Rest Day- see monday's post
HPA - Power
A. OHS, AMRAP x 3 sets, 3 min - 1st set @ 85%RM, 2nd set @ 75%RM, 3rd set @ 75%RM
B. Power Snatch, build to moderately tough set of 3 T&G
C. 5 unbroken touch n go Power Snatch @ 67.5%RM x 5 sets for time
D. EMOM x 10 minutes:
3 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Squat Clean @ 155lb/115lb (all singles)
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Tuesday September 29, 2015-
For Time:
200 Wall Balls @ 20#
20 Minute Assault Bike @low effort
HPA - Power
21,15,9 for time: Strict HSPU (no deficit) Rowing Cals (3 min rest) 21,15,9 for time: Kipping HSPU Rowing Cals + 10 min rest + 21,15,9 for time: Chest to Bar AirBike Cals (3 min rest) 21,15,9 for time: Pull-ups AirBike Cals
For Time:
200 Wall Balls @ 20#
20 Minute Assault Bike @low effort
HPA - Power
21,15,9 for time: Strict HSPU (no deficit) Rowing Cals (3 min rest) 21,15,9 for time: Kipping HSPU Rowing Cals + 10 min rest + 21,15,9 for time: Chest to Bar AirBike Cals (3 min rest) 21,15,9 for time: Pull-ups AirBike Cals
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Monday September 28, 2015-
A. Snatch; build to a tough single
B. Back Squat @30x1; 3x3, rest 2-3m
For Time:
Unbroken C2B Pullups
*terminate workout if you fail a set
Wednesday & Thursday off this week
HPA GOLD will have two consecutive programmed rest days this week (wednesday & thursday). I suspect your legs will be pretty sore come wednesday morning, but if your'e feeling good you can hit some light(er) upper body work (I recomend keepign volume of the low side). Friday and saturday will both be testing days so plan accordingly.
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, touch and go double B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 5 reps C. Back Squat, 5 reps @ 91% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min D. Squat Snatch every :60 until 2 fails - start @ 70%RM and add 5lb per minute E1. 50ft DB walking Lunges (tough but do-able unbroken for 3 sets) x 3 sets rest :45 E2. Back Ext @ 2020, 15 reps x 3 sets rest :45
A. Snatch; build to a tough single
B. Back Squat @30x1; 3x3, rest 2-3m
For Time:
Unbroken C2B Pullups
*terminate workout if you fail a set
Wednesday & Thursday off this week
HPA GOLD will have two consecutive programmed rest days this week (wednesday & thursday). I suspect your legs will be pretty sore come wednesday morning, but if your'e feeling good you can hit some light(er) upper body work (I recomend keepign volume of the low side). Friday and saturday will both be testing days so plan accordingly.
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, touch and go double B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 5 reps C. Back Squat, 5 reps @ 91% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min D. Squat Snatch every :60 until 2 fails - start @ 70%RM and add 5lb per minute E1. 50ft DB walking Lunges (tough but do-able unbroken for 3 sets) x 3 sets rest :45 E2. Back Ext @ 2020, 15 reps x 3 sets rest :45
Friday, September 25, 2015
Saturday September 26, 2015-
A1. Deadlift; 3-5 x5, rest 10-20s (moderate/ tough)
A2. Strict HSPU; AMRAP x5, rest 10-20s
A3. Assault Bike; 30s @90%, rest 10-20s
A4. Burpee; 15 reps AFAP, rest 3m
Run 1 Mile @80-85% effort
HPA - Power
A. High Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps x 10 sets rest :60
*Use approx 70-75% of 1rm squat snatch*
5 min of Freestanding Handstand
5 min of Freestanding Kipping Hspu
10 minute low% rowing
*2 Strict HSPU to Deficit every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% rowing
*2 Kipping HSPU to Deficit every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% airbike
*1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% airbike
*6-10 UB Toes to Bar every 1:15 min
A1. Deadlift; 3-5 x5, rest 10-20s (moderate/ tough)
A2. Strict HSPU; AMRAP x5, rest 10-20s
A3. Assault Bike; 30s @90%, rest 10-20s
A4. Burpee; 15 reps AFAP, rest 3m
Run 1 Mile @80-85% effort
HPA - Power
A. High Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps x 10 sets rest :60
*Use approx 70-75% of 1rm squat snatch*
5 min of Freestanding Handstand
5 min of Freestanding Kipping Hspu
10 minute low% rowing
*2 Strict HSPU to Deficit every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% rowing
*2 Kipping HSPU to Deficit every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% airbike
*1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft every 1:15 min
2 min rest
10 minute low% airbike
*6-10 UB Toes to Bar every 1:15 min
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Friday September 25, 2015-
A. Clean; build to a tough single, then drop down and hit 4-8 singles @80-85%
B. Back Squat; 2-3x8, rest 3m (touhg, but no grinders- note % 1RM used)
EMOM for 5-7 Minutes:
3-5 UB Muscle Ups
Accumulate 30-50 Strict C2B Pullups- Not for time
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch . Above knee hang power snatch, 1.2 work to tough set
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 2 reps
C1. Bench press, 2 tough reps x 8 sets rest :50
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 2 reps x 8 sets rest :50
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
A. Clean; build to a tough single, then drop down and hit 4-8 singles @80-85%
B. Back Squat; 2-3x8, rest 3m (touhg, but no grinders- note % 1RM used)
EMOM for 5-7 Minutes:
3-5 UB Muscle Ups
Accumulate 30-50 Strict C2B Pullups- Not for time
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch . Above knee hang power snatch, 1.2 work to tough set
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 2 reps
C1. Bench press, 2 tough reps x 8 sets rest :50
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 2 reps x 8 sets rest :50
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Wednesday September 23, 2015-
8 Sets:
500m Row @85%
6-10 UB Pushups @4040 tempo
Rest 2m
*rest 3-5m after set #4
20 Minutes @low effort
2 mile assault bike
50ft forward and reverse bear crawl
50ft R&L Lateral Lunge walk
HPA - Power
A. OHS, work to a tough single
B. Squat clean, work to tough T&G go Double
C. AMRAP unbroken touch n go Squat Clean @ 70%RM x 2 sets, 1 min - dont pace the first set...
D. 12 min EMOM:
1st min: 3-5 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch @ 105/65lb -- Move up 10lb each round
2nd min: 5 Burpee Box jumps @ 24"/20"
8 Sets:
500m Row @85%
6-10 UB Pushups @4040 tempo
Rest 2m
*rest 3-5m after set #4
20 Minutes @low effort
2 mile assault bike
50ft forward and reverse bear crawl
50ft R&L Lateral Lunge walk
HPA - Power
A. OHS, work to a tough single
B. Squat clean, work to tough T&G go Double
C. AMRAP unbroken touch n go Squat Clean @ 70%RM x 2 sets, 1 min - dont pace the first set...
D. 12 min EMOM:
1st min: 3-5 Unbroken Hang Power Snatch @ 105/65lb -- Move up 10lb each round
2nd min: 5 Burpee Box jumps @ 24"/20"
Monday, September 21, 2015
Tuesday September 22, 2015-
EMOM for 20 Min:
1st: 10 UB C2B Pullups
2nd: 10 UB Thrusters @95-115
3rd: 30-50 UB DU's
4th: 10 BJ Step Down @24"
20 Minutes low effort Assault Bike or 15 minute low effort run
HPA - Power
15 minute LIGHT rowing
*Perform 3-5 Strict HSPU EMOM
5 min rest
15 minute LIGHT AirBike
*Perform 3-5 Strict Pronated Chest to Bar EMOM
rest as needed
:08-:10 every :30 x 15 sets
Alt from Holding hanging knee raise to Holding hanging L-sit hold (:01 pauses in each hold)
EMOM for 20 Min:
1st: 10 UB C2B Pullups
2nd: 10 UB Thrusters @95-115
3rd: 30-50 UB DU's
4th: 10 BJ Step Down @24"
20 Minutes low effort Assault Bike or 15 minute low effort run
HPA - Power
15 minute LIGHT rowing
*Perform 3-5 Strict HSPU EMOM
5 min rest
15 minute LIGHT AirBike
*Perform 3-5 Strict Pronated Chest to Bar EMOM
rest as needed
:08-:10 every :30 x 15 sets
Alt from Holding hanging knee raise to Holding hanging L-sit hold (:01 pauses in each hold)
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Monday September 21, 2015-
A. PS; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @65%, add 5-10;b/ set
B. Pause BS (1-2s); 2 reps x12 sets, rest 1 min (60% 1RM)
C1. Double Arm Neutral Grip DB Press; 8-10x5, rest 60s
C2. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8x5, rest 60s
D. Powel Raise; 12-15x2/arm, rest 30s b/w arms
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, touch and go double
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 3 reps
C. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 93-94% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
D. T&G Power snatch, find 10RM
*Becareful on how many sets you use for this. I would suggestion working a few sets of 3-5 T&G reps until you feel like your at the goal weight. 1 really hard set of 10 prior to your true 10RM may not allow you to reach your full potention. On the contrary, if you do happen on going "too deep" into a set and would like to try a heavier weight then be sure to rest minimum 3 minutes before moving onward.
E1. "Moderate" DB Bulg split squats, 10 reps/leg x 3 sets rest :45
E2. Snatch Grip RDL, 10 reps x 3 sets rest :45
A. PS; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @65%, add 5-10;b/ set
B. Pause BS (1-2s); 2 reps x12 sets, rest 1 min (60% 1RM)
C1. Double Arm Neutral Grip DB Press; 8-10x5, rest 60s
C2. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8x5, rest 60s
D. Powel Raise; 12-15x2/arm, rest 30s b/w arms
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, touch and go double
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 3 reps
C. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 93-94% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
D. T&G Power snatch, find 10RM
*Becareful on how many sets you use for this. I would suggestion working a few sets of 3-5 T&G reps until you feel like your at the goal weight. 1 really hard set of 10 prior to your true 10RM may not allow you to reach your full potention. On the contrary, if you do happen on going "too deep" into a set and would like to try a heavier weight then be sure to rest minimum 3 minutes before moving onward.
E1. "Moderate" DB Bulg split squats, 10 reps/leg x 3 sets rest :45
E2. Snatch Grip RDL, 10 reps x 3 sets rest :45
Friday, September 18, 2015
Saturday September 19, 2015-
20 Sets:
:05 Assault Bike @100%
:55 Slow Spin
For Time:
800m Run
150 Air Squats
800m Run
10 Minute Aerobic Colldown
HPA - Power
A. Snatch Balance, 1 rep every :60 x 10 sets
*Use approx 75-80% of 1rm squat snatch*
10 min pracitce free handstand kipping push-up
(Set up 2-3 or more abmats about 5 ft apart. See if you can perform 1 free hs kipping push ups and hs walk to the next abmat, perform another, so on and so forth)
30 minutes LOW effort on airbike
*Perform 5-8 unbroken Strict HSPU @ minutes 2,4,6,8,10
*Perform 5-8 unbroken kipping HSPU @ minutes 12,14,16,18,20
*Perform 10 Toes to Bar @ minutes 22,24,26,28,30
20 Sets:
:05 Assault Bike @100%
:55 Slow Spin
For Time:
800m Run
150 Air Squats
800m Run
10 Minute Aerobic Colldown
HPA - Power
A. Snatch Balance, 1 rep every :60 x 10 sets
*Use approx 75-80% of 1rm squat snatch*
10 min pracitce free handstand kipping push-up
(Set up 2-3 or more abmats about 5 ft apart. See if you can perform 1 free hs kipping push ups and hs walk to the next abmat, perform another, so on and so forth)
30 minutes LOW effort on airbike
*Perform 5-8 unbroken Strict HSPU @ minutes 2,4,6,8,10
*Perform 5-8 unbroken kipping HSPU @ minutes 12,14,16,18,20
*Perform 10 Toes to Bar @ minutes 22,24,26,28,30
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Friday September 18, 2015-
A. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.3, build to a tough complex
B. Back Squat; 3 reps x6-8 sets @80% 1RM, rest 3m (control eccentric)
9 Rounds:
6 CGBP @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
6 Chest Supported BB Row @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
*optional 3m rest after set #5
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch . Below knee hang power snatch . above knee hang power snatch, 1.1.1 work to tough set
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 4 reps
C1. Bench press, 4 tough reps x 6 sets rest :60
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 4 reps x 6 sets rest :60
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
A. Power Clean. Hang Power Clean; 1.3, build to a tough complex
B. Back Squat; 3 reps x6-8 sets @80% 1RM, rest 3m (control eccentric)
9 Rounds:
6 CGBP @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
6 Chest Supported BB Row @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
*optional 3m rest after set #5
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch . Below knee hang power snatch . above knee hang power snatch, 1.1.1 work to tough set
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 4 reps
C1. Bench press, 4 tough reps x 6 sets rest :60
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 4 reps x 6 sets rest :60
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Wednesday September 16, 2015-
3-4 Sets:
2000m Row @2-3 sec faster than 30m TT pace
Rest 5m b/w sets
HPA - Power
A. Overhead Squat @ 20X1, work to tough Double B. Increasing On the minute, OHS @ Body Weight (female .75xBW), 1 rep in min 1, 2 rep in min 2... Take bar from floor each minute C. Power clean @ 75%RM, AMRAP in 5 minutes
rest 5min
+D. Box jumps max reps @ 40"/30", AMRAP in 5 minutes
3-4 Sets:
2000m Row @2-3 sec faster than 30m TT pace
Rest 5m b/w sets
HPA - Power
A. Overhead Squat @ 20X1, work to tough Double B. Increasing On the minute, OHS @ Body Weight (female .75xBW), 1 rep in min 1, 2 rep in min 2... Take bar from floor each minute C. Power clean @ 75%RM, AMRAP in 5 minutes
rest 5min
+D. Box jumps max reps @ 40"/30", AMRAP in 5 minutes
Monday, September 14, 2015
Tuesday September 15, 2015-
A1. SA DB Strict Press; 8-10x5, rest 60s (full protraction & ext rot at top)
A2. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8x5, rest 60s
3:30 AMRAP:
10 WPU @16kg
50ft Forward & Reverse Bear crawl
Max DU's in remaining time
(Rest 3:30)
x3-4 Sets
20 Alt TGU @16kg- not for time
HPA - Power
30 minute LOW effort rowing *Perform the following every 2 minutes, beginning @ minute 2: 15-20ft UB HS Walk 2 Bar Muscle-ups + 10 min EMOM: :15-:20 total holding time Alt from Holding hanging knee raise to Holding hanging L-sit hold (:01 pauses in each hold)https://youtu.be/XVRK-FbJySk
A1. SA DB Strict Press; 8-10x5, rest 60s (full protraction & ext rot at top)
A2. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8x5, rest 60s
3:30 AMRAP:
10 WPU @16kg
50ft Forward & Reverse Bear crawl
Max DU's in remaining time
(Rest 3:30)
x3-4 Sets
20 Alt TGU @16kg- not for time
HPA - Power
30 minute LOW effort rowing *Perform the following every 2 minutes, beginning @ minute 2: 15-20ft UB HS Walk 2 Bar Muscle-ups + 10 min EMOM: :15-:20 total holding time Alt from Holding hanging knee raise to Holding hanging L-sit hold (:01 pauses in each hold)https://youtu.be/XVRK-FbJySk
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Monday September 14, 2015-
A. PS. HPS; 1 complex otm for 10 min @70-75% (PS max)
B. Pause BS (2s); 3 reps x8 sets, rest 1m (55% BS max)
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @70-75%
(Rest 3m)
x3 Sets *ie- 9 rounds total
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to tough set
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 4 reps
C. Back Squat, 4 reps @ 91-94% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
D. T&G Double Squat Snatch Ladder:
- Every :60 perform 2 T&G snatches. Terminate event once set is failed.
- Males: start @ 115lb and add 10lb every minute
- Females: start @ 75lb and add 10lb every minute E. Snatch, perform 1 snatch every :45 x 10 reps @ highest successful weight from part D
A. PS. HPS; 1 complex otm for 10 min @70-75% (PS max)
B. Pause BS (2s); 3 reps x8 sets, rest 1m (55% BS max)
3 Rounds:
6 Front Squat from floor @3030 tempo (40% 1RM)
30 second Assault Bike @70-75%
(Rest 3m)
x3 Sets *ie- 9 rounds total
HPA - Power
A. Power clean & Push Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to tough set
B. Back Squat, work to tough set of 4 reps
C. Back Squat, 4 reps @ 91-94% of highest from part B x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
D. T&G Double Squat Snatch Ladder:
- Every :60 perform 2 T&G snatches. Terminate event once set is failed.
- Males: start @ 115lb and add 10lb every minute
- Females: start @ 75lb and add 10lb every minute E. Snatch, perform 1 snatch every :45 x 10 reps @ highest successful weight from part D
Friday, September 11, 2015
Saturday September 12, 2015-
3 Sets:
1k Row @2 sec faster than 30 Min TT pace
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Front Rack Walking Lunge @75#
Rest 2m b/w set
5-10 minute intermission
3 Sets:
1k Row @2 sec faster than 30 min TT pace
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Wall Balls @20#
Rest 2m b/w sets
HPA - Power
A. Snatch Balance, work to challenging 1 rep
B. Snatch Balance, 2 reps every :60 x 10 sets
*Use approx 70% of 1rm squat snatch*
10 min pracitce free hs kipping push-up
30 min LOW effort Airbike
Every 2 minutes perform:
20-25 ft hs walk
2-3 UB Bar Muscle ups
3 Sets:
1k Row @2 sec faster than 30 Min TT pace
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Front Rack Walking Lunge @75#
Rest 2m b/w set
5-10 minute intermission
3 Sets:
1k Row @2 sec faster than 30 min TT pace
:30 rest
1:00 AMRAP Wall Balls @20#
Rest 2m b/w sets
HPA - Power
A. Snatch Balance, work to challenging 1 rep
B. Snatch Balance, 2 reps every :60 x 10 sets
*Use approx 70% of 1rm squat snatch*
10 min pracitce free hs kipping push-up
30 min LOW effort Airbike
Every 2 minutes perform:
20-25 ft hs walk
2-3 UB Bar Muscle ups
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Friday September 11, 2015-
Check out our latest article titled, "A Concept Model for Mixed Modal Athlete Development", which you can find HERE.
A1. FS @31x1; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest 90-120s
A2. WPU @31x1; 3 x6, rest 90-120s (same wt. across)
B. BB Hip Thrust; 10-15x3, rest 2m
EMOM for 12 Min:
1st: 10 C2B Pullup AFAP
2nd: 10 UB Strict Press @75-95
3rd: 10 C2B Pullup AFAP
4th: 100ft BB OHC @75-95 (same wt as min #2)
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch, work to moderate single
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 6 reps
C1. Bench press, 6 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 6 reps x 5 sets rest :60
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
A1. FS @31x1; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest 90-120s
A2. WPU @31x1; 3 x6, rest 90-120s (same wt. across)
B. BB Hip Thrust; 10-15x3, rest 2m
EMOM for 12 Min:
1st: 10 C2B Pullup AFAP
2nd: 10 UB Strict Press @75-95
3rd: 10 C2B Pullup AFAP
4th: 100ft BB OHC @75-95 (same wt as min #2)
HPA - Power
A. Power Snatch, work to moderate single
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 6 reps
C1. Bench press, 6 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 6 reps x 5 sets rest :60
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Wednesday September 9, 2015-
A. Clean Pull. Clean; 1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. Seated BTN Press @21x1; 4-6x5, rest 2m
6 Sets:
200m Run @80%
8 tng DL @135
AMRAP UB Pushup @4040 tempo
Rest 1 Min b/w sets
*5m rest after set #3
HPA - Power
A. Overhead Squat @ 20X1, work to tough triple
B. Power Clean & Push press, work to Max
C. Power clean & Push Press, 15 reps for time @ 75% from Highest from part B
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 9 Box jump overs @ 30"
2nd min: 9 Hang Power snatch @ 95lb/65lb
A. Clean Pull. Clean; 1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. Seated BTN Press @21x1; 4-6x5, rest 2m
6 Sets:
200m Run @80%
8 tng DL @135
AMRAP UB Pushup @4040 tempo
Rest 1 Min b/w sets
*5m rest after set #3
HPA - Power
A. Overhead Squat @ 20X1, work to tough triple
B. Power Clean & Push press, work to Max
C. Power clean & Push Press, 15 reps for time @ 75% from Highest from part B
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 9 Box jump overs @ 30"
2nd min: 9 Hang Power snatch @ 95lb/65lb
Monday, September 7, 2015
Tuesday September 8, 2015-
5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AB Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remainign time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85%
(no rest)
5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AB Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remainign time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85%
(rest as needed)
20 Minute AMRAP @75%
40 cal Row
50ft forward & reverse bear crawl
50ft forward & reverse duck walk
10 strict T2B
HPA - Power
30 minute Low effort Rowing:@ minutes 5,10,15,20,25,30 perform 3-6 UB Ring Muscle ups
@ minutes 2:30,7:30,12:30,17:30, 22:30,27:30 perform 8-10 UB kipping HSPU
10 min EMOM: (Unbroken Complex)
Hold Hanging L-sit :05 + 6-8 Toes to bar
5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AB Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remainign time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85%
(no rest)
5 Minute EMOM:
5 second AB Sprint- all out
*slow spin in remainign time
(no rest)
5 Minute AB @85%
(rest as needed)
20 Minute AMRAP @75%
40 cal Row
50ft forward & reverse bear crawl
50ft forward & reverse duck walk
10 strict T2B
HPA - Power
30 minute Low effort Rowing:@ minutes 5,10,15,20,25,30 perform 3-6 UB Ring Muscle ups
@ minutes 2:30,7:30,12:30,17:30, 22:30,27:30 perform 8-10 UB kipping HSPU
10 min EMOM: (Unbroken Complex)
Hold Hanging L-sit :05 + 6-8 Toes to bar
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