
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Monday January 19, 2015-

A. PS; build to a tough tng double
B. BS @13x1; 4-4-4-3-3-3; rest 2-3m
EMOM for 8 Min:
1st: 10-15 Bench @50% max
2nd: 10-15 UB C2B
(rest 5-10m)
EMOM for 8 Min:
1st: AMRAP(-1) Ring MU
2nd: AMRAP(-1) Kip HSPU @6"

A. Hang Power Snatch 1 rep OTM start @ 70%RM(power snatch) add 5# until failure 
B. Snatch Panda Pull 1 rep every minute  x 10 min  ( weight from 95%-105% SnatchRM)
C. Double Barrell Front Squat 2 reps x 8 sets, rest 2-3 min  

Strict HSPU
Hang Power Clean (135/95)
Bar Facing Burpee 
HPA - Power
Mon - squat - C&J - snatch battery
A. Back Squat, build to tough set of 4 reps within 6-7 sets
B.Squat Clean, work to tough touch ang go triple
C. Push press, work to tough 5 rep
EMOM for 21 minutes:
1st minute: 3 T&G Power snatch @ tough weight
2nd minute: 3 OH squats @ same weight as Power snatch
2nd minute: 6 Fast Burpee Box jump overs (30"/24")


  1. Blue


    A) 135#-185#, failed at 190# (1rm)
    *pretty happy about this, lot of pwr snatching to get to this point.
    -Min 1&2 @195# (95%)
    -Min 3 @205# (100%)
    -Min 3-10 @215# (105%)
    -Set 1: @185#
    -Set 2: @205#
    -Sets 3-8: @225#
    *2 min rest b/t sets
    *last 3 sets were tough
    34:03, EGO CHECK!!! About 70-75% of my time was spent on the strict HSPU. After about 4 reps into the round of 15 it was singles the rest of the way. Of all things the round of 3 HSPU is were I got stuck and 3 failures. I wanted scale it to kipping but decide to be patient and work through it. HPC and BFB were steady and not a problem.

  2. Blue

    A) 135# - 180#, failed at 185#. 180# was a PR for me on power snatch
    B) skipped bc of time
    C) 185, 185, 205,205, 225, 225, 245, 245. Last two sets at 245# were too heavy. Ended up just front squatting the 2nd rep on each
    20:42. strict hspu clearly the limiter on time here. I did 18 straight, 3x5, then sets of 3 rest of the way. lots of standing around

  3. Blue
    A) 143 lbs
    B) 10 pulls at 165 lbs
    + 24.40 Muscle endurance of HSPU and HPC is the issue for me

    1. C) 80 kg, 85kg, 90kg, 95kg, 100kg, 100kg fail.
      (176- 187 - 198 - 209 - 220.lbs)

  4. GOLD
    ps- 155 legs were still shot from sat
    Squat- 165-175-205-225-240-240
    BP/C2B 125# 15/10 15/10 15/10 10/10
    MU/HSPU 2/5 1/2 1/2 1/3

  5. BLUE

    A)180 and Failed at 185, previous week hit only 175
    B) 185

    C) 185,185,205,205,215,225,245,265


  6. Still sore from competition this weekend


    A) 195
    B) 225-235-245-255-265-275
    BP @ 135 15, 15, 10, 10
    C2B 15, 10, 10, 10
    MU 6, 3, 3, 3
    HSPU 7, 5, 5, 4

  7. Blue

    A. 105 to 150
    B. 155x6, 165x4
    C. 155, 175x2, 180x2, 190x2, 195

  8. A. Started 105, Ended 150. hook grip was feeling very weak here.
    B. 165x3, 175x4, 185x3
    C. went on a gnarly hike in the morning so my quads were shot. didn't want to put any more stress on them with how they've been feeling while squatting the last couple weeks so I skipped.
    HSPUs probably felt the strongest they've been, especially for such a beastly WOD. other movements felt strong, but I broke up the high rep sets of cleans and paced the burpees a bit to allow myself some more energy for the HSPUs.
