
Friday, November 28, 2014

Saturday November 29, 2014-

8 Minute AMRAP @80%
15 KBS (32kg)
15 Burpee
20 cal Airdyne
Rest 8m
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
12 Wall Balls
12 Toes to Bar
250 Row
Rest 6m
4 Minute AMRAP @90%
9 Box Jump Overs (24")
9 C2B Pullups
9 Hand Release Pushups

HPA- Blue 
A. Strict Press, work to a max 
B. 3 min AMRAP strict Pull up 
C. 3 min AMRAP strict HSPU 
10 min AMRAP
15 KBS 32kg/24
30 double unders 

HPA - Power 
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 85%RM x 6 sets rest 2min
B. Cluster Pendlay Row @ 11X0, x 4 sets rest :10/rest 2 min
EMOM for 30 minutes:
1st minute: 3 Wtd Pronated Pullups
2nd minute: 6 OH squats @ 155lb/105lb
3rd minute: 1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb (to 15ft)
4th minute: 6 Thrusters @ 155lb/105lb
5th minute: REST 


  1. Blue
    A: up to 80kg, did 82.5 last sat
    B+C not possible due to tweaking shoulder, I know I can only do 1-2 strict hspu per set, so this needs work
    misread, did only 10 KBS

  2. 3+7 kb swings
    3 rounds
    9 days off sucks. I felt horrible.

  3. Blue:
    A. 85lbs
    B. 17 strict
    C. only got in 13 kipping HSPU (shoulder was very weak after the previous exercises and started to feel pain
    (modified to 16kg to assist with shoulder issues)
    5 rounds + 15 DU
