
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Monday June 22, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @115, add 10lb / minute
B. BS; 4x6, resg 2-3m
C. Snatch Grip RDL; 4-6x4, rest 2m
:07 Assault Bike @100%
:53 Slow Spin
x10 Sets
30-50 Strict Hanging Leg Raises (Not for time)

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, work to a single
B. Front Squat, work to a single
C. Standing Strict Press, AMRAP 75% RM x 3 sets, 4-5 min
D. 6,5,4,3,2,1 unbroken for time:
Ring Muscle-ups
Bar Muscle-ups
(Perform all unbroken sets of ring MU before moving onto Bar MUs. Sub for Bar MU is CTB x2)


  1. Power:

    A. 105#
    B. 180#
    C. 9-10-10 @ 82.5#
    D. Did not finish- Alternated between the MU and C2B in the beginning, after realizing the mistake I completed all the ring MU and the 12 C2B and 10 C2b and called it. it was well over 17 mins at that point.

  2. Went with the gold workout today to get in snatch and squat work.

    A. 115 -> 155. Just missed 165, which would've been a PR
    B. All 6 sets at 230. Felt pretty solid.
    C. Skipped bc of time
    5 sets on AD
    30 leg raises

  3. Power:

    B. 255
    C. 11, 8, 8 @ 120
    D. 9:40. I was surprised at how hard the Bar MU was after the ring MU portion. I expected to cruise through the bar work with no trouble. Took me much longer then I was thinking it would.

  4. Power

    A. 205, 215, 225f, 225, 235f, 235f - got under 235 on first one, didn't last time I attempted
    B. 225, 275, 315, 335 - grinder but 5lb PR from few weeks ago
    C. 115x12, 10, 8
    D. 9:20 - actually pretty happy with this, bar muscle ups much better than last week

    Wasn't sure I was going to train today since I did yesterday but didn't want to sit at home all day. Upper back pretty fatigued from the KBS yesterday so I wasn't sure how snatch would go but worked up to 225 with only 1 miss, and got under 235 on first attempt just left it a little in front, didn't get under last time so I will call that improvement. Front squat was GRINDER! This is probably the least amount of I have squatted as far as frequency and volume in a long time, excluding times when I wasn't training at all due to coaching basketball. Ring muscle ups went well, finished them right at the 4 minute mark, took a full minute rest before bar muscle ups because I wasn't sure I could do 6 unbroken at all, but they were much better than last week, controlled my decent a little more and that helped with my rhythm a ton. Hands held up good but destroyed a set of natural grips gymnastic grips and only about the 3rd or 4th time using them....oh well.
