
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015-

10 Minute AMRAP @85%
1000m Row
20 Thruster @65/45
10 Pullups
(rest 7m)
10 Minute AMRAP @85%
80 cal Airdyne
20 OHS @65/45
10 T2B
(rest 7m)
3 Rounds @Z1
5 Min row or AD
40m Bear Crawl (arms straight, hips below shoulders)
20 walking lunges
40m KB Front Rack Carry @24kg/arm

1 Power Clean every 30s for 10m @70-75% 1RM
500m Row @2k PR pace
Rest 2m x6 sets
(85% effort if you don't have an established 2k PR)
10 Min @ low effort
15 Front Rack Walking Lunge- empty bar
20 cal AD or Row
40m Bear Crawl

HPA -Power 
Wed - snatch (int) - clean (mod) - short interval/EMOM
A. Squat Snatch . hang squat snatch . OH squat, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk, 3 unbroken reps every 1 minute x 6 sets
**this should be tough, try between 65-70% of your 1rm Clean and jerk**
EMOM for 18 minutes:
1st minute: 3 T&G tough Power snatch (165lb/115lb)
2nd minute: 3 Fast Burpees Bar Muscle ups
3rd minute: 3 L-Leg Wtd Pistols squat (24kg/16kg)
4th minute: 3 R-Leg Wtd Pistol Squat (24kg/16/kg)
**Scale weights up or down to make challenging yet acheivable**


  1. Blue
    13 PC @ 65 kg, 7 cleans @ 70LG
    Intervals at 1.49/500

  2. Blue


    Pwr Clean completed @175# (70%)
    *Kept this on the littler side based on how I was feeling.
    *no missed reps
    500m Row Repeat x6
    *rowing felt pretty good today
    10 Min @Low Effort
    -2rds+20 Cals

  3. GOLD
    1 + 1000 meters
    1+ 24 cals

    *subbed airdyne with rower

  4. Blue

    165 throughout
    - 1:53
    - 1:51
    - 1:53
    - 1:51
    - 1:51
    - 1:49
    3 rounds

  5. Felt great in the afternoon after my session. Went and worked up to a 5@145kg DL and a 80kg PR snatch balance

  6. i did BLUE but the clean part only, i really dont know my max power clean since i always brain fart at 225, i did it at 185 without a problem entire 10min

  7. Completed #185
    all rds completed @1:47 pace
    2 rounds
