48 Minute Running Clock:
00:00 to 12:00
2 Rd: 15 WB/600m Row
Rest until 12:00
2 Rd: 15 Burpee/ 75c AD
Rest until 24:00
24:00 to 36:00
2 Rd: 15 WB/600m Row
Rest until 36:00
36: to 48:00
2 Rd: 15 Burpee/ 75c AD
All work @85%
A. Weighted Dip 5,5,5,3,3 rest 2-3 min
B1. 5 Heavy dumbell push press, rest :20
B2. AMRAP unbroken kipping HSPU, rest 2:30 x 4 sets
3 rounds:
400m Run
15 Burpee
10 Power Clean 135/95
HPA - Power
5 sets:
3 Heavy Push Press rest :10
10-12 kipping deficit hspu @ 4"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Supinated Pullups rest :10
8-12 Unbroken CTB Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Wtd Dips rest :10
4 Dynamic Push ups to challenging height
8-10 Unbroken Kipping Ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
10-15 Unbroken Toes to bar
rest 1m30
3 Heavy Push Press rest :10
10-12 kipping deficit hspu @ 4"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Supinated Pullups rest :10
8-12 Unbroken CTB Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Wtd Dips rest :10
4 Dynamic Push ups to challenging height
8-10 Unbroken Kipping Ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
10-15 Unbroken Toes to bar
rest 1m30
A) Seated Bench Dips (had 2 modify)
-45#x5, 55#x5, 65#x5, 70#x3, 80#x3
B1) 2 sets @65# & 2 sets @75#
B2) Strict Pull-ups (had 2 modify)
3 Rds
*The run was the slowest part. 1st 400 felt great, but the next 2 my legs felt like 1000lbs and became slow. I was able to keep a nice steady pace for the Burpees and PC.
Times are when I finished each part on the 48 min running clock.
11:57 holy crap i suck at AD
I don't know what happened with the 75 Cals on AD
A.16kg(5), 16kg (5), 16kg (5), 24kg (3), 24kg (3)
ReplyDeleteB1. barbell push press 135
3 rds. 10:25
ReplyDeleteWeighted ring dips
5@ 12, 16, 17.5 3@20, 24 KG
Barbell Push press 40, 45, 50, 55, 60kg 5 reps 20 secs rest between
HSPU kipping - 14, 16, 13, 14 .
c 12.05. 60kg I've got a sore hand and can't catch in the rack at the moment - subbed clean pulls to nipples. The clean pulls still killed me.