
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Monday December 1, 2014-

A. PS Cluster; 2.2.2x4; rest 10s/2m
B. BS @30x0; 3x5; rest 2-3m
3 Sets:
10 Hang Clean @135/95#
7 Muscle Ups (4 for females)
Rest 3m

HPA- Blue 
A. Power snatch x 3 sets, rest :10/ rest 2 min
B. Back squat @ 21X1, 5 reps x 4-5 sets , rest 3 min ( target loading is 75% for working sets)  
10 tng squat clean @ 135/95
AMRAP unbroken C2B pull ups
rest 2-3 min x 3 sets

HPA - Power
C&J int - Bsquat int - Ring MU battery
A. Power Clean . Squat Clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 -- build to tough set (drop power clean from shoulders)
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 6 reps within 5-6 sets
10 sets on the minute:
3-4 Unbroken Ring Muscle ups (2-3 for female)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Saturday November 29, 2014-

8 Minute AMRAP @80%
15 KBS (32kg)
15 Burpee
20 cal Airdyne
Rest 8m
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
12 Wall Balls
12 Toes to Bar
250 Row
Rest 6m
4 Minute AMRAP @90%
9 Box Jump Overs (24")
9 C2B Pullups
9 Hand Release Pushups

HPA- Blue 
A. Strict Press, work to a max 
B. 3 min AMRAP strict Pull up 
C. 3 min AMRAP strict HSPU 
10 min AMRAP
15 KBS 32kg/24
30 double unders 

HPA - Power 
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 85%RM x 6 sets rest 2min
B. Cluster Pendlay Row @ 11X0, x 4 sets rest :10/rest 2 min
EMOM for 30 minutes:
1st minute: 3 Wtd Pronated Pullups
2nd minute: 6 OH squats @ 155lb/105lb
3rd minute: 1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb (to 15ft)
4th minute: 6 Thrusters @ 155lb/105lb
5th minute: REST 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday November 28, 2014-

A. Snatch Pull; 1 single @95-105% snatch max otm for 5m
B. Snatch; 8-10 singles; rest as needed (start @80-85% & build if easy).
C. BS; build to a tough double (not a 2RM)
3 Sets:
16 Alt DB Sn @70/50
3 Rope Climbs
200m Run
Rest = work
*DB snatch should be tough, but doable. If you cannot chip away at a steady pace scale the weight down.

30 Minute Row @Z1
no slower than 2:30/500m for males & 3:00/500m for females.

HPA- Blue
A. Deadlift, Work to a max
B. Above knee hang clean, work to a tough double
30 squat clean for time @ 77%RM 

HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Squat Snatch, work to max
B. Front Squat, build tough 3 rep
C. Bench Press, find 8rm
50 ring dips for time 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wednesday November 26, 2014-

A. 1 Split Jerk every 90s Until failure- see notes
B. Weighted Prone Pullup; build to a 2RM (focus on initiating the pull with your lats and not your arm flexors)
C. Max UB C2B Pullups x1 set (take note whether you used a gymnastic or butterfly kip)
50 Strict HSPU for time (max hand width 30")

-if your SJ PR is over 255 start @225. If your previous 1RM is under 255 start @185.

HPA- Blue
A. Snatch, Work to a heavy single
B. Max muscle ups unbroken in one set
For Time: 
Deadlift 225/155

Toes to bar 

HPA - Power
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. Deadlift, 1RM
B.Squat snatch 1 rep@ 70-75%RM x 9 sets rest 1m30
C.Squat CLean & Split Jerk x 6 sets rest 2 min(use no lighter than
Front raises w/ plate, 12-15 reps x 4 sets rest 1m30

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tuesday November 25, 2014-

30 Sets:
:30 AD @80/85/90%
:30 AD @50%

-First 10 sets @80%, 2nd 10 sets @85%, last 10 sets @90%
-Do spill over here- if you cannot maintain output from set to set back it off.
-record total cals/ distance for the entire 30m piece, as well as approx wattage for the 80/85/90% efforts respectivley.

A. Incline bench press, build to a max B. 50 strict pull ups for time + 10 RFT: 4 KBS 32/24 kg 6 Burpees 8 wall ball 20/14 

HPA - Power 
EMOM x 35 mins:
Min 1-6 - 4 tough Shoulder Press
Min 7-12 - 4-5 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups
Min 13-18 - 5-8 Strict HSPU
Min 19-24 - 10-12 unbroken CTB
Min 25-30 - 12-15 Push-ups
Min 31--35 - 15 anchored strict sit ups   

**if rep range for gymnastic movements are unachievable /repeatable then scale number**

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday November 24, 2014-

Attention all HP-Athletes: Please do your best to post your daily results as the number of posts have been lacking the past week or so. As we get closer to the opens it becomes increasingly important that we get your feedback so we can ensure you are properly progressing, and you are properly peaked come game time. And on a side note- Great job to everyone these past few weeks. We've been receiving PR videos by the dozens, which is a testament to all the hard work you've all been putting in. Lets keep that momentum moving forward as we approach this years opens. 

-High Performance Athlete 

*PS- If you haven't already, follow us on instagram @HP_Athlete; and don't forget to tag us in your training/ PR videos. We look forward to seeing them. 

A. Hang Clean; build to a max
B. BS @30x0; 4x4; rest 2-3m
30 Muscle Ups for time
3 Sets:
20-30 DB walking Lunge (continous steps)
90-120s UB Front Plank
Rest 2m b/w sets
*Scale up to Ring FLR is 2:00 is too easy. 

A. Back squat, Build to a heavy single 
B. Drop to 85% for 3 sets of 5 

Row 500m for time 
ALL OUT, go HAM here 

HPA - Power 
Mon - C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Squat Clean & Split jerk, work to max
B. Back Squat, build to tough 1 rep (not a max)
C1. Wtd Pronated Pullups, 1 tough rep x 7 sets rest :30
C2. Push press, 2 tough reps x 7 sets rest :30
**Use approx 82-87%RM for part C2**

Friday, November 21, 2014

Saturday November 22, 2014-

10 Mintue AMRAP @90%
15 WB
7/7 KB Sn (1.5/1)
40 cal AD
Rest 10 Minutes
10 Minute AMRAP @90%
15 T2B
100ft Prowler Push Out & Back (155/100)
*Pick a weight that allows for a high turnover on the prowler, w/o it being too easy.

HPA- Blue
A. Strict press build to a tough set of 3
B. Max unbroken chest to bar pull ups in one set
* no c2b, do COVP in 1 set
For Time:
75 Box jump 30/24 ( step down)
75 KBS 32/24
75 Burpee ( no jump at top)
75 Thruster 65/45

HPA - Power 
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 85%RM x 6 sets rest 2min
EMOM for 30 minutes:
1st minute: 4 Heavy Power clean
2nd minute: 3 Wtd Pronated Pullups
3rd minute: 4 push press w/ same weight as power clean
4th minute: 3 Ring Muscle ups
5th minute: REST
**scale weight up or down to be tough but unbroken**
**No Ring muscle ups: modify to 3-4 CTB + 3-4 Ring DIps* 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday November 21, 2014-

A. 1 PS otm until failure- start @135 and add 10# per minute
B. FS; 2-2-2-2; rest 2-3m (last set should be heavy, but not a 2RM)
5 Sets:
10 tng DL @225/155
10 BJ Overs (24/20")
Rest = work

For TIme:
750m Row
100 DU's
30 Lateral Burpee (Over Paralette)

HPA- Blue

A. Power Clean Cluster 1.1.1, work to a tough set 
B. Deadlift, work to a tough double 
C. Power Clean. Front squat @ 70%RM every 30 seconds for 30 reps 

D. Front Plank 2 min x 3 sets, rest as needed 

HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Squat Snatch cluster, 1.1.1 - work to max
B. Front Squat cluster, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set with :10 bw reps
C. Inc Bench Press, 3 reps x 5 sets rest 2m30
50 handstand push ups for time

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wednesday November 19. 2014-

A. Split Jerk Cluster; 1.1x5; rest 2m (from blocks)
EMOM for 10 Minutes:
5 Tough Bench Press
5 Tough Pendlay Row
*no grinded reps. keep perfect form on ea/.
For Time:
25 C2B Pullups
20 cal AD
15 C2B Pullups
10 cal AD
5 C2B Pullups
10 cal AD
20 cal AD

HPA- Blue
A. Overhead Squat, work to a heavy single from the rack 
B. Snatch x 3 sets, rest :20/ rest 3 min ( 85% for all sets) 
C. 30 Muscle up for time 
* 10 min time cap 

HPA - Power
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to tough 5 rep
B.Squat snatch 1 x 12 sets rest 1 min (1st 6 sets use no lighter than 60%RM
of squat snatch, 2nd 6 sets 65%RM)
D.Squat Clean & Split Jerk every 2 minutes x 8 sets (use no lighter than
side bridge 1 min/side x 5 sets rest as needed  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday November 18, 2014-

5 Sets @high effort
15 Wall Balls
750m Row
15 KBS (32kg)
3m b/w sets

*If you cannot maintain output increase rest to 3:30 on the remainder of the sets.

HPA- Blue
A. Incline bench press 2-3 reps x 5 sets, rest 2-3 min 
B. 15 chest to deck push ups for time, rest 60 seconds x 5 sets 
10 min AMRAP
10 walking lunges 
8 wall ball 20#/14# 
6 no push up burpee box jump 24"/20"
4 sit up 

HPA - Power 
EMOM for 10 minutes:
2 Heavy Push Press
1 Rope climb to 15ft
rest 5 min
EMOM for 10 minutes:
3-4 Kipping HSPU to 8" Deficit
4-6 CTB Pullups
rest 5 min
EMOM for 10 minutes:
4-6 Strict Ring Dips
6-8 Toes to bar

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Monday November 17, 2014-

A. PC. Hang Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m (no drop b/w reps)
B. BS; build to a tough triple (not a 3RM)

Every Other Minute For 5 Sets:
3 BS @80-85% of part B
15 Round For Time:
2 Muscle Ups
4 BJ (30/24")

HPA- Blue A. Hang Power Clean 3-4 reps x 4 sets, rest 2 min ( moderate load, work on efficiency of reps) B. Back Squat 1-2 reps x 6 sets ,rest 3-4 min + :30 KBS 32/24 :30 Airdyne :30 Burpee rest 7 min x 3 sets ALL OUT

HPA - Power
C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk Cluster , 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to tough 3 rep
C. Wtd Pronated chinup @ 30X1, 1 tough reps every :20 x 12 sets
D.. Push press, 1 Tough reps every 1 min x 5 sets  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday November 15, 2014-

2 Sets of the following @high effort
4 Minute AMRAP:
50 cal AD
15 BJ (24")
Rest 4m
4 Minute AMRAP:
50 DU's
15 T2B
10 Wall Balls
Rest 4m
4 Minute AMRAP:
400m Row
14 Burpee
12 Pullup
Rest 4m, then start back from top 

HPA- Blue 
A.Strict press 3,3,3,1,1,1 rest 2-3 min 
Unbroken Chest to bar pull ups for time 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 
* scale to COVP is volume is too high to do UB
For Time:
KBS 32/24
Burpee Box jump 24/20

HPA Power 
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 80%RM x 7 sets rest 1m30-2min
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 1 tough reps every :20 x 7 minutes
EMOM for 30 minutes:
1st minute: 4 Touch and go Squat clean @ 155lb/115lb
2nd minute: 3 Wtd Supinated Pullups
3rd minute: 4 Box jumps @ 34"/26"
4th minute: 3 Ring Muscle ups
5th minute: REST
**scale weight up or down to be tough but unbroken**
**No Ring muscle ups: modify to 3-4 CTB + 3-4 Ring DIps**

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday November 14, 2014-

(AM- Snatch Intense + FS/DL Int touches + AeroPow @High %'s)(PM- Adv Gymnastic Based Tester)
A. Snatch. Hang Snatch; 1.1x5; rest 2m
B. FS; build to a tough set of 3, then move on.
C. DL; 3-3-3; rest 2-3m (nothing too heavy)
5 Sets:
300m Row @hard effort
:60 Row- Z1
*Aim for consistency on 300m rows

20 Minute AMRAP:
2 Muscle Ups
8 KBS (32kg/1.5kg)

HPA- Blue
A. 3 Position Clean, work to a max set
*high hang, Above knee, below knee 
B. Deadlift, build to a tough set of 3 touch and go 
21 min EMOM
1st minute: 7-9 Hang clean 135#/95#
2nd minute: 7-9 Strict Handstand push up 
3rd minute: 40 double under 

HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Power snatch . Hang Squat snatch . OH squat, 1.1.2 -- work to tough set
B. Front Squat, work to tough 2 rep within 5-6 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press, 1 tough rep every :30 x 10 sets
5 min AMRAP:
Strict Handstand push ups Max reps  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wednesday November 12, 2014-

(UB Push/Pull CP- Specific + Muscular Endurance under fatigue (es based))
A1. PP. PJ; 2.2X5; rest 90s
A2. Wtd C2B PU; 4x5; rest 90s
2 Minute AMRAP:
15 C2B Pullups
15 Thruster (105/75)
Rest 4m
x3 Sets

HPA- Blue

A. Snatch Balance, work to a heavy single 
B. Snatch Balance 2 reps x 6 sets @ 80%, rest 2 min 
C. 3-4 muscle up OTM for 10 min*
** if doing C2B work, increase volume for 10 min from last week 
10 OHS @ 30%RM
:60 FLR
rest 1 min x 5 sets 

HPA - Power
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to 3rm
B.Squat snatch 1.1 every 90 seconds x 10 sets (1st 5 sets use no lighter than 55-58%RM
of squat snatch, 2nd 5 sets 60-63%RM)
C. Squat clean & Split Jerk, every 90 seconds x 7 sets (use no lighter than 65%RM)
Double arm trap 3 raises on medium incline, 2014, 6 reps x 5 sets rest as needed

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tuesday November 11, 2014-

(Aerobic Power--> Threshold @high %'s)
5 Sets @high effort
50 DU's
35c Airdyne
15 KBS (32/24kg)
15 Burpee to 6" touch
Rest 3:30 b/w sets
*Do sets 2/4 in reverse order 

HPA- Blue 

A. Close Grip bench press 3,3,3,1,1 rest 2-3 min 
B. Barbell Strict press @ 65%1RM 10 reps for time, rest 90 seconds x 4 sets 
For Time:
800m run 
30 KBS 32/24

30 burpees 

HPA - Power 
A. Deficit Strict Handstand push ups @ 3", Max unbroken reps x 5 sets rest 2 min
B. CTB Pullups, 12-15 unbroken reps x 5 sets rest 2 min
C. Kipping Ring Dips, 12-15 unbroken reps x 5 sets rest 2 min
D. Toes to bar, 30 reps for time -- go for biggest set possible to start  

**strict hspu: 1st set should be minimum 6 reps and maximum 15 reps, adjust deficit to start with proper rep range**

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Monday November 10, 2014-

(Clean Intense/ Clean Battery Moderate + BS Intense Interval Gymnastics) 
A. Clean. Hang Clean; build to a tough set
B. Clean. Hang Clean; 1 complex every 90s for 5 sets (@83-87% A)
C. BS; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2-3m
3 Sets:
Rest 20s
Rest 20s
400m Run @moderate pace
Rest 2-3m

HPA- Blue 

A. Power Clean, work to a heavy single 
B .Back Squat 3,3,3,2,2 rest 2-3 min 
:20 tng power clean 
:20 Burpees over bar 
:20 airdyne 
rest 5-6 min x 4 sets ALL OUT

Mon - C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Cluster Power Clean & Push Jerk, -- work to tough set
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to tough 5 rep
C. Wtd Pronated chinup @ 30X1, 2 tough reps every :30 x 8 sets
D.. Push press, 2 Tough reps every 1 min x 7 sets  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Saturday November 8, 2014-

2 Sets of the Following @high effort
4 Minute AMRAP:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Bar Facing Burpee
5 HPC (135/95)
Rest 4m
4 Minute AMRAP:
15 Cal Airdyne
12 C2B Pullups
9 Alt DB Snatch (40/30)
Rest 4m
4 Minute
50 cal Row
2 Legless rope climb
Rest 4m, then start back from top

HPA- Blue
A. Strict Press 5,5,5,3,3 rest 2-3 min 
B. 5-7 C2B pull ups OTM for 15 min 
10 min AMRAP
Burpee to 6"
Row cals 
Wall ball 20/14 to (12 ft /10ft) 

HPA- Power
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 75%RM x 8 sets rest 1m30-2min
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 2 tough reps every :30 x 8 minutes
EMOM for 18 minutes:
1st minute: 3 T&G Power Clean 155lb / 115lb
2nd minute: 3 Push press @ 155lb/115lb
3rd minute: 2 Rope Climbs to 15ft
4th minute: 4 Bar Muscle ups
**scale weight up or down to be tough but unbroken**
**No Bar muscle ups then scale to 6-8 CTB Pullups**

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday November 7, 2014-

A. Hang Snatch. OHS; 1.2, build to a tough set
B. FS; build to a tough set of 4 (not a 4RM)
C. Tng Deadlift Cluster; 2.2, build to a moderate set (nothing too heavy)
Every 3 Minutes for 4-5 Sets:
200m Row

For Time:
30 WB (20/14#)
30 KBS (32kg/24kg)
60 BJ
30 KBS
30 WB

HPA- Blue
A. Hang Clean. Split Jerk work to a tough single 
B. Deadlift, work to a tough set of 4 touch and go 
For Time:
Clean and jerk @ 70%RM
Box jump 40/30*
* scale appropriately so it is High but doable 

HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Hang Squat snatch, work to 3RM
B. Front Squat, work to tough 4 rep within 5-6 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press,2 reps x 5 sets rest 3 min
For time:
30 Handstand push ups
30 Ring dips  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday November 5, 2014-

A1. PP Cluster; 2.2.2 x4; rest 90s (drop to block and reset b/w clusters)
A2. Wtd. C2B Pullup; 6x4; rest 90s
5-6 Sets:
15 UB PS (75/50)
45 DU's
Rest 90-120s

HPA- Blue A. Snatch Balance 2 reps OTM for 10 min, start @ 70% RM, add if possible B. 2-3 Muscle ups OTM for 10 min * * scale for C2B pull ups if muscle ups are not doable +
Toes to bar 
Power Snatch (95/65)

HPA - Power  
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. Cluster Deadlift, 1.1.1, build to tough set (rest :10 bw cliusters)
B. Romanian Deadlifts @ 2111, 6 reps x 4 sets rest 2 min
C.Hang Squat Snatch . Squat snatch,
1.1 every 90 seconds x 10 sets (1st 5 sets use no lighter than 55-58%RM
of squat snatch, 2nd 5 sets 60-63%RM)
D. High Hang Squat clean . Squat clean. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 7 sets (use no lighter than 60%RM) (drop High hang squat clean from shoulders before performing squat clean from floor)
Lateral Dumbell raises @ 2020, 10 reps x 4 sets rest as needed

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tuesday November 4, 2014-

48 Minute Running Clock:
00:00 to 12:00
2 Rd: 15 WB/600m Row
Rest until 12:00
2 Rd: 15 Burpee/ 75c AD
Rest until 24:00
24:00 to 36:00
2 Rd: 15 WB/600m Row
Rest until 36:00
36: to 48:00
2 Rd: 15 Burpee/ 75c AD

All work @85%


A. Weighted Dip 5,5,5,3,3 rest 2-3 min 
B1. 5 Heavy dumbell push press, rest :20
B2. AMRAP unbroken kipping HSPU, rest 2:30 x 4 sets 
3 rounds: 
400m Run 
15 Burpee 
10 Power Clean 135/95

HPA - Power 
5 sets:
3 Heavy Push Press rest :10
10-12 kipping deficit hspu @ 4"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Supinated Pullups rest :10
8-12 Unbroken CTB Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Wtd Dips rest :10
4 Dynamic Push ups to challenging height
8-10 Unbroken Kipping Ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
10-15 Unbroken Toes to bar
rest 1m30

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Monday November 3, 2014-

Check out this months issue of The Performance Menu for an exclusive article written by Coach Evan Peikon 
A. BS; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 3m (2nd wave heavier than first)
B. Clean; build to a tough single
3 Sets:
200m Run
10 PC&J @165/115#
Rest 2:30

HPA Blue
A. Hang Power Clean work to a tough set of 3 ( no dropping of bar)
B. Back squat 5,5,5,3,3 rest 2-3 min 
:20 KBS ( 32/24)
:20 airdyne cals  
rest 4 min x 5 sets 
**Go hard here 

HPA Power
Mon - C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Power Clean & Push Press, build to max
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to tough 2 rep
C1. Wtd Pronated chinup @ 30X1, 2 tough reps x 5 sets rest 1 min
C2. Push press, 2-2-2-1-1 rest 1 min
*C2. Each set should be heavier than the last*