
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Friday June 12, 2015-

A. Clean. Hang Clean. FS; 1.1.1x5; rest 2-3m (no drop)
B. FS @21x1; 5x5; rest 3m
C. Slow Pull Snatch Pull; 2x5, rest 90s (4s to mid thigh, then extend)
5 Sets:
5 UB PS @95#
10 C2B Pullups
30 DU's
5 Kip Defecit HSPU @6"
Walk/rest 2m b/w sets

*Record time for each set 
*Complete sets 2/4 in reverse order 


A. Back Squat , work to a tough set of 5
B. Drop to 90% of A for 5 reps x 3 sets
C. Above knee hang clean. Clean, work to a challenging set 
D. 400m farmers carry for  quality 32/24kg in each hand 

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch . Above knne hang Squat snatch . High Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1.1 - work to tough set withou dropping bar
B. Power Clean . Above knee Hang Power Clean . Above knee Hang Squat Clean . Front Squat . Split Jerk, -- work to tough set
C. Power Clean . Above knee Hang Power clean . above knee hang squat clean . front squat . split jerk, 1 set every :90 x 5 sets (use about 70-75% of part B)
9 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 125m
rest 2 min
10 min recovery row


  1. A) 165
    B) 225
    C) 160
    + :23.4, :21.1, :21.3, :21.3, :21.2, :20.8, :25, :21.3, :21.0

  2. Blue

    Didn't get a chance to workout today. Am going to push this back to tomorrow.

  3. A. Still no snatch on the wrist. Did work up to 95#. Bad choice.
    B. 215. I did not feel like I had any legs under me today. This continued on into the row portion as well.
    C. 155
    D. 21.8, 21.5, 21.6, 21.6, 21.4, 21.4, 21.7, 21.9, 22.1. I was happy to stay consistent on this. I did not really feel that I had anything extra to give though. I didn't think I had any power out of the gate.

  4. Blue

    A. Worked up to240
    B. 215/215/215
    C. 135/165/185
    D. Done

  5. Power

    A. 175, 185, add straps 195f, 195 (grip was limiting factor so added straps and went for one more)
    B. 225, 235 - hang power clean limiting factor
    C. 175 - all easy
    Airdyne sprints
    15 seconds x 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 - rested 2:15
    10 seconds x 7, 7, 7 - rested 2:15

    Today went surprisingly well considering I have kind of had a bug the last 20-24 hours. I had a low grade fever yesterday and aches yesterday, had diarrhea last night and a little this morning. Feel better after training for the most part, don't feel as achy now but have a little achyness/pain where what feels like would be my kidney's, kinda weird. Again don't have a rower and wasn't going to be heading to the gym today so subbed airdyne sprints. I kept the time the same or less, dropped to 10 seconds at the end but increased the rest to 2:15 which is about 9 times work/rest ratio. I assume these row sprints are working up to a 500 meter row re-test so I may have to work up to a 1 min max airdyne cals test instead.

  6. Power:

    A. 45kg
    B. 65kg
    did the rows but forgot to note the time :-(
