
Monday, December 1, 2014

Tuesday December 2, 2014-

A. Push Press; build to a tough 1.1.1 cluster from the blocks (10s b/w reps)
5 Sets- ALL out
:30 Burpees to 6" touch
:30 AD for cals
Rest 4-5m
20 Minute Z1 Airdyne or Row

HPA- Blue
A. Weighted Dip @ 21X1,  4-6 reps x 4 sets , rest 2 min
B. Deficit HSPU Negative 3 reps x 6 sets rest 90 seconds 
* largest deficit Possible while keeping at least a 3 seconds eccentric 
For Time:
100 Double under 
15 Power clean 135/95
50 wall ball 20/14
15 power clean
100 double under 

HPA - Power 
Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical work + core
A. High Hang Squat snatch, work to moderate set of 2 reps within 6-7 sets
B. Split jerk, 3-3-2-2-1-1 rest 1 min (3's @ 50%RM, 2's @ 55%rm, 1's @ 60%RM
C1. Standing strict press, 5 tough resp x 4 sets rest :20
C2. Kipping handstand push ups, 10-12 unbroken reps x 4 sets rest 1 min
C3. Barbell Rollouts @ 3111, 8-10 reps x 4 sets rest 1 min 


  1. For Blue, are we allowed to kip the HSPU's?

    Vic, if you post before I get a response, can you let me know what you do?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. For blue the Rx is "Defecit HSPU Negative", meaning you just perform the eccentric portion of the movement (similar to a Pullup negative, which can be used as a progression for strict Pullups). So, once you hit the bottom of the rep you just reset, kick back up and perform the 2nd/ 3rd reps of the set (with as large a defector as possible whilst maintaining atleast a 3 second eccentric).

    3. Thanks for the input, Evan. I'll remember that for next time!

  2. Results

    A) 35#x4, 40#x4, 45#x4, 45#x4
    B) (6" deficit w/kip)-4,2,3,2,2,2
    *definitely don't feel as strong with hspu as I did before hurting my hand. Maybe it was the deficit!
    7:54, pretty steady all the way thru broke as needed.

  3. Blue
    For the HSPU, I just did negatives (the eccentric portion)

    A) 8kgx6, 10.5 kg (23lbs) x 5, 5, 6, 5,
    B) Negatives - worked to 37.5 cm (14.7") focusing on 3-4 seconds on the eccentric portion. I came down after each rep and kicked back up.
    + 12.36

  4. Blue

    A. 35, 40, 45, 50 (all 6 reps)
    B. 6"(ish) deficit w/kip (all 3 reps. could have done more or boosted the deficit)

    Had to quit the METCON 5 reps into the PCs. The repeated compression of the DU's aggravated my lower back and was not feeling the PCs. Transitioned to 100 wallballs instead. May take a few more weeks before I can do bar work in a METCON again.

  5. Blue

    A) subbed bench press - 185x10, 205x8, 215x6, 225x6
    B) set up biggest deficit I could (shoulders touched hands on way down). Negative no problem. Getting back up even with Kip was hard!
    8:01. Not my best effort... Legs felt heavy

  6. Gold

    A) 205
    13, 17
    13, 14
    13, 12
    10 min row
    10 min AD

  7. A: +10kg(6), 12.5(6), 15(4), 15(4)
    B: scaled pike position, feet 24" box, 10kg plates as deficit, pushed up, so not only negative, struggled on set 5+6 with the 3 reps

    12:58, 2nd 100 du were very unconsistend
