
Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday November 15, 2014-

2 Sets of the following @high effort
4 Minute AMRAP:
50 cal AD
15 BJ (24")
Rest 4m
4 Minute AMRAP:
50 DU's
15 T2B
10 Wall Balls
Rest 4m
4 Minute AMRAP:
400m Row
14 Burpee
12 Pullup
Rest 4m, then start back from top 

HPA- Blue 
A.Strict press 3,3,3,1,1,1 rest 2-3 min 
Unbroken Chest to bar pull ups for time 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 
* scale to COVP is volume is too high to do UB
For Time:
KBS 32/24
Burpee Box jump 24/20

HPA Power 
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 80%RM x 7 sets rest 1m30-2min
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 1 tough reps every :20 x 7 minutes
EMOM for 30 minutes:
1st minute: 4 Touch and go Squat clean @ 155lb/115lb
2nd minute: 3 Wtd Supinated Pullups
3rd minute: 4 Box jumps @ 34"/26"
4th minute: 3 Ring Muscle ups
5th minute: REST
**scale weight up or down to be tough but unbroken**
**No Ring muscle ups: modify to 3-4 CTB + 3-4 Ring DIps**


  1. Blue


    A) 125#x3, 135#x3, 145#x3, 155#x1, 165#x1, 175# failed
    3:15, grip fatigued was an issue

  2. Gold

    Set 1
    1+15 Cal
    2+19 DU

    Set 2
    1+5 Cal
    2 Rds

  3. 1+ 50 cal
    2+32 du
    1+ 50 cal
    2+ 20 du
    1+ 400m

  4. Blue

    A. 135, 145, 155, for the singles I jumped to 165 and failed, dropped to 160 and failed that twice. The 155 triple was very tough, I think that I just really burnt myself out. I've done 165 as a 1RM a while back and was surprised to fail. Could've been a mental block too, not sure.
    B. 4:49, started with C2B but couldn't maintain and dropped to COVP
    been sick all week and this was the first taxing workout I've done and the burpee box jumps really took it out of me. I maintained UB KBS the whole time but was struggling with breathing and pace on the burpee box jumps.

  5. Blue:
    A. 55/65/70/85/failed attempt at 90/85
    B. 4:32 (first 6 reps were C2B. Rest were COVP). I did not complete these unbroken.
    13:48 (substituted dumbbell snatches at 25lbs for KBS, as my shoulder is tweaked.
