
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Monday September 14, 2015-

A. PS. HPS; 1 complex otm for 10 min @70-75% (PS max)
B. Pause BS (2s); 3 reps x8 sets, rest 1m (55% BS max)
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @70-75%
(Rest 3m)
x3 Sets *ie- 9 rounds total 

HPA - Power 
A. Power clean & Push Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to tough set 
 B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 4 reps 
C. Back Squat, 4 reps @ 91-94% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min 
D. T&G Double Squat Snatch Ladder:
- Every :60 perform 2 T&G snatches. Terminate event once set is failed.
- Males: start @ 115lb and add 10lb every minute
- Females: start @ 75lb and add 10lb every minute
E. Snatch, perform 1 snatch every :45 x 10 reps @ highest successful weight from part D



  1. Power
    A. 225, 235 - all but last rep of each touch and go to jerk
    B. 275, 305
    C. 285
    D. up to 185
    F. 10/11 at 185

    Solid day, good to be back.

  2. Power:

    A. Modified to Squat clean Push jerk- 145#
    B & C. Currently on a MASH squat program so will most likely not be completing any FS or BS.
    D. only got to 3 mins at 95#.
    E. Completed 9 reps at 90# and 10th rep at 95. Could not do 95# for this part. lots of fails
