
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wednesday August 12, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; build to a max, then drop down and hit 7-9 singles @80%
B1. CGBP Cluster; 2.2.2x5, rest 20s/90s
B2. BB Seal Row; 4-6x5, rest 90s
10 Sets:
Max Strict HSPU x2 sets (rest 30s b/w sets)
Max Strict C2B x2 sets (rest 30s b/w sets)
Rest 75-90s
3-5 Sets:
10-12 Supinated BB Curl
Rest 30-60s
10-12 Neutral Grip DB Skull Crusher
Rest 30-60s
*full contraction at top. Keep these strict 

-let me know how manageable these density sessions have been in terms of volume. Ie- how taxed are you, how do you feel the next day, do you feel you can tolerate more volume, do you need less volume ....etc. The more detail the better. I'd also like to know how you've been feeling in Wednesdays training as a result of Tuesdays aerobic volume. The reason being is that the adaptations i'm trying to achieve on both of these days are volume dependent, and have the potential to interfere with other elements if not progressed properly. 

HPA - Power 
A. Above knee hang squat snatch . below knee hang squat snatch . OH squat -- work to tough 1.1.1 within 7-8 sets
B. Below knee Hang Squat Clean cluster 1.1 - work to tough set -- drop first rep from shoulders
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 5 T&G Power clean 185lb/125lb
2nd min: 10 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 11ft / 14lb to 10 ft
10 minutes:
1st min: :30 Front Rack Carry @ 32kg/24kg - per hand
2nd min: :30-:40 FLR on rings


  1. Via my facebook post, hurt (sprained/jammed) my thumb today dropping a jerk. Tried to push through it, but decided it wasn't worth it. Pretty sore today and no way would I be lifting, but hoping I'll be good to go by Monday. I'm assuming Friday will be squats, which I expect to hit hard.

    A. Worked up to 185, hurt my thumb. Went for a jerk at 210 (5# PR) and got it w/the hurt thumb. Was really tentative on that jerk b/c didn't know how it would feel) it hurt. But, based on that, feel like I've got 220 in me. Did 3 singles at 165 before calling it quits here b/c of the thumb.

    B1/B2. Got through the 2nd set of bench press before quitting for good. Bench press was at 155. Row was at 115 (could've gone heavier if not for thumb).

    I have generally felt pretty good after these sessions. The combined 50 DL + rowing this Monday and Tuesday left my posterior chain feeling pretty beat up by Wednesday, but not in a terrible sort of way. Feels good again by today. This is probably the most volume I've ever done. I start each week feeling fresh, so at this point I'm recovering fine, even though sleep has been sub-optimal (maybe even crappy) for the last 4-6 weeks. I'd suspect this is a good volume for me recovery-wise at this point in my training.

  2. Power:
    A. 195#
    Completed. I could not keep up touch and go at 185# for all 5 rounds.

  3. Jerk was 120 kg (very low for me)
    Bench 88kg
    Did 7 sets of hspus since and just a few pull ups since I accidentally did extra work on Monday

    Started at 15 +5 and went down to 6+3

    Accessories done

  4. POWER- felt pretty beat up today
    A. Only 145 - missed 165 4 times
    B. 205
    Done @ 165 unbroken

  5. Gold

    A. 315 (PR)
    B. 250x7
    C1. 245,255,265,275,275
    C2. 70x8x5
    10/5, 12/5
    8/4, 10/5
    8/4, 10/4
    8/2, 9/4
    6/3, 8/4
    6/3, 8/4
    6/3, 8/4
    6/3, 7/4
    6/3, 7/3
    6/3, 7/3

    ***Volume is right on for me. The Tuesday aero sessions have really mad a huge difference for me, CNS is feeling "primed" on Wednesdays. I usually did my aero work on Wed or Thu and always felt beat up, this split feels good. Main aero goal for me personally is to peak my 2 mile time by October. Recommend sticking to the work you program or tweaking my aero days a bit?
