULDN'T do it if I was going for a best time). After the 41, basically went sets of 10 the rest of the way.

  4. A. 195
    B. 155
    C. 295
    D. 135, 140, 145, 150
    E. 5:35

  5. Power:

    A. 121#
    B. 90
    C. Subbed for 3 rep max FS -155
    D. 110
    E. 12 mins

  6. POWER
    A. 205
    B. 135
    C. 235...just missed 245 for a 1 rep PR
    D. 135-145-150-155f
    E. 14:50

  7. GOLD

    A. 300x9,8,8,8 (legs weren't feeling 5th set)
    B. 225-315 (94%)
    60 UB/8:26
    *legs felt a bit fatigued from squats (not too bad), arms started to fatigue, chest started dropping, paced too much after 1st set

  8. Power

    A. 255 - this was HEAVY!
    B. 125, 135, 145f, 145 - had some real trouble with this, got video
    C. 255, 275, 300 - happy with this
    D. 135, 145, 155, 165 - really happy with this considering I used no hip drive, 100% strict
    E. 10:40 - did 10 on the first set then was pretty much doubles and triples after that

    Had some real trouble with the muscle snatch, I was not getting my hips into the movement at all, if you slow down the video you can see my hips are still pushed back a bit when the bar gets to my hip area and it's 100% arm pull, I was just relying on speed off the floor to get me through. I think this shows my bar path is pretty sub par which I think is what's holding my snatch back. Really happy with how squat strength has maintained with the low volume of squatting and all the conditioning work. Strict pressing strength has clearly improved as I hit 155 during test phase using my old style of pressing like Rippetoe teaches with hip drive, today was 100% strict. Did have a little layback and a tiny twist as the bar slowed midway up. There is nothing wrong with the way Rippetoe teaches it and I will use that style when I compete in the Crossfit Total competition that STRONG Gym holds later this year, cause I can obviously move more weight. I just think it has been better for my overall shoulder strength and health to go 100% strict. Felt ok about the HSPU, considering my old time for 50 HSPU with no deficit is 7:55 I'd say this is improvement to add a 6" deficit and 30 L-hang pullups into it.

    1. Will do some recovery work later if opportunity presents itself.
