A. Pause Split Jerk; 8-10 singles @80-85 (max SJ); rest as needed (pause 2s in bottom of dip).
5 Sets- near all out (don't redline) *Think 95-97%
:20 Row Sprint @7 damper
:20 Lateral Burpee Over Rower
:35 Airdyne
Rest 4-5m
*Do not count transitions in the work time. ie- if you get onto the burpee @:25 go until :45, not :40.
20 Minute Z1 Airdyne or Row
HPA- Blue
A. Weighted Dip @ 21X1, 3-5 reps x 5 sets , rest 2 min
B. Deficit HSPU 3 reps every 90 seconds x 7 sets
** if HSPU are challenging 5 second eccentric ONLY on every rep then kick back up
For Time:
100 Double unders
12 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
3 rope climbs
75 double under
9 Shoulder to overhead
2 rope climb
50 Double under
6 shoulder to overhead
1 rope climb
HPA - Power
Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Power snatch . high hang squat snatch, 1.1work to moderate set within 6-7 sets
B. Split jerk, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1 min 2's @ 55%rm, 1's @ 60%RM
A. Power snatch . high hang squat snatch, 1.1work to moderate set within 6-7 sets
B. Split jerk, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1 min 2's @ 55%rm, 1's @ 60%RM
C1. Standing Alternatine Dumbell strict press, 5 tough reps/arm x 4 sets rest :20
C2. Dumbell Push press, 10-12 unbroken reps w/ same weight as C1 x 4 sets rest 1 min
C3. Hanging L-sit Hold, accummulate :25 x 4 sets rest 1 min
C2. Dumbell Push press, 10-12 unbroken reps w/ same weight as C1 x 4 sets rest 1 min
C3. Hanging L-sit Hold, accummulate :25 x 4 sets rest 1 min
ReplyDeleteA) 35#x5, 55#x5, 55#x5, 55#x4, 55#x4
B) completed but struggled with this
6:05, breathing still off from this cold. The dips and pressing felt tough today.
ReplyDeleteA) 9.25k/20.4 (5), 10.5kg/23.1lbs (5) 12kg/26.4lbs (5) 14.5kg/32lbs (5) 16kg/35.2 (2)
B) 3 rds with 8cm (20kg plate), 4 rds with 12cm (20kg + 10kg)
+ 12.58. My performance in the AM is shit
A 225 for all
120m, 8 burpees, 24 cal
120m, 8 burpees, 25 cal
119m, 8 burpees, 22 cal
116m, 8 burpees, 20 cal
117m, 8 burpees, 22 cal
ReplyDeleteA. 35, 35, 40, 42.5, 45 (5 for all)
B. 6"-7" deficit for all
Limiting factor was the S2O. My arms were tired and the weight was heavy.
ReplyDeleteA) 225X2, 235X6
112, 9
112, 9
112, 10
110, 10
Didn't keep track of AD
ReplyDeleteResults (traveling for work so at regular gym):
A) 55#x5x5
B) no realistic way to create deficit so just did 3 strict HSPU w/ slow negative OTM
No rope, subbed strict pull-ups 9,6,3
Lost a lot of time tripping in 2nd set of double unders and S20 was really inefficient. My push jerks for workouts like this suck... My push jerk is only ~7-8% better than my push press, split jerk is 30%+ better than my push press. Big gap in there